Author Topic: Quick team balancing tool for lazy hosts!  (Read 5772 times)

Offline Cel

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Quick team balancing tool for lazy hosts!
« on: May 15, 2020, 06:05:15 AM »

I am making a simple javascript page destined to go on the site that would work like an app and that we could run on our smartphones while playing the game.

The base idea is that just by connecting to an address on the server like :{insert nickname here}
You would be redirected to this page.

On opening the javascript will then ask the server to know if the player is in a lobby and if it is, to give it the name of the game, and the names flags and elos of all the other players that are in the lobby with him. repeating the request on a regular interval.

With these informations the page will allow you to preview the teams you want to make and the elo balance of the current distribution.

So basically way faster than looking up every player and doing the math in your heads or taking a wild guess.

And of course it comes with a bunch of customisation so you are able to manually do all and lock yourself and your friends in place and then just click on that big button to help you place all players in the most efficient way possible by trying to reduce the elo difference between every teams.

The page is already almost done so soon we may be able to try it.
Also if we can spare a very small amount of database space I will add a way to save the distribution and then when connecting to another page you can see the last saved distribution for that given user in a non interactive but easy to embed way which would allow streamers to have a nice panel when they play to show their viewers who is in the game with them without having to  touch anything else :-)

« Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 07:13:35 PM by Cel »

Offline Szwagier

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Re: Quick team balancing tool for lazy hosts!
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2020, 07:37:00 AM »
It would be nice in mappool where maps are balanced, if team get 4 6 8 vs 11 5 12 its almost impossible to win

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

Offline Cel

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Re: Quick team balancing tool for lazy hosts!
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2020, 11:02:57 AM »
Yeah we were talking with IL, about changing the ladder system and making it evolve with seasons but that may take way more time to set up than this small  team builder project.

The changes and ideas we were discussing so far include:

At the beginning of each season we can have a soft reset of the elos and change the map pool to make sure that we get proper maps in there that are not so imbalanced.
Next step is the match making: the elo and ladder rank only will ever be relevant if teams or the opponents you face are not decided by the players themselves:

Thus we would have a page where you can queue up for a game on like 6 maps minimum of your choice from the map pool.
And you would get paired with a random player or random players if you queue up as a team on a random map from the pool that you and they accepted to play on.
Ofc you can cancel before the match is found but if a match is found you get notified the map you should play on and the players you should be facing on it, then you have like a time period for hosting and playing the game.

Players will have multiple elos one freestyle elo the way we have it and one more serious related to these match making games.
And also some elos related to different cathegories of maps: melee(land), melee(water), chop, etc...

But this is clearly still early in the making and nothing is set in stone yet as all of these things take time to make properly anyways since the idea would also to take this opportunity to remake part of the site and make it more secure.

So yeah in short we talked with IL and once I am done with that small project we may start working on more serious stuff but it will be time consuming and we certainly will take our time with it since well we are doing this on our free time.  :thumbsup:  :wc2:

Edit about the team builder as of today:
Even if the elo we have right now is not totally and perfectly representative of the real strength of players because of all the flaws we know it to have. It is still a better guess than just the W / L counters and should be useful to make games with players you barely know or remember more interesting and balanced.

It is also much quicker than checking players out with /stats and having the teams displayed all the time on the stream would be pretty amazing for people that just arrived to see right away who is playing who and were they are from :D.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 11:24:32 AM by Cel »

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Re: Quick team balancing tool for lazy hosts!
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2020, 06:42:59 PM »
Pretty nice idea great job.
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Offline Cel

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Re: Quick team balancing tool for lazy hosts!
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2020, 12:15:23 PM »
The whole package is finished and should be available as soon as me and IL find a time window to set it all up on the server :-)  :thumbsup:

So what it will allow you to do:
- set up a browser source for your streams that looks kinda like this on my stream but I programmed it responsive if you want all in one column you just resize and it will adapt

-then you can enter the name of the player you want the page to follow and it will allow you to  see what different teams configurations can work and once you are happy as soon as you export it it will update in the browser source bare in mind you will have to do this with the same IP :-)

^ This is how the page looks like on landscape mode (mostly for pc)
« Last Edit: May 23, 2020, 12:19:50 PM by Cel »

Offline Cel

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Re: Quick team balancing tool for lazy hosts!
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2020, 04:48:56 PM »
Page is now UP and running LIVE! (Hyped)
Let me know what you think, this is how the browser source looks in my OBS stream layout:

And you can run it on your smartphone on the side or do it like I do have your game windowed and the site on the left:

Me and IL have been working pretty hard on the server the past week and we hope you guys will love what we did and are planning to do still.

Hope it makes your games and streams even more awesome, love war2!  :wc2:  :thumbsup: