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Topics - Winchester

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1 / Happy New Years
« on: December 31, 2016, 08:31:34 AM »
Happy New Years everyone, all the best for 2017.

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: Lambchops admits to using macros
« on: September 30, 2016, 08:01:25 PM »
What a fucking failure you are magictrash.

Says the guy who steals money from his parents. Hows looking for a new home going now that dads kicked you out? lemme guess, you're gonna try squatting? 

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: How to ignore someone on forum?
« on: September 14, 2016, 11:59:53 PM »
Mad cuz exposed again lol

I dint even kick you dude

Dugs had it streamed so nice lie there, you literally have to lie about everything don't you?

Your just a fucking idiot who lies after lies after lies after lies.

Tell me if i kick him now, dumb ass.

once again, i did something you will never do in your entire life.

Make a name of someone who passed away recently and act like a dick to everyone under that name? Yeah, you're right, i'd never do that in my entire life. Adam was actually a nice guy, you aren't. No matter what you try and tell yourself with this thread.

So you hate war2 and everybody on it until they can help make you money on twitch to support your gambling problem, gtfo

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: forums are dead
« on: November 23, 2015, 05:39:00 PM »
Sylvanas is great but heroes mean nothing on that game, is all about team.

Of course a hacker who sucks at games without hacks would say this - blame the team when he feeds the enemy team

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: Purchasing Server
« on: July 13, 2015, 04:39:00 PM »
When admins approve to talk about the future of this server whit dellam, it show everything i said since the 8 last month.

Garbage admins.

Better to be a garbage admin of a 20 year old game then a garbage human being like you.

I already made a team speak 4 month ago but peoples dint show interest, you guys are too scare.

Just good to talk under your computer, even the french men who cant speak english have more bravoure.

Cause using hacks on a 20 year old game makes you so "bravoure"

Please watch the votes and make sure Equinox doesn't start to tamper the voting over the next upcoming month.

Website & Forum Discussion / Mousey
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:03:47 AM »
First off, this isn't a flame post towards you, I'll open off with saying thank you for replying with decency, even though you locked the thread. No idea where to post this if im not pming it but just so blid doesn't go banhappy again i'll post it here. I am "Chilled the fuck out" as you would put it after listening to some Britney Spears "Overprotected" on repeat. (Hi incoming claw troll post over music choice)

On your post you said.

"EQ created posts, you replied to them, therefore blid gave instructions for EQ to stop creating posts and you to stop replying to them. EQ obeyed, you did not, ergo you received a punishment."

You're forgetting the part that the reply I did on this 'warning' he gave was to blid himself, not Equinox.  On that note.

List of threads he created after "blid gave instructions" and supposedly which you both say he "obeyed" where I "did not".

Most favorite Sub Forum!
Started by Equinox
0 Replies
23 Views   Last post February 26, 2015, 03:50:14 PM

You leave me no choice smurfking!
Started by Equinox
2 Replies
18 Views   Last post February 27, 2015, 09:47:36 PM

^^ sure they're in the flame forums, lets give them a pass I guess.

Forum lag?
Started by Equinox
6 Replies
39 Views   Last post February 27, 2015, 10:13:02 PM

^^ sure he might have had an issue with the site loading

Started by Equinox
14 Replies
72 Views   Last post Today at 01:58:13 AM

Can't tell me his still obeying and doesn't deserve the same kind of punishment I got now for creating a thread when I replied to one that where the message wasn't even directed at him, feel free to check that thread. Afterall, you both have said now "No more posts". But let's just say you ment a non-insightful post or complaint about a warning recieved. 

Sell War2Ru?
Started by Equinox « 1 2 »
16 Replies
89 Views   Last post February 27, 2015, 09:56:23 PM

We all fully know he would never buy it even if ldir and il were interested in selling it.

War2 never been so dead :(
Started by Equinox
8 Replies
81 Views   Last post February 27, 2015, 10:08:01 PM

Read the original post, that couldn't be anymore clear of an attempt to bait a response from me or ryu lol., which by the way I've "Obeyed" and not posted in there and still gotten 2 warning regardless of not posting in EQ threads which you say is the original reason I was banned and blid says i got the 2 warnings for repeating the same offence that got me banned in the first place, the UFC thread was not an EQ thread, reposting in the UFC thread telling blid to split the flame out and move it here in a not so nice way was the 2nd warning. Again, same thread which is not an EQ created thread, as said by you yourself for replying to them was the reason I got banned.

And last thread made by him

Want to be a Pro?
Started by Equinox « 1 2 »
20 Replies
135 Views   Last post February 27, 2015, 10:56:51 PM

This could not be anymore of a blatant attempt to be trolled and for him to complain afterwards as we all know nobody is going to pay him money to "learn" how to play the game. Note that my reply also answered his question in a non-insulting manner regarding who smurf_king is in game by some of the names I know him on.

And about blid, he's only started giving a crap about moderation since he can ban. He would never edit all this "shithole" non-insightful pointless posts on the occult despite him having the ability to unless smurf king posted a NSFW picture in his 9gag posts. It's only when he can ban the people he doesn't like that he begins to give a crap about flame 'voluntarily', Especially when they stand him up and call him out on his BS which he does spout on a regular basis.

 He didn't need to be able to ban to keep that forum a 'better place for everyone so please excuse me for finding it hard to take him of all people serious when he starts handing out warnings + a ban left and right to me for replying to him everytime. (not even equinox like claimed) I told him over PM, I told him on these forums that he is the wrong person to be talking to me if he wants 'sense' talken into me, and that another mod will do the job better, and that 1 post by you has proven more useful then any post he has made to me and thats in a flame forum of all places LOL.  he has proven to be incapable of talking to me over the years and answering simple questions. if you care enough to see some of those posts which I don't blame if you if you don't, then pm me.

Website & Forum Discussion / How to issue a request
« on: February 28, 2015, 02:02:03 AM »
With blid not knowing how to handle his requests very clear  i'll just lay out how a moderator should issue a request to someone whether it be flaming, spamming or whatever.

Post your initial message. And then

Make the Request known by making it stand out so

A) The person does not miss this as they are skipping through posts as it stands out
B) The person knows that are clearly being issued a request/warning

Get it? Got it? Good.

Brought to you by the human vessel of Lucifer, Sam Winchester from Supernatural.

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