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Topics - MaStA{hR}

Pages: [1] 2
1 / What does Unknown mean on Server status?
« on: April 01, 2020, 12:49:53 PM »
Does this mean he is hacking? See attached for Leon22.

2 / Date/Time Addition?
« on: February 26, 2019, 09:49:24 PM »
If I wanted to see when someone last logged in I would typically type in /whereis USERNAME and it will give me a month, day and last time seen. But, it does not give the year. It says September or something for some old friends but I feel as though it was September of 2015 not 2018. Is it possible to integrate this? I get that it's kind of useless but I have like 80 on my friends list and some may either be on smurfs or quit long long ago and it'd be nice to be able to document w2 history a little bit.

3 / Windowed Mode Problem - HELP!
« on: February 02, 2019, 08:08:36 PM »
I have a new laptop and tried downloading war2. I've reinstalled it several times selecting different settings and editing properties to normal window etc. It's still in windowed mode and in the top left of my screen. It's easy to click off the screen and incredibly difficult to play. Any suggestions?

4 / W2 Upgrades?
« on: June 01, 2018, 05:58:11 PM »
Disclaimer: I know absolutely nothing about coding, what it entails, costs, how much works has to be done, or if it is even possible without changing the game completely. However, here are some of my new ideas for the server (Please comment on the possibility, impossibility, or if the idea is okay):

Implement a full-time chat in game. At the moment, when we type in game, our chat disappears over time. It would be nice to have a permanent chat log that we could toggle on and off in game to reference what a friend or partner said.

Fixing hosting issues/forwarding ports. I'm beating a dead horse here, but fixing this would lead to an exponential amount of people returning to the server and/or staying more involved in the game longer. The fact that many people don't have access to their routers, or forward their ports correctly and still have issues is one of the primary reasons Warcraft 2 lacks growth and is slowly fading.

I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but maybe we should host less tournaments. There has been a tournament participant fatigue that began roughly 1 year ago. Pball tournaments that fielded over 20 players can barely scrape 4-8 players together. Gow tournaments that had a full brackets can barely field a handful of teams and participants as well. I do enjoy the fact that admin and tourney hosts are inventive and are trying to switch up the themes, but there are like 4-5 tournaments within 3 weeks from friendly to $XX in winnings. We should ask the server and outlying players that log in from time to time for donations. Someone should spear head this (preferably an trustworthy admin) and put this towards server maintenance/upgrades. If we can come up with ~$3,000 in cash annually for tournaments from just from a handful of hosts, surely we can come up with much more than that from many people to give some thoughtful and meaningful upgrades to the server.

The server is pretty laggy. Finding regular reboots or something to fix this would be great. People conflict in games all of the time depending on who hosts the game. I'm not sure if there is a way around this.

Some sort of built in lag or latency repellent. It's crazy that I can play a complex high volume game like League of Legends without any lag, but can barely play Warcraft 2 without it lagging every 10 seconds.

Having more color schemes (like black to pink).

Implementing Warcraft 2 music in next patch.

Making it possible to have more than 8 player games (like 12 players, or 8 players and 4 watchers).

Create new races using Starcraft or Warcraft 3 as a template.

Upgrade graphics to higher DPI/resolution. (remastering)

Make humans more even to orcs. Healing is impractical and most people stop at knights. Either having a blacksmith upgrade to level 6 or 7 to make them stronger and equal to lust, or having their own version of lust would be great.

Getting warcraft 2 on more platforms. I know mousey and others worked on that once but that fell through.

Advertising the crap out of this game. It's still better than most modern games I play.

Resource sharing amongst partners or anyone in game. An example of this would be Age of Empires or Warcraft 3.

Create new units/buildings. Why can't we make demons? Or why can't we think of new units to make the game more versatile?

Put the Windows 10 fix within the download. I still can't figure out ddraw. Virtually everyone plays with Windows 10 and experiences the overlays from resolution problems.

Fix the ladder system so that Elo is the ladder determinent, not by beating someone from a higher # and cut it in half. I am currently ranked #6 with an Elo of 1436. Yet someone who is much better than me is ranked like #40 with 1750 elo. Elo = ladder = higher skill. I should be ranked #100.

Support Requests / Teamviewer help with windows 10 fix plz
« on: May 27, 2018, 04:53:20 PM »
I can't get the ddraw thing to work. Anyone willing to teamviewer my comp to fix w2? Seems to be a resolution problem too with comp. LMK!

Support Requests / Need help with w2 and updating it
« on: May 16, 2018, 11:51:09 PM »
I have the classic Windows 10 issues. I can't see icons in chat, if I try to host a game and try to change anything it overlays on itself. If I click on names in public chat I get screen overlays. Is there a version out there or a plug-in or something that can help with this?

I'm not in dire need of it, but it can be aggravating sometimes.

7 / FU Clan Website/Page
« on: May 07, 2018, 01:12:22 PM »
I found one of our old links. I made this one:

8 / Donating Money AND offering competition
« on: April 24, 2018, 05:04:49 PM »
I believe there are only a handful of people that regularly donate for tournaments. I am willing to send money to an admin's paypal at his or her discretion for upcoming tournaments or other necessities such as server maintenance and/or upgrades. This can be thrown into the money pool for any given tournaments at their discretion. So please, message me if this concerns you! I don't need accolades or congratulations, I just want to give back to this [horrible - hehe] community and all that it has done for me over the many years since I have been apart of this game and server. I can donate today.

I'd prefer to donate money to also include an archers 1s or 2s tournament as well if we can fit that into the 2018-2019 schedule. Message me what you feel is appropriate with paypal information. Thanks ahead of time! I am willing to make multiple donations over time. I am about to be super busy in the months of June - August and will likely not be able to participate in the tournaments for some time. This will not stop me from being slightly generous. :P

I am also willing to do $5 games of archer friends versus any friendly competitor. Only I will pay, I do not need money if I win.

I have the ability to say no if I don't have the time to play (I will eventually say yes), but no one is omitted unless on a smurf name.
The person I play against may have to host unless we lat trick.
The person I play against does NOT pay if they lose.
I pay if I lose, not win.
I will play any given person up to a maximum of 10 losses ($50 USD max per person).
Person must have paypal in order to be paid out.

Things that will disqualify payouts:
A glitch (like infinite life archer)
Intentional lumber rape.
Utilizing weird strategies that include but are not limited to magic rush and peon rush

Please be diligent about taking screen shots of victory screen. If you cry wolf without proof saying I didn't pay I am going to be upset about damaged reputation.

Other notes: I would extend this offer to other maps but I don't excel at them for now. I'm probably a tier 1-2 player at archers. I'm definitely not the best and recognize that. This offer extends to December 31st, 2018 and I will likely renew it if there is some interest. I'm doing this because I want to increase competition throughout the community, hone my rusty skills and because a large portion of the community can't afford ramen noodles.

Feel free to message me here or on facebook at to play me. I am not on W2 as often as I'd like.

So far:

MaStA{hR} 3 vs Thumb$ 0
MaStA{hR} 2 vs FaT~Albert 0
MaStA{hR} 1 vs Igognito(z) 0
MaStA{hR} 1 vs Lambchops 0
MaStA{hR} 3 vs ACTION (Deadly) 4 - Paid $10.00 USD

9 / April Fools Idea (April 1st, 2018)
« on: February 25, 2018, 09:25:42 AM »
Abstract: Every Warcraft 2 player that logs in on April 1st, 2018 should make an '00' tag name, ex: 00Felicia and play on it for the duration of that day.

Purpose: To show solidarity in times of crisis throughout the world. But the real reason, to troll the 'prestigious' 00 clan. :)

How: Simply create a new account with the prefix '00'. We need something to spice up our lives. There have been times where a handful of us will make a Shark name like FatShark and SmallShark, but our joke will have more impact if we all do the same thing on April 1st. Feel free to discard the name after April 1st, 2018 and ask an admin to add the stats to your main account if it is important to you. How can the '00's ban you from their gow game if they don't know who you are, if you are OG, recently recruited or what your skill level is.

Lezz do it.

11 / [resolved] Can't log on anymore :(
« on: June 12, 2017, 05:33:35 PM »
Maybe i have a virus? it says that my internet is not connected but i can play any other game or go on any website :(

12 / $110 Singles Archers Tournament? Interest?
« on: May 25, 2017, 09:39:07 PM »
I can send the money to ~Tora~ or Burnt, whoever is holding the money these days today (with a few extra dollars to cover the paypal transfer fees). NO DATE announced. I will leave that up to ~Tora or Burnt depending on their availability AND interest of said boring tournament!

1st - $75
2nd - $25
3rd - $10


1st - $60
2nd - $30
3rd - $20

*Whatever ~Tora~ or Xurnt decides

Minimum Requirements/Rules:

1. Minimum 12 participants
2. Must have paypal to participate
3. I have authority to disbar anyone from playing (though there is a 99.999999% I won't)
4. Must play on a well-known name or at least alert tournament host/myself who you are
-For example, if I'm playing as Karsa, I must say that I am MaStA{hR} or MaStArChA-fu-
5. Karsa's Gentleman Rules
-No intentional lumber/lumbermill rape
-Standard play, 1-X hall strategies, anything goes, allowed to rush or mass, defend with peons etc. no problem!
-No magic or peon only rush
-Unit Contol/flanks are obviously okay
-Expanding etc is obviously okay
-Peons and Archers only units made
6. Must have AH (Anti-Hack) enabled.
7. All rounds are best of 3 except finals which will be bo5.

Failure to commit to the rules/requirements will result in forfeiture of the series and prize money for you = disqualification with your opponent advancing via Screen Shot or witness.

My current perception on AO players tier list/predictions should all participate and in order at current skill level:

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3
Yamon (sorry never seen you play seriously <3 )

Tier 4

Tier 5
Tolist (lol)

Sorry if I forgot you. There are so many smurfs and the map is rarely played. If you think I've got my order wrong feel free to discuss the tiers or tournament in general!

13 / Smeagol hosting tournaments??
« on: December 17, 2016, 11:11:56 AM »
I thought all admin came to the conclusion that he isn't forced to pay me out for the tournament win, but because he has decided to scam ToRa + daisycutter's money that he wasn't allowed to host the tournament anymore?

Memory of goldfish here?

14 / GGz! Byeee
« on: November 18, 2016, 05:00:55 PM »
Ok serious last good bye. In light of drama and all this shiznit i wanna say bye [again]. Thanks for the really good times, especially but yeah still good times.

Claw just 3-1'd me in AO. I recorded the 1st two games but my computer was too laggy to continue recording. I'll post them up in a bit. He won 20 bucks by following rules that really really suck. So I'm going to whine! This game really sucks sometimes. Many people are amoral and don't follow conventional wisdom gentleman rules.

Customs typically have unwritten rules while classic's and BNEs do not.

LA Archers you don't side
Archer Friends you don't wood rape until you've killed all raxes
BGH you don't gold rape
Chop Farms you don't farm rape until everything else is pretty much dead.

Pretty basic unwritten rules. The only way for me to get Claw to play me in archers was to wipe away these rules, and naturally that is one of the reasons why I lost (Besides him being better than me). Some people agree with me; folks like [AA]Deadly will only play by gentleman rules. In light of all this bs spam community versus admins and diminished game counts, I'm seriously done this time! I'm part of the problem by leaving, but none of the real problems get fixed.

We have like 8 admin now and I see 1-2 kind of regularly. Real life is way more important, but admin should be chosen by activity, mental stability, coherence, contribution to the server/community and more. Some of the admin have paid their dues, but that was a long time ago. (Example Rit is awesome and really got big into social media for a few months... I don't see anything now. If he still posts and an active W2er like myself doesn't see the stuff then that's bad too. He plays League of Legends all day long and logs into Wc2 for a tournament in the last 6 months and is still an Admin). Nearly everyone dislikes Blid for fair and unfair reasons. Why should an admin be trolling on smurfs causing grief instead of being a figurehead we can fall in line behind? Foonat is a great person, but he is never on. Dugz goes on sprees of being on and off. ~ToRa~ is by far the most active and is inundated with school work/exams. Most of the admin fail in criteria necessary to be an admin.

And yes, I know this is the 1000th post by the 100th person about this, but my perfect memory of this perfect game is becoming tarnished by bullshit! There are games with millions of people on them that you can wait less than ~2 seconds to find a game that fits your needs. I'm off to find one of those. I hope I don't reinstall wc2 again.

Bye! <3 most of you. The rest of you should be checked into a mental institution for yours and society's benefit. :)

15 / Kali Ladder
« on: November 05, 2016, 01:51:06 AM »
This list might be nostalgic to some. I see my old aka on here too. :)

What's cool is that our email addresses are linked to the names on the ladder. Maybe someone could extract them all and create a mailing list? Maybe get some of these old pros back in the game? ;)

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