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Messages - shesycompany

Pages: 1 ... 170 171 [172] 173 174 ... 262
General Discussion / Re: A Real Gamer.
« on: July 03, 2016, 03:27:47 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Leftism thread for
« on: July 03, 2016, 03:03:49 PM »
maybe you are the liberal?

i dont get it either.b*tch sure aint no shakespear

General Discussion / Re: Leftism thread for
« on: July 01, 2016, 12:56:59 PM »
looks like he is also saying "F U" and makes sure by the gesture of the other hand pointing.

General Discussion / Re: The Music thread!
« on: July 01, 2016, 01:09:19 AM »

Support Requests / Re: Question - how to identify war2 port?
« on: June 29, 2016, 04:37:27 PM »
yeah that bot needs to come back!

Support Requests / Re: Why my computer freez when i alt tab???
« on: June 29, 2016, 03:02:11 AM »
i just blue screened with mozilla+win7  but a)this pc is a pos b)win7 needs to be reinstalled as its been sucking ass for over a year now just to lazy.

i got a server from 05 quad core hell of alot better than the pc im using now 3 core  but is loud as fuck lol.

my single core comps does play war2 the best.

Cartography & Custom Maps / Re: Dota type map for war2
« on: June 28, 2016, 04:53:29 PM »
it would have to be pac......but man if u could somehow lock that address in the exe itself boom theres a mod :P.

Mods & Development / Re: Tupac & easycompanys WarCraft 2 Map Editor
« on: June 27, 2016, 11:41:57 PM »
im always trying to get that one object smaller or gone...buildings can be 1 square or 0 circle of power instead of 9 like townhall,so that means small towns...just a way to make bigger maps.
dam did everyone get jobs at blizz back in the day :/ this is the dude i think made dos war2 do some weird shit and pissed alot of people off.  there we go..

it wasnt the schlong dude but some other guys.

just they did have the ability to make the buildings make other units.

this is dos people not bnet.

these people gonna have a hella a mod on wargus...

! No longer available

! No longer available

Cartography & Custom Maps / Re: Dota type map for war2
« on: June 27, 2016, 10:02:56 PM »
yeah still messing with the old maps i put in here, alot of people had skeletons on the exp creep idea is old as war2.

nice tupac! can still just put a mac on a old pc/vm and do 3x3 type of stuff.

or someone creates custom ai,give the 2 comps lots of gold  (barrack and farms only) to make foots sit 1 closer to one base other closer to other that would be a ok creep.

Mods & Development / Re: hex's
« on: June 26, 2016, 11:49:53 PM »
lol i crashed all over bad pud :P.

11D6 - 1243: Missle types

00 00 00 00 00 00 1D 1D 1D 1D 0E 0D 1D 1D 0F 10 00 0A 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 0F 10 0F 0A 01 1D 00 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 18 18 07 07 00 02 1D 1D 11 12 1D 1D 01 02 1D 1D 1D 1D 00 1D 1D 0A 1D 10 00 1D 1B 1D 00 00 00 00 00 00 1D 1D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 0F 18 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 Lightning
01 Griffon Hammer
02 Dragon Breath and Fireball
03 Fireball by Flame Shield
04 Flame Shield
05 Blizzard
06 Death and Deacy
07 Big Cannon
08 Exorcism
09 Heal Effect
0A Touch of Death
0B Rune
0C Whirlwind
0D Catapult Rock
0E Ballista Bolt
0F Arrow
10 Axe
11 Submarine Missile
12 Turtle Missile
13 Small Fire
14 Big Fire
15 Ballista and Catapult impact
16 Normal Spell
17 Explosion
18 Small Cannon
19 Cannon Explosion
1A Cannon Tower Explosion
1B Daemon Fire
1C Green Cross
1D    None
*1E-FF ???
1E - Crash
1F - Crash
20 - Walking peon then crashed
21 - Shoots attacking Ballista
22 - Shoots attacking Cat
23 - Palis run in werid
24 - Crashed
25 - Crashed when you attack
26 - Crashed
27 - Mages Death animation then they move and become very violent
28 - Death Knights then crashes
29 - Crashed when you attack
2A - Orge or orge mage then crashes
2B - Dwarfs Exploding
2C - Sapper then crashes
2D - Crashed
2E - Peon then crashed
2F - Nothing then crashed
30 - Trolls running and attacking
31 - Dead Archer Animation then crashes
32 - Crashed when you attack
33 - Crashes
34 - Running dead orges
35 - Running mages
36 - Crashed
37 - Crashed
38 - Crashed
39 - Transport
3A - Blank
3B - Crashed
3C - Crashed
3D - Crashed
3E - Crashed
3F - Crashed
40 - Crashed
41 - Blank attack then crashed
42 - Crashed
43 - Blank
44 - Crashed
45 - Flying Machine
46 - Crashed
47 - Crashed
48 - Blank then crashed
49 - Crashed when you attack
4A - Eye
4B - Crashed
4C - Crashed
4D - Crashed when you attack
4E - Crashed
4F - Crashed
50 - Death Knight
51 - Dead running knight
52 - Crashed
53 - Blank then crashed
54 - Skelton
55 - Blank
56 - Critter
57 - Crashed
58 - Pig farm
59 - Crash when you attack

Mods & Development / hex's
« on: June 26, 2016, 11:23:10 PM »
hex 1500  "08" 
01 00 08 08

1 sparkles
2 buildings
3 buildings
4 ships? 5 orc sounds
6 subs 7 subs?
8 seems normal
9  seems nrmal orc sounded death
a building
b can attack building
c ship??
d ship??
e bulding and is sub
f buiding crashes no good
01 00grunt/foot death
02canon death
03 cannon death
06 05 04 07explosion
08- unknown

08 and thers unknown takes out cpu

00'00'<--- 2nd
1 townhall
2 unkown
3 is towhnhall
4 balista
5 ballisata and townhall

01 can get gold same reapir alt 1
02 unknown
03 can get gold same repair alt 1
04 kinda transporty "buggY"
05 transporty goldpeon buggyy
06 oil tanker transporty buggy
07 peon transport buggy
08-sea?? building blocked
09 same 08

so lets say you want to make a scouttower townhall

it would be whatver its main building is 20 or  a0 etc keep it standard as i was running wild hexes.
a0 10 00* 00* *still researching here.
that would be a scout tower that accepts gold and lumber.

01 10 08 08 would be a unit that accepts gold and lumber.
01 14 08 08 would be a townhall foot that is also a transport*bugged
ill add to this list when i get to it or whoever is messing with it.

Cartography & Custom Maps / Re: Dota type map for war2
« on: June 26, 2016, 10:56:56 PM »
im thinking more of a heroes of the storm would require some hell of customizations way more than we got now.

like the extra players work for a dota also ..they can be freindly and attack cpu or attack both..i just wonder if they can be team specific.

ill see if i can throw together a war3 sample thats the easiest route.

audacity had some setting for .wavs that made them like mp3s...but it had to have the program to open them :/ they was like 200kb in size and dam good quality.

but u got to have it as its specific to it then save as a regular wav then put in install.exe could do the same with mp3..

maybe some automated mp3 to wav to install.exe thing.

make your war1s .mp3 id love to check them out.

2580 / Re: People dodging ladder games.
« on: June 26, 2016, 10:36:04 PM »
hell no !! i drink id fuck shit up

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