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Messages - Lone_Starr

Pages: [1] 2
Support Requests / uPNP Failed Redirection
« on: July 07, 2021, 07:24:18 PM »
Hi guys,

The uPNP Failed Redirection problem is still about (see attached screenshot). It only happens occasionally, and I’m still able to join/ make games. Guess this is just for reference only.

My specs again:
Spec: PC @ i7-2700K CPU, 8 GB RAM
         War2combat @ War2Combat46_en_full, War2BNEInSight105RC2

Regards all,

Support Requests / Re: Screenshot command bug
« on: June 29, 2021, 05:10:50 PM »
Additional, this problem is not as bad as I first thought.

You can download the image and it will show a complete ss (use MS paint), albeit somewhat corrupted/ shifted.  Think this is the workaround until the problem gets looked at?

Regards all,

Support Requests / Screenshot command bug
« on: June 28, 2021, 03:58:22 PM »
Hi guys,

There’s a bug in the /ss feature, which I haven’t seen addressed. Occasionally the screenshot is incomplete, see the ss link below as an example.

The only clues I can offer is that I requested the ss, and it was CharlieChoplin who created the game. Any ideas?

I also came across this ss from a different game earlier this year;

I see this problem happening with Google Chrome Version 91.0.4472.114 (Official Build) (64-bit). Other browsers may give different results?

Almost forgot to add my specs again:
Spec: PC @ i7-2700K CPU, 8 GB RAM
         War2combat @ War2Combat46_en_full, War2BNEInSight105RC2

Regards all,

4 / Re: Automatic ss implemented on the server
« on: May 16, 2021, 11:30:19 AM »
I think you're still going to need spoof checks (i.e. /ping), and compare that with the list of players under the 'allies' menu.


Support Requests / Re: Insight - New bug?
« on: February 20, 2021, 05:18:17 PM »
This appears to of been a server glitch. Was resolved by a server reboot this evening

Regards all,

Support Requests / Insight - New bug?
« on: February 19, 2021, 04:22:57 PM »
Hi guys,

A new bug has recently come into Insight. I've played the attached replay dozens of times without fail. Now just recently it's started to bomb-out at approx. 5:11 into the game, with at least a minute still to run. Ive restored the replay app to a known good version, and the same for the wir file, with no success. I can only guess that something on the server has taken a hit?

Spec: PC @ i7-2700K CPU, 8 GB RAM
         War2combat @ War2Combat46_en_full, War2BNEInSight105RC2

Please get back to me, Regards

Mods & Development / Re: Do we have war2insight 's source code?
« on: January 12, 2021, 03:00:38 PM »

The program needs work anyway, as there are still occasionally premature breaks as it cannot handle all the info comming in/ out.

Regards again

Mods & Development / Re: Do we have war2insight 's source code?
« on: January 11, 2021, 04:46:01 PM »
Hi guys,

I'd like to add to this because I think it's an important topic, and could do with emphasising.

Also, with the code, we could kill once and for all name spoofers on the server. Not sure how many there are now, but they used to be rampant back in the day. The program could verify each players name against their login once the game started, and make a note/ alert if found to be different.

This really is the most important of anti-hacks, as it renders all other checks pointless if they are running against a spoofer.

Regards all,

As mouse said, highlight a unit or building.
    Green outline = your unit
    Yellow = allies unit
    Red = enemy unit.

Alternatively, if you're under pressure, just move/ attack/ patrol up to the target unit. The program will automatically attack the unit if it's the enemy.


Lone Starr

10 / Re: ss requested by lone_Starr.
« on: January 24, 2017, 07:09:42 PM »

Never said anything about you map hacking for that reason, or if you used a lumber hack. All your words, not mine. You're the one making this a federal case by posting in the forums instead of on the site as you're supposed to.

The rules ain't mine, you got a complaint with them, take it up with the admin.

You're a damn liar about the build hacking and map hacking, I never said anything of the kind. I asked for a ss is all. However, your response Does tie in with previous accusations of you hacking:
Surprised u havent heard of him. Warbandit has been caught hacking at least 2x.  First time he was all apologetic and vowed to stop.. then got caught at least 1 more time a couple months later

Regards (to almost) all,

Lone Starr

11 / Trouble loses with 30 dragons
« on: December 11, 2016, 01:27:37 PM »
Hi Gang,

If you're ever playing me, don't do what Trouble did and just sit there with over 30 dragons before attacking/ rescuing the remains of his allies. It's embarrassing (see attached replay)

Regards all,

Lone Starr

12 / Adam-w backstabs
« on: July 17, 2016, 11:13:37 AM »
Hi Guys,

Just a heads-up, I ran into some joker named Adam-w on the server Saturday night. He backstabbed me 'cause I wouldn't go air. Check the replay, I had neither the space nor time, with DQ breathing down my neck. He attacks ~ 11 mins into game.

The icing was he threatened to take and use my ip, with the obvious hack threat/ DOS implication. He even threaten to tell 'international security' (LMAO).

Anyway, beware of this joker. Regards all,

13 / Re: Hacking
« on: November 11, 2015, 07:47:31 AM »
LMFAO @ dellam. Man, you just get worse…

You haven’t addressed the fact that I said you’re contradicting yourself. Unless you can address that, that’s another One-nil to me.

Point 1/ Displaying technical knowledge of hacks does not make you an expert on who hacks, so you lose this point too.

Point 2/ I have no idea if xxxsmeagolxxx hacks because I’ve never played him. On the other hand I believe you hack, simply because of the sheer number of people saying you do. Hell even the admins are saying it, and the evidence must be strong for them to be convinced:
If you ever get into actually playing games instead of hacking or ruining shit then I'll see about it.

The final quote is the easiest, your memory’s going apart from anything else.
" doesn't two weeks go quickly" ... I don't get it
You said several times in previous posts (and in a p*ssed off PM) that I’d be banned for 2 weeks. Here to tell you now that in that time I’ve been active both on the boards and in-game. Guess the admins agree with me, pulling a modem plug ain’t a hack after all.

Regards (to almost) all,

Lone Starr

14 / Re: Hacking
« on: November 10, 2015, 08:48:58 AM »
ROFL @ dellam. Does anyone else see the contradiction here? He says
Whereas someone like myself hasn't never once hacked... Doesn't know how to hack

He then says in a later post
But ss doesn't prove your not hacking . You could turn it off . You could just use hack to build that orge mound then upgrade fort and no1 would notice on ss ...Or map hack at start to see starting location, turn off map hack , then Scout straight towards It. It also wouldn't show up on ss

Incredibly knowledgeable for someone who's supposedly never used hacks and doesn't know how they work.

BTW dellam - doesn't 2 weeks go quickly ; )

Regards all,

Lone Starr

15 / Re: A lesson in Warcraft?
« on: October 27, 2015, 09:02:53 AM »
LMAO @ dellam, I notice you can’t show me in the rules where it says I can’t unplug my modem. One – nil to me.

So I can never lose , just disc every time

Nope, never said that. On the contrary, I advise both beginner and pro not to disc, you’ll get a bad rep. if you do it too much, and no-one will want to play you. It’s only in extreme circumstances like the above, or where someone is obviously hacking (e.g deathknights at great hall) that I’d recommend a disc. Go check my stats if you don’t believe me.

As for your ‘fag’ comment, well that goes to prove you’ve lost the argument if you need to resort to personal abuse. I can see why someone with your hacker rep would be down on anyone with an answer to hacking, however limited it is.

I’m going to call that game set and match to me, I won’t be responding to any more of your posts unless you can significantly raise both your argument and level of criticism.
Regards (to almost) all,

Lone Starr

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