I am making a simple javascript page destined to go on the site that would work like an app and that we could run on our smartphones while playing the game.
The base idea is that just by connecting to an address on the server like : war2.ru/teambuilder/{insert nickname here}
You would be redirected to this page.
On opening the javascript will then ask the server to know if the player is in a lobby and if it is, to give it the name of the game, and the names flags and elos of all the other players that are in the lobby with him. repeating the request on a regular interval.
With these informations the page will allow you to preview the teams you want to make and the elo balance of the current distribution.
So basically way faster than looking up every player and doing the math in your heads or taking a wild guess.
And of course it comes with a bunch of customisation so you are able to manually do all and lock yourself and your friends in place and then just click on that big button to help you place all players in the most efficient way possible by trying to reduce the elo difference between every teams.
The page is already almost done so soon we may be able to try it.
Also if we can spare a very small amount of database space I will add a way to save the distribution and then when connecting to another page you can see the last saved distribution for that given user in a non interactive but easy to embed way which would allow streamers to have a nice panel when they play to show their viewers who is in the game with them without having to touch anything else :-)