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Messages - Ryzel

Pages: [1]
Wow thanks Tora and mouse!  So hyped =)

2 / Re: Master tag challenge thread
« on: March 01, 2017, 07:14:51 AM »
Oooh, thanks Tora.  That legend thing seems basically what I was talking about.  I wonder why no one seems to have challenged him?  I know these pros have big egos so maybe the risk of losing on stream isn't worth a potential $25. 

Maybe as added incentive make it so there's only one Legend at a time and the challenger can steal the tag?  Or maybe offer guaranteed $5 even if you lose?  Just throwing out ideas.

3 / Re: Master tag challenge thread
« on: February 28, 2017, 08:27:12 AM »
As a lurker who 1) loves high quality War2 games and 2) enjoys seeing the competition to be the best, I propose the creation of a Grand Master tag, to help motivate the best to play each other more.

- Only 1 Grand Master tag
- Only those with Master tags are allowed to challenge the Grand Master for his tag
- If Grand Master loses, he still keeps Master tag
- Enhanced winnings for successful Grand Master defense
- Grand Masters don't have to accept all challenges but must accept at least 1 every 2-3 weeks, prioritizing those who he hasn't recently defended against
- Give it to Swag first cause he has the most successful Master tag defenses (earned it) and also because he's my favorite to watch <3

All assuming Tora's down for it of course.  But as an avid spectator of pro games I would get super hyped for this!

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