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Topics - Hesh

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General Discussion / REQUEST: Old Warcraft 3 cd key
« on: August 30, 2019, 04:02:47 PM »
Does anyone have a cd key that you no longer need that you can send to me?

Support Requests / Lagging Issues
« on: April 05, 2019, 05:30:24 PM »
So I can host games perfectly fine, I have my ports open, etc. When I host a game, there is no lag at all but when I join someone else with at least 3 or 4 players, i'm the reason the game lags. My internet speed is 100 Mpbs, connected through ethernet. I've had these issues over the years and sometimes I didn't because I used to move to other places and I guess the connection was different. How can I fix this?

Support Requests / [done] Can't play ladder games
« on: March 21, 2017, 06:06:52 PM »
So, recently, mousetopher transferred my stats over to this account: A.J

Before she did that, I had 10 wins and was able to play ladder games.

Now, after she did that, when I try to create a ladder game, it says I need 10 non-ladder wins again.
And my current record is 1849 wins, 956 losses and 15 disconnects.

Mods & Development / Add your own music using WinMPQ
« on: March 20, 2017, 06:55:15 PM »
First of all I would like to give credits to easycompany for helping me figuring this out

So as the title says, this thread will show you how to add YOUR OWN music into the game. Pretty simple I guess, not that complex and hard to do.

Basically, all you need are these files

1º: Download War2Music.exe (made by iL) because it will extract install.exe (containing music files) to your War2combat directory and this makes the process much easier.


2º: Download WinMPQ, pretty useful program. You need to download these 3 files/folders:

You must install Visual Basic(this first) and Runtime or else you won't be able to run WinMPQ

3º: Since warcraft 2 soundtracks have a bitrate of 22Hz and some songs/music, that you may want to add to the game, usually have a bitrate of 44Hz, you will need a program that can change the bitrate from 44Hz to 22Hz. I personally recommend using Audacity, it's a really great program and can convert any music file to .WAV (format that war2 soundtracks use)

So, once you installed it, open it up.

I will be using this track, in mp3 format:

On Audacity, import audio(in this specific scenario, I will be using the track mentioned previously):

As you can see, the bitrate of this track is 44Hz:

Change it to 22000 (and 22000 only, not any other number!)

Export audio:

Save it as seen in this image(if your file format is not .wav)
"Nome do ficheiro" means "File Name"
"Guardar com o tipo" means "Save with format" (my laptop is in portuguese)

Ok, so now rename your file to HUMAN2 or ORC2. (you can choose between 2-6 for each)

Open WinMPQ, open install.exe and it should look like this:

Drag the file that you renamed to HUMAN2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6(same for ORC) into install.exe and it should work with no problems.

*I recommend making a backup file of install.exe before doing this.

Thanks for reading, good luck and have fun! :)

-fixed ftp link <3 mousey

Mods & Development / How to add your own music?
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:50:33 PM »
Is it possible for me to add my own music to the game? Replace the original soundtracks with my own?

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