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Topics - Igognito

Pages: 1 [2]
16 / Is it me or the Server is Down?
« on: June 13, 2016, 11:01:31 AM »
Hi all, is the server down?

The page: show some users logged in but I can't enter.
It takes forever to check the cd key and after that it says there is a problem with the server try again later.


Mods & Development / War2 over Linux
« on: May 12, 2016, 09:29:37 PM »
Hi all,

for better or worst I'm using Linux. Currently I run war2 using Wine but I would like to see a native version...

Why? Because I have several problems:
First of all, if I play only single player the game is ok. I also assume if go non enhanced multiplayer it should be fine.
The moment I go to Enhanced multiplayer all hell breaks loose!
a) The graphics of battlenet enviroment are non visible
b) If I play full screen I loose the keyboard focus
c) I cant host games because of a port issue (perhaps this can be bypassed)
d) Mouse even in the slowest speed is toooo fast for my taste (this perhaps can be fixed with a linux system command)

Anyhow, I would be willing to help in order to make a linux version! Or create an extensive guide of how to make War2 play properly under linux.

Thus I'm starting this post...
First question, do you have the source code? if so, perhaps we could try to compile under linux! That would be the ideal solution.
Second question, anyone else uses linux? Do the same issues arise?
Third question, who is willing to help me for this!

Thats for now!
ps: Thank you for the great job of reviving War2! You reminded me the great times I had when I was younger!
ps2: Slowly, I will do my best to get involved with the development.

Support Requests / [fixed] Checking Version
« on: May 12, 2016, 02:51:20 PM »
Hello all,

first of all thank you for the great work of keeping alive War2!!!
Today I encountered the following problem:
I was trying to logon on the server and war2 never passed the checking version screen.
I could logon once on the alternative server but I was dropped out shortly after.
Any suggestions?


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