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Messages - tora is a simp bitch for billionaires

Pages: 1 ... 241 242 [243] 244 245 ... 267
General Discussion / Re: us 2016 elections thread (america ftw)
« on: May 06, 2015, 02:15:07 PM »
is sanders even that wealthy? i mean compared to the other candidates

General Discussion / Re: us 2016 elections thread (america ftw)
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:49:19 PM »
no one is getting pre selected, you just need to be wealthy to run a proper campaign and i guess are wealthy people are scum or completely out of touch with reality.

Uh yeah that's the whole point???? The system is set up so that those are the only people who can possibly win an election.
that's quite different from being pre selected.. like what if a rich guy who wasn't a total dumbass ran?? like bernie???????

General Discussion / Re: us 2016 elections thread (america ftw)
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:34:27 PM »
no, voting has nothing to do with individualism. like protests that fought for an 8 hr workday, better wages , woman's suffrage,  voting can do the same thing.


voting apathy is why morons get into office on low voting turnout rates, it's why canada has harpercons in office when only 30% of the country actually gave a shit to vote, now realizing their mistake record turnout rates in alberta now ousting the cons.

voting is a waste of time in canada too but even moreso in the US because the electoral system in the US is rigged to never allow more than two parties and just due to the facts of political economy those two parties are always going to be practically uniform in policy outside of minor superficial differences crafted for political gain. you must actually think it matters if a republican or a democrat is president lol.

yea but bernie isn't a typical democrat even though he's running as one. the guy at the very least works to chip away at the archaic american mentality of socialism being a bad word.

General Discussion / Re: us 2016 elections thread (america ftw)
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:29:50 PM »
lol @ preselected by the ruling class. everyone knows that candidates are selected by the people in a liberal democracy!!!!

no one is getting pre selected, you just need to be wealthy to run a proper campaign and i guess are wealthy people are scum or completely out of touch with reality.

General Discussion / Re: us 2016 elections thread (america ftw)
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:25:45 PM »
voting apathy is dangerous

Voting is dangerous because its an implicit acceptance and approval of the system.

and buying video games and bougeious food isn't?

Arguably but I'm not here sitting here telling people they're dumbasses for either playing video games or not playing video games. All of what you're posting here is subreformist lifestyleism based on liberal individualist mythology though.

no, voting has nothing to do with individualism. like protests that fought for an 8 hr workday, better wages , woman's suffrage,  voting can do the same thing. voting apathy is why morons get into office on low voting turnout rates, it's why canada has harpercons in office when only 30% of the country actually gave a shit to vote, now realizing their mistake record turnout rates in alberta now ousting the cons.

General Discussion / Re: us 2016 elections thread (america ftw)
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:06:41 PM »
voting apathy is dangerous

Voting is dangerous because its an implicit acceptance and approval of the system.

and buying video games and bougeious food isn't?

General Discussion / Re: us 2016 elections thread (america ftw)
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:02:47 PM »
it is laziness, it's going out of your daily routine to go to a place to vote. you just made it sound like a paper shows up at your house or something and u just got to mark it and send it back. you actually got to leave the house.

lol @ preselected by the ruling class

General Discussion / Re: us 2016 elections thread (america ftw)
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:47:38 PM »
making excuses for your laziness

General Discussion / Re: us 2016 elections thread (america ftw)
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:34:07 PM »
voting apathy is dangerous

General Discussion / Re: us 2016 elections thread (america ftw)
« on: May 06, 2015, 11:13:52 AM »
cons are fucked off for the first time in 44 years.. NDP just won a majority in Alberta. The equivalent of a gay muslim becoming governor of Texas.

General Discussion / Re: us 2016 elections thread (america ftw)
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:10:21 PM »
Blid transfer thread ownership to me

Smurfking thinks he's smarter than doctors, so he doesn't go to one. Probably treats himself by making a tea with random plants in his backyard.

General Discussion / Re: us 2016 elections thread (america ftw)
« on: May 05, 2015, 09:53:37 PM »
You shouldn't even be allowed to make this thread unless you vote, and vote for Sanders.

i trust no one.
not even my family. not because of a possible bad judgement of theirs, but because they are humans.
(humans make mistakes if you didnt know.)

who do i trust, me.

it costs me $1 usd to get 20liters of fluoride-chlorine-sodium free purified yummy tasting water. so. im happy with that.
you go happy drinking fluoridated water.. thats your deserved birth-given right, free will bro. best of luck.

it's dangerous being a huge dumbshit and thinking you're really smart. you have an illogically strong trust in yourself over people that are much smarter than you are,  so you ignore the advice of smarter people. you are completely scientifically illiterate. also where the holy fuck are you getting 20 litres of water for 1 dollar. lol.

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