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Messages - baRa

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76 / Re: Re: Equinox complaint box
« on: December 05, 2020, 09:26:22 PM »
Not once did lone challenge me after that beat down and i don't blame him either, not sure where you're getting that from?

His life was literally shattered that night. He even claimed he hasn't lost a series vs anyone in 3 years, well until I came along. There's replay proof and witness accounts I don't need to make anything up. Even watching the replays you can tell he was completely outclassed, outsmarted, and utterly destroyed. Especially the F games, those were a literal thrashing on every level. A setting I haven't even played since 2010. Lone is gum on the bottom of my shoe, not even worth the trouble.

77 / Re: Equinox complaint box
« on: December 05, 2020, 08:56:44 PM »
Tk, so you played 1 good game against swift and that did it for you? 1 game that you didn't even win? 

How about spanking lone so hard that he hasn't logged on since? So full of shame and embarrassment. All of a sudden he doesn't "care" about the game. Good one

Have fun with your 0 new threads in a week.

This forum is just soo much fun now. Thanks nazi mods!

80 / Re: Controversial "utube channel" thread stickied?
« on: November 26, 2020, 09:43:40 AM »
To be fair, xurnt turned out to be partly right in the fact that someone other than Jordan was on his account playing vs him. So...

81 / Re: Warcraft 2 Tier List (Updated) Cast Votes
« on: November 22, 2020, 08:08:36 PM »
Those lists are a complete load of crap. First off, 99% of you have never seen 99% of those players. And multiple names on those lists are the same person in different eras with new names. And the biggest travesty is im tier 6?! Realistically im top 2 tiers ez.

82 / Re: Demoted to rank #20 for inactive 10+ days
« on: November 21, 2020, 02:43:09 PM »
I love how you newbs like to use being fake drunk as an excuse. Reminds me of someone else..

Gold Mine / Re: wc2 utube channel
« on: November 20, 2020, 06:33:33 PM »
U know I said a lot of things to Xurnt when he had his initial meltdown. I will make it clear now. Jordan and Blid are two different people and no I don't actually think swift hacks.

You clearly said you supported my actions on the server would seem that was a lie as well.

Where's there's smoke there's fire. Why say those things in the first place?

Gold Mine / Re: wc2 utube channel
« on: November 20, 2020, 12:31:51 PM »
"No, you can't trust me!" Said no one ever.

Look at admin warbux, he was all gung ho and banning people left and right. Where is he now?

Gold Mine / Re: wc2 utube channel
« on: November 20, 2020, 09:46:56 AM »
Nice thing a NON ADMIN has access to all this privy information. I now feel more safe on this server than I ever have! Maybe Burnt and equinox are on to something. Weird stuff is going on here and I don't like it one bit.

86 / Re: Demoted to rank #20 for inactive 10+ days
« on: November 19, 2020, 09:44:49 AM »
Lone and Derber

Ripe[Wasted] new #1 lol

Ripe hasnt played since October?

Gold Mine / Re: wc2 utube channel
« on: November 18, 2020, 09:12:52 PM »
Wait so Burnt is asking for money? For what?

I'm willing to help a brother out, just send me some of his info like current residential address, employer information, and SIN number. That's it.

88 / Re: Cya everyones.
« on: November 18, 2020, 12:29:05 AM »
Didn't you quit 2 weeks ago as well? You don't need to quit bro. Just take some time off and come back when you're ready. Even with me, I'm not a full time player anymore. But in the short time that I occasionally do play, I'm still superior in every way to Lone.

I'm wondering if sharing accounts is deemed wrong around here. I mean there is smurfing the traditional way, then there is smurfing the sharing accounts way. Where you log into your main or smurf and you have a buddy who logs into your other name. And people be like OH so and so can't be that smurf, look hes right there. Let's just say I know I a few people who share accounts, which I don't think is completely right

War2 forums since the beginning of time have been like this and it isn't about to change now because some hotshot wannabee admin wants it to. These forums are a place for people to come and show their characters whether you like those characters or not. I think of it as wrestling, where you have your heels and baby faces. Like them or hate them they are here to entertain. This isn't some PRO league like sc2 where things are taken super seriously. Chill out dude

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