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Messages - {Lance}

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General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: April 06, 2022, 11:24:56 AM »
they're re-education camps for Islamic terrorists , being Uighur isn't relevant.

Uh huh,  you just said it was all and I quote: "blatantly fake".  Now all of a sudden it's "only for terrorists"..... who have never been tried and convicted of an actual terroristic crime.  So which is it.  Blatantly fake or actually real.  It cant be both.  Typical commie,  not able to think for one's self and use common sense to come to a common sense conclusion.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: April 05, 2022, 02:54:53 PM »
i can't even point out the 'Uighur genocide' is blatantly fake news on reddit without being banned

Well,  that actually IS a real problem,  the Uighurs actually are being killed and imprisoned by the thousands.  That's a provable fact and isnt really the debate,  the debate is whether the Chinese have the right to persecute and kill them in the first place.  The chinese ruling party dont deny that it's being done,  they just deny that what they are doing isnt legal.  They openly admit to the "re-education" camps,  which are actually just prisons very similar to Nazi concentration and death camps.  Whether you can post about it being fake or not,  there are posts about it all over the place for BOTH sides in both FB and Twitter.  People posting videos and then other morons such as yourself saying "it's all staged".  As long as the post is anti-right, pro-left, or neither left or right,  it's allowed to be posted and the genocide isnt a left nor right issue.  It's a human genocide issue and thus it doesnt have any censoring from the anti-right outfits such as Twitter, FB, and Googlieshmooglie.

BTW,  Putin says you shouldnt even be on twitter, fb, reddit to begin with.  Why are you trying to access something your own president says is banned from being accessed.  Maybe we should turn you in for being a traitor to Putin's laws.  I hear there's now a paid program for people to narc on others doing things they shouldnt,  such as accessing twitter and reddit.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: April 05, 2022, 01:02:44 PM »
‘Many US commentators have never BEEN to countries they comment on, see entire world from Washington perspective’ – Stephen Kinzer

extremely true

Common sense dictates that you dont have to experience everything in order to know something is completely absurd.

So why dont you pack your bags and head to North Korea.  Tell us what you think...... if you make it back that is because you sure as shit wont be able to tell us from within it.  LMFAO.  I can tell you that it's a fucking shithole and I can do that without ever having been there because I have enough common sense to know that it's a fucking shithole just based on observations of it's actions and what others have to say about it that actually have been there.  Reporters very rarely experience things themselves,  thats why they are called REPORTers.  They report on OTHER's experiences,  not their own.  BTW,  that comment was taken out of context for an agenda purpose,  it's also not exactly what he said word for word either, it was paraphrased,  again, for agenda purposes.  This guy was talking about how reporters are not REPORTING.  They arent using people's experiences,  they are using govt talking heads words as if they were gospel,  when clearly they are just propaganda and more often than not,  just outright LIES.  Thats what he was referring to.  He was NOT insinuating that other countries are angels and great places which is what you're trying to insinuate.

Common sense and thinking for one's self is something that commies simply dont have because their own philosophy forbids it and their repressive/oppressive government will go out of it's way to insure that the peons dont start thinking for themselves by beating them into submission (IE: Putin's crackdown on independent media outlets).  Literally.  It's all explained here in very black and white:

The bottom line is that Free Speech and Free will is communisms #1 enemy.  That's on full display in Russia right now in the form of 15yrs in prison for those media outlets/reporters that have different opinions than the state.  And it's been on full display in China, North Korea, Cuba,  Former USSR, current Russia, etc for decades,  pushing into centuries here pretty soon.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: April 04, 2022, 11:03:46 AM »
Seemed to be desire to negotiate. Maybe some negotiations were made.. but increased tensions with Russia demanding nations supporting Ukraine pay for fossils fuels in rubles.

Thats laughable.  It's going to end in a failed attempt at saving the value of the RuBBLe by trying to force other nations to buy RuBBLes at inflated prices vs other currencies.  Ditch the RuBBLe now while you can and buy BTC, Monero,  or hell even at this point Doge would be better and Doge is a complete joke.  Like.  Literally.

The RuBBLe has less than 2yrs left in it according to the current TEN year death spiral chart pattern that it's in.

Vs a chart like this which is nothing but Ascending Triangles,  I think I'm goin with Bitcoin instead of RuBBLes.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 30, 2022, 01:19:01 PM »
Run ya filthy commies run.  Ukraine done whooped some serious ass and even encroached INTO Russia on some of it's counter offensives.  Forces headed back to Belarus and some north eastern parts of Russia.  Russians have lost nearly 7x more troops in the span of a month than the US has lost in the last 49 years,  now thats an ass whoopin lol.  I'll be the first to admit,  I did not expect the Ukrainians to win but seeing that come to light is rather cool.  Those led slingin' spring breakers and farmers with tractors really put the hurt to ol' Putin's ruskies haha.

If any of our ukrainians players hauled off some russian armored vehicles,  I'll take one for 4 wheelin fun :D  I'll even pay for the shipping lol.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 28, 2022, 11:24:28 PM »
It's not irresponsible at all.  If dictators know you mean business,  they wont go attacking other countries.  But he showed a sliver of resolve MONTHS to late.  If this were Trump,  Ukraine college students would be partying right now instead of slingin led at commies since Putin wouldnt have attacked in the first place.  Why?  Because Trump means what he says and he doesnt give two shits what anyone thinks about what he says.  Thats called leadership.  And leadership keeps the assclowns like Putin from doing shit they shouldnt be doing.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 28, 2022, 11:41:01 AM »
After Biden's public comments i'd give nuclear war a 40-50% right now.

I had no problem with it at all.  Biden spoke his mind (whats left of it anyway which is like 0.001%) and now he's being told that he cant do that because it makes him appear strong, mean, and alpha,  like Trump.  This is something Trump would have said and had NO regrets about it.  Biden needs to come out with a no,  fuck you,  I meant every word,  now sit your pussy ass down and let a real man handle this shit.  That's what Biden needs to do if he's to reclaim any semblance of respect from 70% of the US that are not pussy snowflakes worried that a pin drop might offend someone else.  The way you keep people in line is that you put them there,  purposely,  with conviction.  If you just let people walk all over you,  they will continue to do so and others will quickly pick up on it and do it as well (such as China).  Of course that will never happen though since he's actually a pussy and bows down to his handlers,  he's a good little puppet and he will obey.  This slip up statement if you want to call it that is the ONLY time I actually liked anything he said and if he doesnt tell his puppet masters to shut the fuck up,  it'll probably be the last time I like anything he says.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 23, 2022, 07:08:26 PM »
Looks like Finland could be the next Nato country.  Polling in 1998 reported 28% of Finland citizens supported it.  Polling taken just this past week shows 60%.  Voting among the member nations has also reached 93% as opposed to 41% in 1998.  Putin sure does know how to increase interest in Nato's membership LMFAO.  The last time Russia tried to invade Finland it got REKT.  They lost roughly 168,000 vs 26,000 in 1939.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 23, 2022, 03:00:20 PM »
new rule: you actually have had to read at least one non-fiction book

Oh good, so we wont be seeing anymore of Jon then since beating it to Hustler magz doesnt qualify as reading.

40 / Re: New domain: ->
« on: March 23, 2022, 02:48:09 PM »
Nice pick on the domain name ;)  A domain change was the right way to avoid any possible anti-russian related sillyness.  I am anti-putin, anti-communist,  not anti-russian citizens (with the exception of Jon,  he's just a waste of human flesh lol).  If Russia were run like these forums,  it would be an interesting vacation destination.

Nox himself smurfs all the time and they are easy to spot though because he just cant write english correctly and it's sort of unique the way he writes lol.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 22, 2022, 03:11:25 PM »
ive been a communist for like 15 years
It is curious though that you have hidden the fact that you're a communist for so long,  this is the first I've seen you admit such anyway.
you must not have been paying attention,3408.msg56013.html#msg56013,2399.msg41211.html#msg41211

if we had the old occult forum you would see those kind of posts going back years.  Nothing in the closet about it lol, i've been arguing of its virtues here for years

Nope never saw any of those at all.  Course I wasnt to active at those times either,  I rarely come here and only the recent Russian invasions have peaked my interest since many of the people here would be affected by it.  However with the free speech rules you help apply here,  it never crossed my mind that you would have supported such a suppressive party ideal considering free speech is communism's #1 enemy.  Take Jon for example,  he's a complete waste of meat but I didnt agree with his being muffled.  Jon cant debate his way out of his own way but you seem to have a grasp and ability to debate which I enjoy even though I would NEVER support any ideas as they relate to communism in the least.  I just cannot support what I read at the link I posted earlier.  Trying to justify suppression and human genodcide is just disgusting.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 21, 2022, 10:13:18 AM »
and you think communism is ruining america
It's not a thought.  It's a historical fact.  Anything socialist/communist has failed miserably (Social Security, Welfare system, Obamacare, Urban criminal policies etc). 

ive been a communist for like 15 years
It is curious though that you have hidden the fact that you're a communist for so long,  this is the first I've seen you admit such anyway.  At least you're out of the closet now I suppose.  Do you also live in a communist country?  If not why not move to one?  I hear Cuba has great beaches and North Korea has excellent mountains for skiing,  Venezuela has some nice weather,  China has every kind of terrain feature one could want, and Russia is doing awesome things these days.  There are some great communist states to give yourself to so that someone else can wrap a leash around you like a dog if that's your thing.  I hear communists are often also into the Sub/Dom BDSM thing and like leashes, whips, and chains lol.

Explain why someone would want a dictatorship of workers let alone a dictatorship of anything when it comes to government.  The only dictatorships I have ever approved of are parental,  and MAYBE within a private company (I couldnt work for a place like that,  I have as a young kid and would never again),  the company I have worked in for the past 20+yrs votes on things publicly within the company (not public to the world) that would affect all or most of its employees,  unions do the same thing but I disapprove of unions fundamentally for other reasons.  Previous to that I was self employed.  Previous to self employment I worked at Ames Dept store (similar to Walmart) as a HS student and would never work at a place like that ever again,  the dictatorship was far to obvious.

Excerpt from a Communist Workers Party site (

In addition to suppressing the exploiters, the dictatorship of the proletariat must also suppress all sorts of bad elements who try to wreck our young socialist society. As Lenin said,

... these elements of disintegration cannot ’reveal themselves’ otherwise than in the increase of crime, hooliganism, corruption, profiteering and outrages of every kind. To put these down requires time and requires an iron hand . . . The misfortune of previous revolutions was that the revolutionary enthusiasm of the people, which sustained them in their state of tension and gave them the strength to suppress ruthlessly the elements of disintegration did not last long. (Lenin. “The Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government,” Collected Works, Vol. 27)

Translation:  We must partake in human Genocide with an Iron Fist (as evidenced by Russia's current absurdity,  China's current  Genocide against the Uighurs as well as ALL past and current communist states).  In otherwords,  Communism BREEDS GENOCIDE as it's basic to it's core because of it's need to dictate what you should and shouldnt be doing for ruling elite's own personal gain.  For those that dont understand what a proletariat is,  it's just a fancy term for Workers.  So  Dictatorship of Proletariat is the same as Dictatorship of Workers (  Not sure why Blid didnt use the correct term since they are one in the same.

That whole entire Communist Workers Party page is utterly disgusting.  It's full of enemy this, destroy that, crush those, suppress them,  suppress that,  etc etc  VERY violent.  I dont understand how a modern human could read that and not see that it's just an excuse for the ruling elite to take power over everything you own for their own benefit.  It literally tries to justify human genocide MULTIPLE times.  There just simply is no form of communism/socialism that works without partaking in human genocide, violence, or suppression/oppression.  None.  So it doesnt surprise me that it's outlawed in the US via the anti-communist act of 1954,  Socialism/Communism are very cruel and violent methods of governing.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 20, 2022, 07:50:04 PM »
* Bernie, AOC, etc are not communist at all (they do not support a dictatorship of the workers, they do not support state ownership of enterprise).
Incorrect,  they have all come out and publicly stated that they are "Democratic Socialists" which is not the same as a Socialist.  A democratic socialist's goals are more akin to communism to the point where it's basically just an alias for communism.  "With the association of social democracy as policy regime[111] and the development of the Third Way,[25] social democracy became almost exclusively associated with capitalist welfare states,[112] while democratic socialism came to include communist and revolutionary tendencies.[113]"

You are mixing up Social Democracy with Democratic Socialism.  They are similar but have different philosophies of achieving the same goals.  For example,  AOC more than once has stated she wants the govt to own ALL the property in the US so that she could "level the playing field" as far as who gets to live where.  She has also stated that large corporations such as Walmart, Amazon, Google, etc should be Govt controlled so that the Executive Officers incomes could be regulated and that revenue used elsewhere or even eliminated completely and replaced by government officials.  Those are all communistic ideas.  Therefore it's pretty obvious that anyone who's a Democratic Socialist is also a communist at heart.

Bernie, AOC etc are completely powerless and are unable to achieve any of their objectives
Biden continues to refuse to revert energy policy because of the "Democratic Socialists" blocking it so that he cannot set it back to what Trump had which gave the US it's first taste of actual true energy independence for the first time in it's history.  They have accomplished MORE than they should have which is why the US is currently going parabolic to the downside where as Trump had it going parabolic to the upside.  Under Trump the border was being secured,  countries werent invading each other, and the US didnt depend on anyone else for it's energy.  That was all destroyed on the first day of Biden's presidency and it's been getting worse ever since,  to the point where countries are invading each other because Biden is viewed as weak (because he's being controlled by the Democratic Socialists and has no brain to make decisions of his own), the US depends on energy from outside it's own borders, and it's southern border is being invaded by soon to be voting fraud criminals as they will all vote illegally and for the party that let them in (the communists).  The best way to get someones vote is for them to enable you to do things you otherwise would not have been able to do (such as rob stores in San Fran with little to no repercussions, cross over the southern border illegally with no repercussions,  etc).

Obama himself intervened to stop Bernie from winning the Dem primary, calling Pete Buttigieg and others and encouraging them to drop out and endorse Biden to circumvent Bernie winning.
Thats actually a sign of how a communist behaves.  Communists fear competition since they cant control the outcome,  Sanders is not as easily controlled as Biden,  thats just a fact thats been proven over and over ever since he came to office.

* The country as a whole is further away from having a strong assertive government than it ever has been
This couldnt be further from the truth.  If it were,  there wouldnt be so many 2A and 1A arguments going on right now.  The govt is becoming to controlling and has been eroding both 2A and 1A ever since Clinton came to office,  it's been getting worse ever since.

* If that anti-communist law was actually constitutional and being enforced, that enforcement alone would prove that the United States is not a ""free"" country since certain political opinions would be outlawed.
I agree with you on this one.  However,  it's a law and it should be enforced until it's repealed.  That's how Rule of Law works.  I would be for repealing it.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 18, 2022, 01:59:20 PM »

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 18, 2022, 12:18:46 PM »
china is succeeding wildly, as america continues to create its own collapse

Well duuuuuuuuh,  when you actively participate in stealing IP and have Slave labor camps to produce things,  of course you're going to be able to be successful compared to a capitalist state that has to PAY its labor force and doesnt steal IP.  And if you want to call the Uyghur Genocide "succeeding wildly" (,  well,  then I guess you support human genocide.  Where in the US is there an equivalent to that currently.  AFAIK it only existed pre-1865 and has since been outlawed because it's not right.  Even in today's US prisons,  prisoners are paid for work.


You are correct about the US however.  It's destroying itself from the inside out because it's allowing communists in it's government which indeed ARE destroying it from the inside out (AOC and all her coherts, Biden, Harris, Sanders and just about every dem in the senate are all self proclaimed "democratic socialists" which is just another fancy name for communist).  Communist party activities/gatherings/participation, etc are actually supposed to be illegal in the US but they are now masquerading around as "Socialist Democrats".

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