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Topics - USA~Archer

Pages: [1] 2
Mods & Development / HostBot Dev Thread
« on: June 04, 2015, 12:11:25 PM »
Hi War2 Modders,

I was reading this interview with a BNETD developer and he was talking about the packet structure for server/client communication

These are the types of packets sent (I think this is TCP only)

bn_byte = single byte
bn_short = two bytes
bn_int = four bytes
bn_long = eight bytes

When I create a game and watch with WireShark, I see a few packets slide by, looks like some TCP length of 4 or 8 like bn_int and bn_long above

and then theres 1 UDP packet, and I dont understand what its data contains

Curious to learn more about how you (tupac /others) reverse engineer these things and how/if I can help

I think modifying an old winbot is a great idea to start with, I guess theres been some problem with WarWinner not having UDP support tho.

It was my understanding that winbots never even created real games, they just sent "win" information to the server every 2minutes saying that an imaginary game was played, but I guess real games are actually created so in theory we should be able to modify that to be a hostbot

I remember there was another winbot back in the day called MaddoX Winbot, but I havent been able to find a copy online

2 / Backstabbing not against the rules? Loophole?
« on: April 24, 2015, 01:09:41 PM »
This seems to me to be a missing rule, like how linking to hacks isnt against the rules.

Backstabbing is a particularly heinous crime in pball, where your units are all 1/1, and you have some douchebag on your team who waits until the 2min mark then rushes to give you a loss, and youre dead before you can even find the unally button.

This happened to me yesterday, but thanks to fast acting by xXxSmeagolxXx we coordinated a successful rescue, got it on War2Video, and asked the admins for the AKA and IP of the BSer, but was denied because "no rule was broken"

Bullshit if you ask me. Anyone here want to defend backstabbing?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

3 / Nice!: new support section of website
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:15:27 PM »
The icon menu is really nice looking

I would like to add one problem that i had the other day, for the display issues section

Someone paused the game, when they unpaused i was unable to move my screen

Luckily xcal and smeagol knew the fix: click in the mini map, then u get control back of moving up and down etc

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mods & Development / PHP Utilities for PvPGN (Ladder Stats)
« on: April 13, 2015, 04:10:07 PM »
iL / mouse,

I am trying to install PHP PvPGN utilities on my PvPGN server, is this what RU server uses for ladder stats?

Is some of your PHP custom coded like "oldgames.php"?

If so, once I get it working on my test server, then I can experiment with writing PHP code to contribute for things like this:

Would it be a lot of work to display how many times was a certain map hosted? for example from the last month?

Extended report statistics is in plans.
To clearly parse the reports and collect all data.

Any help with php-coding for this task is appreciated.

I'm having some issues with PHP Utils install:

OS: CentOS 7
PvPGN: ver 1.99

Now I am trying to install PHP Utilities

The index page works, but when i go to War2 Ladder stats, it shows

Connection Error to Mysql Server

But I have the MySQL server configured correctly in the config file, I'm pretty sure


Code: [Select]

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Player -vs- Player Gaming Network Statistics System
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// To read the license please visit
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Author from 2.4.4: Pelish (
// Original author: jfro (
// Author from 2.3.20: Snaiperx (
// Author from 2.3.16: STORM (
// Tanzania theme author: Tanzania (
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Database & System Config settings - Key
//      db_type:           Database type (mysql, pgsql, etc.)
//      db_host:           SQL Server Hostname or IP address
//      db_port:           SQL Server port
//      db_database:       SQL Database Name
//      db_user:           SQL Username
//      db_pass:           SQL Password
//      db_prefix          SQL Database Prefix
//      db_record:         Name of the table with player records in yourSQL DB
//      db_bnet:           Name of the table with player info`s in your SQL DB
//      db_profile:        Name of the table with player profile in your SQL DB
//      db_teams:          Name of the table with team records in your SQL DB
//      db_friend:         Name of the table with friends records in your SQL DB
//      db_counters:       Name of the table with counter records in your SQL DB
//      db_d2:             Name of the table with d2ladder records in your SQL DB
// (Provided my Gambit)
// For better support for everyone, I have added a central location to assign links for
// all PHP and HTML pages.  Now you don't have to scour HTML code for links/URL's to wrong domains.
// Assighn the values below to correct all links and refrences to your webpage.
//      (DO NOT UNCOMMENT, CHANGE BELOW UNDER "// System Config settings")
//      homepage           Full URL to your websites Home Page
//      ladderroot         Full URL to main stats page
//      (DO NOT UNCOMMENT, CHANGE BELOW UNDER "// System Config settings")

// System Config settings
$site_name "PvPGN server";
$db_type "mysql";
$db_host "";
$db_port 3306/* 3306 is the most common MySQL port */
$db_database "my-mysql-user";
$db_user "my-user";
$db_pass "my-mysql-password";
$db_prefix "pvpgn_";
$db_record $db_prefix."Record";
$db_bnet $db_prefix."BNET";
$db_profile $db_prefix."profile";
$db_teams $db_prefix."team";
$db_friend $db_prefix."friend";
$db_counters $db_prefix."counters";
$db_d2 $db_prefix."d2ladder";
$homepage "";
$ladderroot ""/* can also be something like "" */

$theme "bnet";

$use_php_xslt true// only change this if you know you have xsltproc installed and not php-xslt
$xslt_command "xsltproc"// for when you don't have php4-xslt but have the xsltproc command or sabcmd

// set pvpgn_dir to where you pvpgn directory is, include trailing slash
$pvpgn_dir "/usr/local/pvpgn/";
$ladders_dir $pvpgn_dir."var/pvpgn/ladders/";

$w3ladder_xsl_file getcwd()."/themes/$theme/w3ladder.xsl";
$d2ladder_xml_file $ladders_dir."d2ladder.xml";
$d2ladder_xsl_file getcwd()."/themes/$theme/d2ladder.xsl";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PvPGN variables settings
//     icon_levelx:          Wins required for TFT icon
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$icon_level1 25;
$icon_level2 50;
$icon_level3 100;
$icon_level4 200;
$icon_level5 500;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Page settings
//      site_theme:        Theme you want to run
//      page_max:          How many players you want to display on one page
//      default_game:      Defines stats for which game user will see on entering
//      default_type:      Defines which type of game user will see on entering
//      date_format:       Defines PHP date format used in stats displaying
//      d2ladder_file:     Path on your system which shows ladder.D2DV location
//      d2update_time:     Time to update your D2 DB (in seconds), 0 is off
//      stats_version:     Don't change, just for easier version display
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$site_theme "bnet";
$page_max "50";
$default_game "W2BE";
$default_type "solo";
$date_format " F j - G:i";
$d2ladder_file "/usr/local/pvpgn/var/pvpgn/ladders/ladder.D2DV";
$d2update_time "3600";
$stats_version "2.4.5";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Administration Interface settings
//      max_rank:          Maximum rank number allowed on your server
//      default_sort_by:   Can be auth_lock, auth_admin, uid or acct_username
//      default_sort_dir:  Can be DESC or ASC
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$max_rank "1000";
$default_sort_by "auth_admin";
$default_sort_dir "DESC";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Optional User file settings (unfinished, doesn`t work)
//      pvpgn_users:       Path on your system which shows user dir location
//      use_files:         Defines whether we use files or database
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$pvpgn_users "/usr/local/pvpgn/var/pvpgn/users";
$use_files false;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// END of conf file.

5 / Hacks removed from
« on: April 10, 2015, 06:46:41 PM »
I worked too hard to put this tournament together and now it is finally happening, dont want any problems

A small minority which do not represent the views of the community as a whole, should not be able to conduct a poll within themselves to get rid of a player who has not broken any server rules.

Thanks for all who joined, even some joined that don't like pball, thanks for that.

16 players is great response! Even better than I hoped for!

Needless to say, if I dont win this I will be pretty pissed. But there are some other very good pballers in the tournament so we will see :D

Hope that theyre not all smurfs or something lol some of these guys I havent heard anything from since they signed up. Hope I dont have to deal with any no-shows.

I will try to be around to host for people for a couple hours

Any questions, whisper my bot, USA-Archer and I will check it once in a while.

I'll be playing on my main account: USA~Archer, hit me up there if im online

USA-Archer: element
Element_Boardz: what
USA-Archer: can we handle it?
Element_Boardz: of course

Sword: and ^^Zeus^^ are playing in the tournament, the rest of these newbs seriously need to watch this 60men strategy video:

Check it out here

just go to the strategy page. let me know what you think

removed links

also we have 14 players registered, waiting for 2 more then the tournament will begin

Registration will close when we have 5 more sign ups (for a nicely rounded 16 player bracket)

Invite some friends!


People started copying my thumb icon, pretty gay, shows how much of sheep you all are. Using lamp now

Mods & Development / GameBot issues that need to be fixed
« on: April 07, 2015, 09:14:24 PM »
Mousetopher mentioned in another thread that the gamebot has issues with Lat after first couple games.

Can you guys post the "code" for gamebot here and explain how it works?

If you make it "open source" here other programmers can contribute to improve it.

I still would like to understand how it works and see if i can make my own 60men 1v1 tournament gamebot, I can self host it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


No I dont, and I'm actually thinking of leaving after seeing the videos from the "chop chop" newbie starter pack. I thought war2 would be simpler than newer RTS but this is all getting too complex for me.

60men pball

- Games last 2 to 5 minutes
- A player joins a game, having never played or heard of Warcraft II before, and instantly understands the map and what he needs to do
- Expert players do not ban newbs because the game is short, they are not committing to a long boring game against a newb opponent
- 60men players such as myself actually help teach newbs
- Newb learns how to play
- Newb tells his friends to make accounts so he can own them at 60men

- Average game lasts 15-30minutes, some even longer
- A newb joins, is asked s9, says what? and is banned without explanation, over and over and over
- Eventually the newb sneaks into a game and isnt banned, the game starts and he has no idea what is going on
- Gets made fun of
- Newb never learns how to play, builds resentment for the community as a whole
- Leaves War2 forever and tells his friends how shitty of an experience he had

Why 60men is key to War2RU survival, and GoW is key to War2RU collapse:

New players are LAZY. They do not want to spend time learning a game from 1995 and spend hours and hours learning all its building dependencies etc.

Its like CoD. Even if its your first time ever playing or seeing it, you know what to do. You know where the trigger button is and that your objective is to shoot the other guys. THATS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW. (to start, then, after youve already played a few times, you can start figuring out what you can do to improve)


Also, most new players and players in general dont want to commit a half hour to a game. But 2-5 minutes is a much smaller commitment, Resulting in more people playing more frequently


Due to the smaller time commitment, more players will be playing, but also if you miss a game, you only have to wait 2-5minutes for the same group to make another game. This is what will keep even a small community alive is fast games. If theres 16 players online playing 2 games and they just started, you might have to wait a half hour or longer for anyone to join your game. but if 16 players are playing 60men, you only have to wait 2-5 minutes to jump in a game

60men players MAY migrate to become GoW players

60men will get newbs to start playing, then they are more likely to later become GoW players, but I see it as very unlikely a new player will start with GoW and stick around for longer than a day or two here

So far we have 7 registered players. Most likely we will have an 8 player bracket, unless we can get 9 players to register in the next 48hours ...

Once registration closes on April 10th, I will randomly match up players and fill out the bracket.

Then its up to the players to contact their opponent and schedule match time that works for both of them using the Tournament Player Network messaging at *****.com.

3 games are played and whoever wins more of the 3 will move on to the semi finals. Victory screenshots must be taken and posted in the April 2015 Tournament Group at ****.com (under MEDIA). The screenshots will then be linked to the bracket under match description.

The final match will be decided by best of 5.

If any screenshot is disputed, we can review the Game Reports posted by War2RU

I will update everyone through the email mailing list on Friday when the bracket has been made

14 / Warcraft (the movie) 2016
« on: April 03, 2015, 11:59:04 AM »

Was doing a google search because I was going to lookup how many copies of War2 were sold and found this gem. Did anyone know a Warcraft movie is in the making lol

Sounds pretty legit tho

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mods & Development / PCX color conversion question for PvPGN banners
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:47:01 PM »
Anyone know how to make a PCX image with the proper colors using GIMP?

I've tried the following

- Online conversion tools - don't work


- Create New Image 480 x 60
- Add Text and graphics
- Export to PCX
- Open PCX file in GIMP
- Change to IMAGE - Mode - Indexed - Max Colors: 254 / Dithering: None
- Save to PCX again

but my colors are still all weird

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