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Messages - uk_spree

Pages: [1]
1 / A Modest Proposal
« on: September 02, 2020, 09:14:04 PM »
I have a feeling no one's going to take this seriously, but could folks be just a tad nicer to beginners? It might've been fine in the bne days because this was one of the sexier games of the time but let's be real -- this game's 25 years old at this point so we're lucky to even have as many as players as we do. Most of my gaming time is limited to the weekends, but even in my limited number of games these days I see people being downright nasty to beginners and calling them dumb or stupid as if one's skill at War2 were in any way correlated with real-world success or intelligence. By doing this, the community's basically encouraging these folks to move on to other games and leave War2 in the dust. Hell, after almost two decades of not playing, you could basically classify me as beginner-level at this point but at least I have the nostalgia of playing this game religiously everyday in my youth to keep me coming back to War2. The beginners of today don't have this connection and we need to provide a more encouraging environment if we want to ensure the future of this game. Just my $0.02.

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