Author Topic: HardwareCursor Plugin - Can fix the laggy cursor on Windows 8/10  (Read 12566 times)

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HardwareCursor Plugin - Can fix the laggy cursor on Windows 8/10
« on: February 27, 2021, 09:15:49 PM »
The plugin will fix the laggy cursor on windows 8/10 and it also supports high refresh rate monitors, it will enable a hardware cursor that responds much quicker than the normal warcraft 2 cursor. Additionally it also allows you to customize your cursor using standard windows animated cursor files.

Note: If it doesn't work properly then you might need to update your config/ddraw first, get the latest version here:,5015.0.html

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« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 03:22:34 PM by fois »

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Added fixed cursors from Lesnik
Works now with the OpenGL renderer too

Offline 8)MikulZ(8

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Alright I did some testing and both GDI and OpenGL renderers are working with high fps now (144fps which is my monitors limit), and the cursor is buttery smooth!

But in order to get GDI to work I had to disable freesync. If freesync is on it feels like the game limits itself to around 60fps (fraps and msi afterburner fps monitors don't seem to work with GDI), but with OpenGL high fps works with freesync on.

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Alright I did some testing and both GDI and OpenGL renderers are working with high fps now (144fps which is my monitors limit), and the cursor is buttery smooth!

But in order to get GDI to work I had to disable freesync. If freesync is on it feels like the game limits itself to around 60fps (fraps and msi afterburner fps monitors don't seem to work with GDI), but with OpenGL high fps works with freesync on.

Cool, thanks for testing!

I'm not exactly sure why freesync would be an issue with the GDI renderer. I did a few more changes, if you want you can try it again with freesync=on and GDI:,5015.0.html

But I guess it's not that important, you shouldn't actually need freesync with the GDI renderer

Offline 8)MikulZ(8

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Alright I did some testing and both GDI and OpenGL renderers are working with high fps now (144fps which is my monitors limit), and the cursor is buttery smooth!

But in order to get GDI to work I had to disable freesync. If freesync is on it feels like the game limits itself to around 60fps (fraps and msi afterburner fps monitors don't seem to work with GDI), but with OpenGL high fps works with freesync on.

Cool, thanks for testing!

I'm not exactly sure why freesync would be an issue with the GDI renderer. I did a few more changes, if you want you can try it again with freesync=on and GDI:,5015.0.html

But I guess it's not that important, you shouldn't actually need freesync with the GDI renderer

Hmm this made the cursor a bit smoother, but as a side effect the game now freezes frequently. Like when I move a peon nothing happens for a second or two and then the peon just teleports where it should be.

Without freesync game works normally so it didn't affect that.

Yeah it's not important to have freesync in this game. Just have to turn it off when playing war2 and back on when playing other games so it's just a little inconvenience.

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Added fixed cursors

Attached videos describes the problem of forced scaling of the cursor to 32px where it should be 35px to keep original image
(disabling autoscale can also be useful for user-defined cursors other than 32px)
« Last Edit: March 03, 2021, 06:20:39 AM by Available »

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sorry for the cursor5_static, old version was ok, attached

is it possible to use/detect the in-game parameter (option F9 in the picture) to quickly switch animated/static cursors?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2021, 06:18:39 AM by Available »

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Alright I did some testing and both GDI and OpenGL renderers are working with high fps now (144fps which is my monitors limit), and the cursor is buttery smooth!

But in order to get GDI to work I had to disable freesync. If freesync is on it feels like the game limits itself to around 60fps (fraps and msi afterburner fps monitors don't seem to work with GDI), but with OpenGL high fps works with freesync on.

Cool, thanks for testing!

I'm not exactly sure why freesync would be an issue with the GDI renderer. I did a few more changes, if you want you can try it again with freesync=on and GDI:,5015.0.html

But I guess it's not that important, you shouldn't actually need freesync with the GDI renderer

Hmm this made the cursor a bit smoother, but as a side effect the game now freezes frequently. Like when I move a peon nothing happens for a second or two and then the peon just teleports where it should be.

Without freesync game works normally so it didn't affect that.

Yeah it's not important to have freesync in this game. Just have to turn it off when playing war2 and back on when playing other games so it's just a little inconvenience.

Ah... Will have to do some more research, reverted the changes for now

Added fixed cursors

Attached videos describes the problem of forced scaling of the cursor to 32px where it should be 35px to keep original image
(disabling autoscale can also be useful for user-defined cursors other than 32px)


sorry for the cursor5_static, old version was ok, attached

is it possible to use/detect the in-game parameter (option F9 in the picture) to quickly switch animated/static cursors?

Will have a look into this in a couple hours

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sorry for the cursor5_static, old version was ok, attached

is it possible to use/detect the in-game parameter (option F9 in the picture) to quickly switch animated/static cursors?

Ok fixed that one too. It will now load the cursor from the "Animated" folder if "Enable Color Cycling" is enabled and the matching animated cursor file exists. If the file doesn't exist then it will just use the static version of it.

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Perfect! :thumbsup:

Offline fois

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Can now automatically resize the cursor to match the window size + added a settings file "HardwareCursor.ini" to configure the cursor size

Also updated the ddraws/config,5015.0.html

Offline dannyldd

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Can now automatically resize the cursor to match the window size + added a settings file "HardwareCursor.ini" to configure the cursor size

Also updated the ddraws/config,5015.0.html

I have tested up a little bit in single player campaigns your plugin and looks fantastic thus far. Even though there shouldn't be any latency there, I sort of feel it's even lower now when clicking... Are you the same author who did the war2 config program or are you just sharing it ? If it's the former, I truly congratulate and I'm very grateful with you because it has been rather useful in about 1 year since have been using it. Pretty awesome to have xbrz shader available in this game. Looks pretty outstanding. Thanks for working and sharing those awesome tools for warcraft 2 !

Offline fois

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Can now automatically resize the cursor to match the window size + added a settings file "HardwareCursor.ini" to configure the cursor size

Also updated the ddraws/config,5015.0.html

I have tested up a little bit in single player campaigns your plugin and looks fantastic thus far. Even though there shouldn't be any latency there, I sort of feel it's even lower now when clicking... Are you the same author who did the war2 config program or are you just sharing it ? If it's the former, I truly congratulate and I'm very grateful with you because it has been rather useful in about 1 year since have been using it. Pretty awesome to have xbrz shader available in this game. Looks pretty outstanding. Thanks for working and sharing those awesome tools for warcraft 2 !

Thanks for testing and reporting back! Yeah I made the config program, glad to hear you like it!