Author Topic: Re: Banners flame war  (Read 36833 times)

Offline GaNzTheLegend

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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2015, 03:31:10 PM »
why does it even bother you?
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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2015, 09:46:19 PM »

We have been using banner before equinox each year. Please just come back to your old self. You were a favorite player and ally of mine and I don't know why it has to be this way now.

I even tried helping you out with your UWC the first time around

After that you disappeared.

I continue to run my tournaments and stuff the same as usual. You think I am just trying to rip you off on everything but I am not. The W2FL league was ran before you even brought UWC the first time

There is thread for first W2FL, this time I bring it back as a qualifying system to get into a ultimate tournament where all past champions are welcome to compete.

I offered to help you spread the word about your UWC and you want me to not be able to do anything else that I want to do. I don't understand why. I would think you would appreciate my efforts to help you but instead you have chosen to just slander me and the server that I love.

Come back to us.


edit: want to go back even further?

How about 2006 when you played as Jack94 , and I added you into the tournament directors for our cases league and stuck up for you even then when community of players were against you. You don't have to like me but please just respect my wishes for you to stop the spam.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2015, 09:57:16 PM by x-DW-x)BuRnT( »

Offline Winchester

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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2015, 09:54:09 PM »
You bring up a really good point burnt. You did provide help..

What an unappreciative prick Equinox is.

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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2015, 04:57:24 AM »

We have been using banner before equinox each year. Please just come back to your old self. You were a favorite player and ally of mine and I don't know why it has to be this way now.

I even tried helping you out with your UWC the first time around

After that you disappeared.

I continue to run my tournaments and stuff the same as usual. You think I am just trying to rip you off on everything but I am not. The W2FL league was ran before you even brought UWC the first time

There is thread for first W2FL, this time I bring it back as a qualifying system to get into a ultimate tournament where all past champions are welcome to compete.

I offered to help you spread the word about your UWC and you want me to not be able to do anything else that I want to do. I don't understand why. I would think you would appreciate my efforts to help you but instead you have chosen to just slander me and the server that I love.

Come back to us.


edit: want to go back even further?

How about 2006 when you played as Jack94 , and I added you into the tournament directors for our cases league and stuck up for you even then when community of players were against you. You don't have to like me but please just respect my wishes for you to stop the spam.

This is the only way you can prove you try to help me? Get a thread old of 10 years with jack94? Lol

Let's be honnest, the only reason why you help jack94 (10 years ago) it was because IT HELP YOU and not me.

Since i was administrator of YOUR TOURNEMENT!

But if we talk about mine you never help me, you just fuck everything i do because your a little jealous arroant faggot.

Let's be honnest, where the fuck you were six month ago when i was here everyday to take cares of this server, where the fuck you where when this game was totaly dieing six month ago? Not here!

The only thing you did is came back from the death exactly when i started my league to start your own one.

I even try to tell you in private it was not the good time for your league, i told you, this game is dead burnt, making two leagues will just gonna spread players and ruined everything... I told you to start your new league when the game gonna be bigger, because your gonna kill mine.. But you dint listen, you just dint fucking cares about what i said and you came back to kill everything i do.. All the work i do for this server, you kill it for your own personal satisfaction.

Your league stink, this league not gonna help nobody, my league was perfect for everyone, was innovation, was serious and had his own website where people can follow the league.. Not a stupid threads we gonna lose in 6 month between 2500 others different thread.

You kill this game and a good chance to let him grow up after you decide to give prority to your own cheapy ass league.

You just have no respect for others.


This tournament is from 2013, not 2014 and thats the only time you help me in 10 years.

You never do shit for me, only ruined everything.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 06:46:28 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2015, 08:06:08 AM »
Let's be honnest, where the fuck you were six month ago when i was here everyday to take cares of this server, where the fuck you where when this game was totaly dieing six month ago? Not here!

Rofl, Equinox actually thinks that raging at admins everyday, telling new players to not play the game, and saying DIE RU DIE is "Taking care of the server" in burnts abscence.

I even try to tell you in private it was not the good time for your league,

Provide evidence, which you clearly won't because you're known to make shit up always just like you do with your hacking

Your league stink, this league not gonna help nobody, my league was perfect for everyone, was innovation, was serious and had his own website where people can follow the league.. Not a stupid threads we gonna lose in 6 month between 2500 others different thread.

A site which no one signed up for because you tried to shove it down everyones throat like the WWE would force John Cena down your throat because you wanted to hack peoples bank accounts.

In 6 months it wouldn't be lost since you seemed to find burnts OPINION thread where he placed players in tiers over a year after it was made and you were crying over the spot you were placed in. So nice try there, only your posts would be dead content, not burnts.

You just have no respect for others.

The guy helps you with your league and you're calling him a loser and abusing him when you're the one who fucked off for a burger for several months and years to go gamble your life away. And you're the one picking fights with pretty much everyone on this forum, including a guy whos never done anything wrong to you in Burnt, who is being humble to you, and an admin like IL who has never said anything bad about you since he hates that kind of behavior but you respond to him in that disgusting manner each and every time.

You kill this game and a good chance to let him grow up after you decide to give prority to your own cheapy ass league.

Your league is literally trying to parody the UFC, and here you're calling Burnts tournaments like the War2Forever and Festival leagues "Cheapy ass leagues" for the record, he is more original then you, and he puts more money into then you do you retarded hacker. And you can claim to bring all these new players all you want. Burnts tournaments and leagues have proven to draw players in and have made war2 have its highest number of players online whilst its taken place (War2Festivals each year a good example)

You never did shit for burnt is more like it, and hes the one trying to help you. You're the with clearly no respect you disgusting coward.

And even if what you said was true (Which its not because you've changed your story so many times) if burnt started his own league of his own to counter yours, you had no guts to compete against him as a rival to see who can do a better one then the other and who can put more effort in and get the most players? You just threw in the towel because you know he has success even though you always say he doesn't and that his a loser. You're a coward
« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 08:12:54 AM by Winchester »

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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2015, 10:12:48 AM »
"The only thing you did is came back from the death exactly when i started my league to start your own one. "

First off when I make my thread for W2FL Season 2 was November 19th. Your last UWC was a chop on October 25th. By then you had already given up again and you know it.

Then you still decided to attack my league post. I told you my opinions. I told you that I don't think having teams and captains is something that would work out because getting those certain users to happen to be online when you want them (for chop and fastest tournaments) is just not going to happen.

I told you still though I would help you with it, spreading announcements, facebook advertisement and signing player up if it was something you wanted to do.

I told you if you wait that the new forum would be up soon and your entire league could have had their OWN SECTIONS here where a new website was not even necessary and could generate more overall traffic for game and for your league for possible people to play in it. You still were against that too.

I don't know what you expect from me equinox.  If you have faith in your idea then proceed with it and make something happen with it AND I WILL STILL HELP YOU, but if you always give up right away then you never know.

I try to look for ways to make the Warcraft 2 Festival a even bigger event this year. I think I have a great idea this year expanding it to the entire month of July with big tournaments every weekend of the Festival and the climax with the Tournament Of Champions to end it all. All of these mini tournaments serve as hype to that big final event and give players the chance to change it up and play a different map, with low , medium , high resources.

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Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2015, 10:31:09 AM »
i honestly dunno wtf,  eq is Da most active in here (forums), its the first one to come with a rage post in every single thread... as well in the game. Always logged and even plays games, (does that under the lpzcoldjack aka though).  Who does that?,  really

Need to either:
A) smoke a big blunt
B) get laid
C) go to a shrink. (lol)
D) all of the above

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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2015, 01:29:38 PM »
"The only thing you did is came back from the death exactly when i started my league to start your own one. "

First off when I make my thread for W2FL Season 2 was November 19th. Your last UWC was a chop on October 25th. By then you had already given up again and you know it.

Then you still decided to attack my league post. I told you my opinions. I told you that I don't think having teams and captains is something that would work out because getting those certain users to happen to be online when you want them (for chop and fastest tournaments) is just not going to happen.

I told you still though I would help you with it, spreading announcements, facebook advertisement and signing player up if it was something you wanted to do.

I told you if you wait that the new forum would be up soon and your entire league could have had their OWN SECTIONS here where a new website was not even necessary and could generate more overall traffic for game and for your league for possible people to play in it. You still were against that too.

I don't know what you expect from me equinox.  If you have faith in your idea then proceed with it and make something happen with it AND I WILL STILL HELP YOU, but if you always give up right away then you never know.

I try to look for ways to make the Warcraft 2 Festival a even bigger event this year. I think I have a great idea this year expanding it to the entire month of July with big tournaments every weekend of the Festival and the climax with the Tournament Of Champions to end it all. All of these mini tournaments serve as hype to that big final event and give players the chance to change it up and play a different map, with low , medium , high resources.

My last uwc was the chop tournament, but i let down the league because you annonced your pathetic league on forum way before the 19th, thats why i even take time to talk at you in private and ask you to let down you stupid league untill we have more players.. But you tell me, No we have enouph players when it was exactly the probleme '' not enouph players ''.. Thats exactly why i ask you to help me for UWC and do promotion for me instead of doing competion with 2 different league and spread people when we was like 25 players in the past. But you just do your shit like someone who has no fucking respect for what ive done the 2 last month to save your stupid game when nobody know what you where doing for..

Then your opinions... Who give a fuck about your opinions and all that staff opinion when after 10 years you guys have doing nothing good?? 10 years we still 40 players, your opinion worth a shit and thats why this game dont grow up, because you guys always want to do about YOUR stupid opinion.

Telling me peoples will not want to play my league when you probably dont know how it work, i had already 5 different teams.

Team Shortgun: Shotgun (C) and bp (A)
Team Legit Players: Equinox (C), Braviet (A), Niggatello (A) and CptClaw (A)
Team Da_Champs!: Ripe[Eur0] (C), SirJynxIt (A) and War2Ru (A)
Team Jesk-Attack: BHC-JesK (C) and Alf-Attack (A)
Team Da_Playsta: Player (C), Younsta (A) and Justinschmidt (A)
Team Mystical_Own_Spb: Mystical (C), Spb (A), ChOpStyx (A)
Team Akatsuki: Phaneron[A] (C) and Kage[A] (A)
I work 1 month on this fucking league, and you destroyed everything i was building because you want to be someone after let this game die like a pig you are.

Now you doing your good guy and hosting your cheap ass tournament when your trying to act like if you want to help me with some post of 10 years ago LOL..

Fuck your tournament, fuck your hacking server, fuck your staff and fuck you too loser.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 01:35:51 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Winchester

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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2015, 02:04:23 PM »
Rofl, guys so mad that he doesn't know how to host a tournament properly

« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 02:14:05 PM by Winchester »

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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2015, 02:25:24 PM »
"My last uwc was the chop tournament, but i let down the league because you annonced your pathetic league on forum way before the 19th"

That was the exact date I started it, no prior announcement. Go to my user profile, search all of my posts. We talked in private AFTER my league already started and you wanted me to get rid of it, which I told you I am not going to do. I am going to run my tournament qualifying matches until July's big Festival VII.

You had teams sign up for some tournaments, great, but that was not my point. My point is you were talking about each team sends someone to represent them in each tournament and I told you I don't think the players would happen to be logged on at the right times for that to work out as you vision it. I think you are reaching too far there to think differently.

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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2015, 02:28:32 PM »
Yes, thats why your an idiot, you dint even know about what you talk.

Each team have a captain to choose the roster on every tournament or event, if the captain is afk there 2 assistant to replace him and choose roster for him.

Your an idiot and you just have your shitty opinion.

No opinion about the fact your a faggot with no respect for other works?
« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 02:33:16 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2015, 02:33:44 PM »
So why was the UWC inactive for near a month without prior announcement of my tournaments?

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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2015, 02:42:28 PM »
Because the game was dead, i put the league on holding and try to find a way to bring more peoples, you dont remember that thread i made about a mail we send on every forum.. That mail i send on 12 different forums and ask peoples to control past it and do the same.

Thats idea you steal  from me and try to make peoples believe it was an idea from your friend darkrage something or i dont know.

Then you announced your cheappy ass league and i told you to forget this retard idea and help me in promotion instead to spread people we have.

Then you start your cheap ass league without respect from no where when i was saving the server for you.

Now look your server, there nobody, more dead then before, still have the color bug, everyone hacks, everyone smurfs, thats the total mess.

Good job bro your an hero, a real hero for real loser and hackers, sucker.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 02:47:19 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline GaNzTheLegend

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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2015, 02:54:21 PM »
it had a good run, glad I got out when I did.
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Re: Re: Banners flame war
« Reply #29 on: February 21, 2015, 02:54:34 PM »
I have been advertising on forums for the entire existence of the server , go to google and search war2combat forums. (I have literally posted on thousands of them, sorry that people like to ban the new users when they log on). This is not some brilliant thing you have thought up, this is something I have done and asked players to do in the past, and trust me there are more (better) methods to go about as well considering 90% of forum posts get deleted on site these days, and post count minimums before posting links that they have.

Oh and it took you two months to make your UWC forum?

Here I just did it in 10 minutes.  Oh no did I just steal your idea.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 02:59:36 PM by x-DW-x)BuRnT( »