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1 / Re: Cheats
« Last post by ~ToRa~ on Today at 09:34:29 AM »
Your are the greatest Mistral!!!!!
Love you man
2 / Re: Cheats
« Last post by Mistral on Today at 08:29:39 AM »
ok i maked
should work now
its already updated on server
3 / Re: Cheats
« Last post by Mistral on Today at 08:08:01 AM »
ok while writing previous post i thinked about some countermeasure
i can try make plugin that writes in chat if host saved game or something
and then add it to server in new update
what do you think about it?
4 / Re: Cheats
« Last post by Mistral on Today at 08:05:59 AM »
yea ofc i know, i sended it to Ragner in 2019 lul
its prog SaveView from 1999 maked by DjinnKahn, i found it long ago in occult forum
anyone could have download this prog here long ago, probably most of old players have it anyways
its actually nothing much its just open *.mlt file of saved game and gets many info from here and shows it
ironically it was used to cheat when DjinnKahn actually created this prog to catch cheaters, there was very old cheats in 1998-1999 etc, they not works now but in old days it was possible to somehow hack resources and make more units or upgrades than you can afford, so he maked that prog to check if some player have more stuff he can acutally pay. Dunno why he also added picture of a map though.

And main point is that DjinnKahn probably not thinked that someone can use it to check any info on game while game itself still going, he thinked people use this prog after game ended.
Probably because this thing is just too noticiable and very easy to catch if you know what happening. If you see some unknown saved game in maps/save folder, you can know someone saved and may use this prog itself to know who was host. So if you see that someone saved game like 2 mins in and most important not said that he did it, well its very sus.
So if someone find some sus saved games in their folders now you can probably know why.

So yea if you ask how to defend from it? U cant, unless you forbid saving games entirely. Even if not using this prog, any hackerman can make his own other prog to read save file. BUT this stuff is VERY noticeable and have main condition for use: you MUST be host, only host can save game.
Also if players check their save folder regularly and find unknown files they immediately know smething is sus.

6 / Re: Cheats
« Last post by ~ToRa~ on May 31, 2024, 07:56:26 PM »
@Mistral Any idea how these work or have you seen this before?
7 / Re: $1200 - 2v2 Gow Tournament - Saturday - June 8th - 3pm EST
« Last post by ~ToRa~ on May 31, 2024, 07:51:59 PM »

This is postponed until 6/15/24?

That’s so great!

Now the defending champs will be able to play!

@Wargasm  I actually have something to do Friday night next week so I don't mind moving it back by another week IF the defending champs show up 100%.
8 / Re: War2 RU Ladder......
« Last post by ~ToRa~ on May 31, 2024, 07:49:26 PM »
nobody that can reset the ladder would seem
9 / Re: Cheats 2
« Last post by ~ToRa~ on May 31, 2024, 07:41:45 PM »
I wish everyone understand Ragner is not the only one who have used differents methods to gain advantage over their competitors. So dont act like hes the devil himself, because there peoples worst than him who will never do what he did today, believe me.

I wish peoples forgive Ragner and dont start to ask him everyday if he cheats against them, he admit it, said sorry, and ask for forgiveness, now it's past, it seem like he decide to take another path today and being an honnest player, and thats the only thing we must remember about this, leave this guy alone, cuz what he did today need alot of courage and thats the first step to an healty environement with good friends in confidence.

I actually am inclined to believe this...
10 / Re: Cheats 2
« Last post by ~ToRa~ on May 31, 2024, 07:41:05 PM »
You are an admin on the server Ragner so that's a tough pill for me to hear.

I went ahead and deleted your admin status @iL and removed your master icon.
I am not going to ban you as you came clean on your own and I even believe you should retain your admin status but that's for the community to decide at this point.
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