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Wasteland => Flame Wars & Offtopic => Topic started by: BigBallerDiamond on May 30, 2016, 04:30:38 PM

Title: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on May 30, 2016, 04:30:38 PM
Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
A Short Essay by John Doe

Is it cheaper to have sex with normal women than with prostitutes? No, and here is why.

When you have sex with a normal girl, it's by no means "free". You have to take her out to dinner, buy her drinks, and you might have to go on two or even three dates before you will have sex with her. If you add up the total costs of these three dates, it would be approxiately around 400 dollars.

Now let's look at the cost of the average high quality prostitute. You can bang a prostitute for 2 hours for 250 dollars.

What are the benefits of using prostitutes instead of dating normal women?

1. The average prostitute is far hotter than the average normal woman you can date.
2. YOU get to do the choosing, and the power of choice is in YOUR hands, instead of in the woman's hands
3. With a prostitute, you have sex with her and that's it. No emotional drama, no mind games, no bullshit, like there is with normal women.
4. You don't have to waste hours of your valuable time that you could otherwise spend on making money, taking women out on dates or trying to pick up women in bars and clubs. No, instead you pay a prostitute for one or two hours of her time, have sex with her, and leave.
5. You choose WHEN you want to have sex. So let's say you're a busy businessman, instead of wasting 5 hours at a bar or on a date, instead you'd spend only one or two hours with a prostitute, and that at your convience too. YOU are the one who chooses WHEN, and so you save a LOT of time.
6. Prostites are DEFINITELY cheaper than getting married. Overall, through a 10 year marriage and divorce, you'd end up spending at least 250,000 dollars. Now let's take that number and divide it by 250 dollars, which is the average price of a high quality prostitute in a Western country. That is sex with 1000 different high quality prostitutes. Now if you talk to any married man, who is HONEST, he will admit that sex with the wife after the first 6 months or year starts to get boring. And this is why people in long term relationships barely have sex, because it's BORING having sex with the same person time after time. Variety is the spice of life! You could have sex with 1000 different women for the same price it would cost to marry one woman and have sex with her. And considering how unstable most western women are nowadays, the chance of divorce is around 60%, with the woman initiating the divorce 90% of the time. You are likely to lose at least 50% of your assets and savings in a divorce, and so marriage to a western woman may end up costing you up to 500,000 dollars or even a million dollars, once you add in the divorce costs and long term child payment and alimony costs.

So let's take that number, one million dollars, and divide it by 250. That's 4000 DIFFERENT women you could pay to have sex with, instead of marrying one woman who will just end up turning into a bitch and divorcing you anyway. So it's your choice guys. Would you rather marry one woman, who will get bored of sex after 6 months, and end up stealing all your assets and savings in divorce, or would you rather have sex with 4000 different beautiful women for the same price?

Another very relevant point is that the world of modern dating has become quite risky. Most women see nothing wrong with making a false rape accusation against a man. Most rape cases are fake and are done out of a motive of REVENGE by the woman. Did you break up with your girlfriend? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation against you just to get revenge. Did you cheat on your girl with another girl? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation just to get revenge on you. Forgot to tell your girlfriend "happy birthday"? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation against you in order to get revenge on you. At least 90% of rape cases are FALSE, the sex was CONSENSUAL and the woman later changed her mind AFTER the act and decided "oh it was rape". LOL. And this is why the police no longer take rape cases seriously, because literally 90% of women who claim to have been raped are LYING!

So that is another HUGE benefit of prostitues. A prostitute won't make a false rape accusation against you.

What's another GREAT reason that men choose to use prostitutes? Because by paying for sex, they can have sex with a MUCH hotter quality of woman than they would normally. For example, if we rate women on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of beauty. The average guy will be able to pick up and have sex with a 4 or a 5 from a bar, a club, or Tinder. Meanwhile, if the same man paid for sex with a high quality prostitute for $250 dollars (about the same amount of money he would spend picking up a 4 or 5 from a bar, club, or Tinder), the prostitute he would have sex with would be an 8 or 9 on the beauty scale. So for the same amount of money, he can have sex with a much hotter woman, and with much less effort too. Think about all the effort you have to put in to go to a bar or club. You have to buy good clothes, you have to spend lots of money on drinks and food, and also have to spend a lot of money on making sure your apartment is cool and stylish so the girl will feel comfortable there. So unless you're a man who was blessed with the looks of Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise and have women chasing after you, the easiest and cheapest option for most men to have sex with the hottest quality of women is to simply PAY for sex with a hot prostitute. One guy was asked why he paid to have sex with prostitutes and his reply was "If I’m being brutally honest, the hottest women I’ve ever had sex with have been prostitutes … I would never be able to have sex with women who are ridiculously hot unless they were prostitutes.” I can also personally testify to this point. The types of chicks I was getting from Tinder were mostly fat or at best mildly hot, I would have rated them between a 3 and a 6 on the attraction scale. Then the first time I went to a prostitute, I was blown away with the options and the QUALITY too. Here were super hot girls who I could bang for such a cheap price. Needless to say, I gave up on dating and ONLY bang prostitutes now. I'm a much happier and peaceful person as a result.

Another couple of reasons that men gave as to why they choose to have sex with prostitutes are:

"Getting a prostitute is so easy: no strings attached, you can choose the woman you want before you purchase, then they arrive at your door. Couldn’t be easier."

I can also testify to this. Getting a normal girl to have sex is a real pain in the ass and involves so much struggle, drama, and mind games. Then of course after you have sex with her, you have to deal with her stalking you, calling you so many times, and with her unrealistic expectation that you are going to have a committed and exclusively relationship with her. All that compared with the EASE of banging a hot prostitute, and the choice is simple. I chose to not waste time trying to date women anymore and only bang hot prostitutes now.

“We want to have sex without all the bullshit of pretending to be really interested in a girl. When you pay for sex, you don’t have to swap numbers at the end when you know you won’t call. You pay, have sex, she leaves. Everyone’s happy.”

This goes along with the above point. With normal women and dating, you have to PRETEND to care about her and PRETEND to be interested in her, when in reality all you want is to have sex with her. With a prostitute, there is no pretensions and that really is a beautiful thing because ultimately then sex becomes about the raw physical act as well as the pure attractiveness of the woman, and thus you are able to enjoy sex a lot more.

Lastly, let's touch on the issue of legalization. On average surveys, 70 percent of men said they would vote to legalize prostitution, meanwhile 60 percent of women said they would vote to keep prostitution illegal. Now it's pretty obvious why women want to keep prostitution illegal. Women use sex as a weapon to control men. So it would disrupt the economics of women's control over sex if prostitution was legalized, because then MEN would have control over WHO they want to have sex with and WHEN. Forget all those arguments about morality, the REAL reason women want to keep prostitution illegal is so that they can CONTINUE to control men with sex. In effect, women are like a mafia that is desperate to keep control of the sexual marketplace. If prostitution was legal, men would be a lot less inclined to put up with women's bullshit just to get sex from them, when they can go pay for sex from a much more attractive woman and without all the hassles and drama that dating and normal women bring.

What about STDs some of you might say? Well the whole STD scare is mostly a MYTH that has been blown way out of proportion by feminists and conservative religious leaders in order to scare men away from having sex. In reality, the rate of transmission of AIDS is 1 out of 700 during heterosexual sex. That is, if a man had penis to vagina intercourse with an AIDS-infected woman, it would take 700 times on average before he would contract it. The only way people get AIDS is through using needles to inject drugs, or having anal sex, especially with homosexuals. So the whole AIDS thing is a huge scare, a MYTH, that has been blown way out of proportion.

What about Herpes? Well studies show that 80% of the US population already has Herpes in one of it's forms, so that is not really an issue.

The only other STD that you would have to worry about is Chlamydia, and it can be easily cured within 3 days with antibiotics.

Now, that is UNPROTECTED sex. If you are using condoms to have sex with, then the chances of getting any of these STDs becomes less than zero. And that includes oral sex as well. Most prostitutes will insist that you always use a condom, even during oral sex. So as long as you are using condoms, then STDs are nothing you should even remotely worry about.

So what are some of the main reasons why prostitution should be legalized?

1. If prostitution was legal, it would reduce the STD transmission rate by about 50% amongst prostitutes.

2. If prostitution was legal, it would reduce rape by at least 150%.
Many studies have shown that legal prostitution reduces rape, sexual assault, and other sex crimes by a lot. The same studies have shown that legal prostitution reduces the STD rate amongst the general population by about 50%.

3. The real number of human trafficking victims in the prostitution industry is actually less than 5%. But if prostitution was fully legal, the tiny number of women who are forced into prostitution involuntarily would be able to go to the poliec to get help and escape from their pimps. Keeping prostitution illegal hurts prostitutes the most, so it's funny how feminists want to keep prostitution illegal and yet at the same time claim they care about women's health and women's rights. Feminism is nothing but the biggest pile of bullshit hypocrisy the world has ever seen.

4. Feminists say "my body, my choice". So if 95% of prostitutes are VOLUNTARILY engaging in prostitution, then why should those women have the RIGHT to choose what to do with their own bodies, even if that includes trading sex for money? What right does the government or anyone else have to tell two consenting adults that they cannot exchange money for sex?

5. It would save a lot of money and resources from our police and government. Tens of millions of dollars a year are wasted by our police and government arresting and putting prostitutes in jail. If prostitution was LEGAL, on the other hand, and taxed and regulated, it would bring in tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars a year in tax revenue for our government, as well as freeing up valuable police time for REAL crimes like rape, theft, murder, assault, etc.

6. If prostitution was legal, prostitutes would have legal rights and would not longer get taken advantage of by pimps and other shady figures, including corrupt police officers. Yes, the police also contribute to the oppression of prostitutes because there are many corrupt police officers out there who blackmail and extort prostitutes for money and/or sexual favors. If prostitution was legal, all of this would end and prostitutes would finally have legal rights.

7. Prostitution is the world's oldest profession. It is NEVER going to stop no matter how much the police or government tries to stop it. There are ALWAYS going to be men who are willing to pay money for sex, and there are ALWAYS going to be women who are willing to give sex to men for money. Prostitution has also been an integral part of many cultures and thus trying to stop it is literally impossible. And why should it be stopped? No one has the right to tell two consenting adults that they cannot exchange money for sex. So rather than waste time trying to stop it, just legalize it and tax it, the same way we do with cigarettes, alcohol, and now marijuana.

All in all, I believe in personal freedom. I believe that no one has the right to force their own sense of morality onto others. In some very ancient cultures, prostitutes were actually given very high status in society and considered as spiritual people who could heal men of their problems through sex. That was thousands of years ago though, before self-righteous modern western religions were invented and started violently forcing their concepts of morality onto people. Funny how societies that were thousands of years old were actually far more advanced than we are in the modern age in terms of sex and prostitutes.

It took almost a century for people to wake up and legalize marijuana, which is a completely harmless natural plant that hurts no one. In the same way, society and people in general have to EVOLVE and realize that they have no right to force their own sense of morality or control onto others. The modern society is actually a very sexually restrictive society, compared to cultures and civilizations of the past. And it's this sexual restrictiveness which contributes to so much psychological neurosis, sex crimes, and frustration in general. Is it a coincidence how people in America are so quick to anger and lose their temper, whereas in a place like Thailand where prostitution is legal and accepted, people are very laid back and cool headed? People need to stop seeing sex as such a big thing, and just realize that sex is a normal and acceptable part of life.

With that said, I believe that I have covered all the points as to why prostitution should be legal and an accepted part of society, and so this essay comes to a close. Please feel free to copy, paste, and distribute this essay as my goal is to influence and educate as many people as possible, the only thing I ask is that you do not change it or edit it in any way whatsoever. Thank you very much

John Doe
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on May 30, 2016, 04:38:07 PM
Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
A Short Essay by John Doe

Is it cheaper to have sex with normal women than with prostitutes? No, and here is why.

When you have sex with a normal girl, it's by no means "free". You have to take her out to dinner, buy her drinks, and you might have to go on two or even three dates before you will have sex with her. If you add up the total costs of these three dates, it would be approxiately around 400 dollars.

Now let's look at the cost of the average high quality prostitute. You can bang a prostitute for 2 hours for 250 dollars.

What are the benefits of using prostitutes instead of dating normal women?

1. The average prostitute is far hotter than the average normal woman you can date.
2. YOU get to do the choosing, and the power of choice is in YOUR hands, instead of in the woman's hands
3. With a prostitute, you have sex with her and that's it. No emotional drama, no mind games, no bullshit, like there is with normal women.
4. You don't have to waste hours of your valuable time that you could otherwise spend on making money, taking women out on dates or trying to pick up women in bars and clubs. No, instead you pay a prostitute for one or two hours of her time, have sex with her, and leave.
5. You choose WHEN you want to have sex. So let's say you're a busy businessman, instead of wasting 5 hours at a bar or on a date, instead you'd spend only one or two hours with a prostitute, and that at your convience too. YOU are the one who chooses WHEN, and so you save a LOT of time.
6. Prostites are DEFINITELY cheaper than getting married. Overall, through a 10 year marriage and divorce, you'd end up spending at least 250,000 dollars. Now let's take that number and divide it by 250 dollars, which is the average price of a high quality prostitute in a Western country. That is sex with 1000 different high quality prostitutes. Now if you talk to any married man, who is HONEST, he will admit that sex with the wife after the first 6 months or year starts to get boring. And this is why people in long term relationships barely have sex, because it's BORING having sex with the same person time after time. Variety is the spice of life! You could have sex with 1000 different women for the same price it would cost to marry one woman and have sex with her. And considering how unstable most western women are nowadays, the chance of divorce is around 60%, with the woman initiating the divorce 90% of the time. You are likely to lose at least 50% of your assets and savings in a divorce, and so marriage to a western woman may end up costing you up to 500,000 dollars or even a million dollars, once you add in the divorce costs and long term child payment and alimony costs.

So let's take that number, one million dollars, and divide it by 250. That's 4000 DIFFERENT women you could pay to have sex with, instead of marrying one woman who will just end up turning into a bitch and divorcing you anyway. So it's your choice guys. Would you rather marry one woman, who will get bored of sex after 6 months, and end up stealing all your assets and savings in divorce, or would you rather have sex with 4000 different beautiful women for the same price?

Another very relevant point is that the world of modern dating has become quite risky. Most women see nothing wrong with making a false rape accusation against a man. Most rape cases are fake and are done out of a motive of REVENGE by the woman. Did you break up with your girlfriend? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation against you just to get revenge. Did you cheat on your girl with another girl? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation just to get revenge on you. Forgot to tell your girlfriend "happy birthday"? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation against you in order to get revenge on you. At least 90% of rape cases are FALSE, the sex was CONSENSUAL and the woman later changed her mind AFTER the act and decided "oh it was rape". LOL. And this is why the police no longer take rape cases seriously, because literally 90% of women who claim to have been raped are LYING!

So that is another HUGE benefit of prostitues. A prostitute won't make a false rape accusation against you.

What's another GREAT reason that men choose to use prostitutes? Because by paying for sex, they can have sex with a MUCH hotter quality of woman than they would normally. For example, if we rate women on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of beauty. The average guy will be able to pick up and have sex with a 4 or a 5 from a bar, a club, or Tinder. Meanwhile, if the same man paid for sex with a high quality prostitute for $250 dollars (about the same amount of money he would spend picking up a 4 or 5 from a bar, club, or Tinder), the prostitute he would have sex with would be an 8 or 9 on the beauty scale. So for the same amount of money, he can have sex with a much hotter woman, and with much less effort too. Think about all the effort you have to put in to go to a bar or club. You have to buy good clothes, you have to spend lots of money on drinks and food, and also have to spend a lot of money on making sure your apartment is cool and stylish so the girl will feel comfortable there. So unless you're a man who was blessed with the looks of Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise and have women chasing after you, the easiest and cheapest option for most men to have sex with the hottest quality of women is to simply PAY for sex with a hot prostitute. One guy was asked why he paid to have sex with prostitutes and his reply was "If I’m being brutally honest, the hottest women I’ve ever had sex with have been prostitutes … I would never be able to have sex with women who are ridiculously hot unless they were prostitutes.” I can also personally testify to this point. The types of chicks I was getting from Tinder were mostly fat or at best mildly hot, I would have rated them between a 3 and a 6 on the attraction scale. Then the first time I went to a prostitute, I was blown away with the options and the QUALITY too. Here were super hot girls who I could bang for such a cheap price. Needless to say, I gave up on dating and ONLY bang prostitutes now. I'm a much happier and peaceful person as a result.

Another couple of reasons that men gave as to why they choose to have sex with prostitutes are:

"Getting a prostitute is so easy: no strings attached, you can choose the woman you want before you purchase, then they arrive at your door. Couldn’t be easier."

I can also testify to this. Getting a normal girl to have sex is a real pain in the ass and involves so much struggle, drama, and mind games. Then of course after you have sex with her, you have to deal with her stalking you, calling you so many times, and with her unrealistic expectation that you are going to have a committed and exclusively relationship with her. All that compared with the EASE of banging a hot prostitute, and the choice is simple. I chose to not waste time trying to date women anymore and only bang hot prostitutes now.

“We want to have sex without all the bullshit of pretending to be really interested in a girl. When you pay for sex, you don’t have to swap numbers at the end when you know you won’t call. You pay, have sex, she leaves. Everyone’s happy.”

This goes along with the above point. With normal women and dating, you have to PRETEND to care about her and PRETEND to be interested in her, when in reality all you want is to have sex with her. With a prostitute, there is no pretensions and that really is a beautiful thing because ultimately then sex becomes about the raw physical act as well as the pure attractiveness of the woman, and thus you are able to enjoy sex a lot more.

Lastly, let's touch on the issue of legalization. On average surveys, 70 percent of men said they would vote to legalize prostitution, meanwhile 60 percent of women said they would vote to keep prostitution illegal. Now it's pretty obvious why women want to keep prostitution illegal. Women use sex as a weapon to control men. So it would disrupt the economics of women's control over sex if prostitution was legalized, because then MEN would have control over WHO they want to have sex with and WHEN. Forget all those arguments about morality, the REAL reason women want to keep prostitution illegal is so that they can CONTINUE to control men with sex. In effect, women are like a mafia that is desperate to keep control of the sexual marketplace. If prostitution was legal, men would be a lot less inclined to put up with women's bullshit just to get sex from them, when they can go pay for sex from a much more attractive woman and without all the hassles and drama that dating and normal women bring.

What about STDs some of you might say? Well the whole STD scare is mostly a MYTH that has been blown way out of proportion by feminists and conservative religious leaders in order to scare men away from having sex. In reality, the rate of transmission of AIDS is 1 out of 700 during heterosexual sex. That is, if a man had penis to vagina intercourse with an AIDS-infected woman, it would take 700 times on average before he would contract it. The only way people get AIDS is through using needles to inject drugs, or having anal sex, especially with homosexuals. So the whole AIDS thing is a huge scare, a MYTH, that has been blown way out of proportion.

What about Herpes? Well studies show that 80% of the US population already has Herpes in one of it's forms, so that is not really an issue.

The only other STD that you would have to worry about is Chlamydia, and it can be easily cured within 3 days with antibiotics.

Now, that is UNPROTECTED sex. If you are using condoms to have sex with, then the chances of getting any of these STDs becomes less than zero. And that includes oral sex as well. Most prostitutes will insist that you always use a condom, even during oral sex. So as long as you are using condoms, then STDs are nothing you should even remotely worry about.

So what are some of the main reasons why prostitution should be legalized?

1. If prostitution was legal, it would reduce the STD transmission rate by about 50% amongst prostitutes.

2. If prostitution was legal, it would reduce rape by at least 150%.
Many studies have shown that legal prostitution reduces rape, sexual assault, and other sex crimes by a lot. The same studies have shown that legal prostitution reduces the STD rate amongst the general population by about 50%.

3. The real number of human trafficking victims in the prostitution industry is actually less than 5%. But if prostitution was fully legal, the tiny number of women who are forced into prostitution involuntarily would be able to go to the poliec to get help and escape from their pimps. Keeping prostitution illegal hurts prostitutes the most, so it's funny how feminists want to keep prostitution illegal and yet at the same time claim they care about women's health and women's rights. Feminism is nothing but the biggest pile of bullshit hypocrisy the world has ever seen.

4. Feminists say "my body, my choice". So if 95% of prostitutes are VOLUNTARILY engaging in prostitution, then why should those women have the RIGHT to choose what to do with their own bodies, even if that includes trading sex for money? What right does the government or anyone else have to tell two consenting adults that they cannot exchange money for sex?

5. It would save a lot of money and resources from our police and government. Tens of millions of dollars a year are wasted by our police and government arresting and putting prostitutes in jail. If prostitution was LEGAL, on the other hand, and taxed and regulated, it would bring in tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars a year in tax revenue for our government, as well as freeing up valuable police time for REAL crimes like rape, theft, murder, assault, etc.

6. If prostitution was legal, prostitutes would have legal rights and would not longer get taken advantage of by pimps and other shady figures, including corrupt police officers. Yes, the police also contribute to the oppression of prostitutes because there are many corrupt police officers out there who blackmail and extort prostitutes for money and/or sexual favors. If prostitution was legal, all of this would end and prostitutes would finally have legal rights.

7. Prostitution is the world's oldest profession. It is NEVER going to stop no matter how much the police or government tries to stop it. There are ALWAYS going to be men who are willing to pay money for sex, and there are ALWAYS going to be women who are willing to give sex to men for money. Prostitution has also been an integral part of many cultures and thus trying to stop it is literally impossible. And why should it be stopped? No one has the right to tell two consenting adults that they cannot exchange money for sex. So rather than waste time trying to stop it, just legalize it and tax it, the same way we do with cigarettes, alcohol, and now marijuana.

All in all, I believe in personal freedom. I believe that no one has the right to force their own sense of morality onto others. In some very ancient cultures, prostitutes were actually given very high status in society and considered as spiritual people who could heal men of their problems through sex. That was thousands of years ago though, before self-righteous modern western religions were invented and started violently forcing their concepts of morality onto people. Funny how societies that were thousands of years old were actually far more advanced than we are in the modern age in terms of sex and prostitutes.

It took almost a century for people to wake up and legalize marijuana, which is a completely harmless natural plant that hurts no one. In the same way, society and people in general have to EVOLVE and realize that they have no right to force their own sense of morality or control onto others. The modern society is actually a very sexually restrictive society, compared to cultures and civilizations of the past. And it's this sexual restrictiveness which contributes to so much psychological neurosis, sex crimes, and frustration in general. Is it a coincidence how people in America are so quick to anger and lose their temper, whereas in a place like Thailand where prostitution is legal and accepted, people are very laid back and cool headed? People need to stop seeing sex as such a big thing, and just realize that sex is a normal and acceptable part of life.

With that said, I believe that I have covered all the points as to why prostitution should be legal and an accepted part of society, and so this essay comes to a close. Please feel free to copy, paste, and distribute this essay as my goal is to influence and educate as many people as possible, the only thing I ask is that you do not change it or edit it in any way whatsoever. Thank you very much

John Doe

Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: EviL~Ryu on May 30, 2016, 04:52:45 PM
Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
A Short Essay by John Doe

Is it cheaper to have sex with normal women than with prostitutes? No, and here is why.

When you have sex with a normal girl, it's by no means "free". You have to take her out to dinner, buy her drinks, and you might have to go on two or even three dates before you will have sex with her. If you add up the total costs of these three dates, it would be approxiately around 400 dollars.

Now let's look at the cost of the average high quality prostitute. You can bang a prostitute for 2 hours for 250 dollars.

What are the benefits of using prostitutes instead of dating normal women?

1. The average prostitute is far hotter than the average normal woman you can date.
2. YOU get to do the choosing, and the power of choice is in YOUR hands, instead of in the woman's hands
3. With a prostitute, you have sex with her and that's it. No emotional drama, no mind games, no bullshit, like there is with normal women.
4. You don't have to waste hours of your valuable time that you could otherwise spend on making money, taking women out on dates or trying to pick up women in bars and clubs. No, instead you pay a prostitute for one or two hours of her time, have sex with her, and leave.
5. You choose WHEN you want to have sex. So let's say you're a busy businessman, instead of wasting 5 hours at a bar or on a date, instead you'd spend only one or two hours with a prostitute, and that at your convience too. YOU are the one who chooses WHEN, and so you save a LOT of time.
6. Prostites are DEFINITELY cheaper than getting married. Overall, through a 10 year marriage and divorce, you'd end up spending at least 250,000 dollars. Now let's take that number and divide it by 250 dollars, which is the average price of a high quality prostitute in a Western country. That is sex with 1000 different high quality prostitutes. Now if you talk to any married man, who is HONEST, he will admit that sex with the wife after the first 6 months or year starts to get boring. And this is why people in long term relationships barely have sex, because it's BORING having sex with the same person time after time. Variety is the spice of life! You could have sex with 1000 different women for the same price it would cost to marry one woman and have sex with her. And considering how unstable most western women are nowadays, the chance of divorce is around 60%, with the woman initiating the divorce 90% of the time. You are likely to lose at least 50% of your assets and savings in a divorce, and so marriage to a western woman may end up costing you up to 500,000 dollars or even a million dollars, once you add in the divorce costs and long term child payment and alimony costs.

So let's take that number, one million dollars, and divide it by 250. That's 4000 DIFFERENT women you could pay to have sex with, instead of marrying one woman who will just end up turning into a bitch and divorcing you anyway. So it's your choice guys. Would you rather marry one woman, who will get bored of sex after 6 months, and end up stealing all your assets and savings in divorce, or would you rather have sex with 4000 different beautiful women for the same price?

Another very relevant point is that the world of modern dating has become quite risky. Most women see nothing wrong with making a false rape accusation against a man. Most rape cases are fake and are done out of a motive of REVENGE by the woman. Did you break up with your girlfriend? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation against you just to get revenge. Did you cheat on your girl with another girl? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation just to get revenge on you. Forgot to tell your girlfriend "happy birthday"? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation against you in order to get revenge on you. At least 90% of rape cases are FALSE, the sex was CONSENSUAL and the woman later changed her mind AFTER the act and decided "oh it was rape". LOL. And this is why the police no longer take rape cases seriously, because literally 90% of women who claim to have been raped are LYING!

So that is another HUGE benefit of prostitues. A prostitute won't make a false rape accusation against you.

What's another GREAT reason that men choose to use prostitutes? Because by paying for sex, they can have sex with a MUCH hotter quality of woman than they would normally. For example, if we rate women on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of beauty. The average guy will be able to pick up and have sex with a 4 or a 5 from a bar, a club, or Tinder. Meanwhile, if the same man paid for sex with a high quality prostitute for $250 dollars (about the same amount of money he would spend picking up a 4 or 5 from a bar, club, or Tinder), the prostitute he would have sex with would be an 8 or 9 on the beauty scale. So for the same amount of money, he can have sex with a much hotter woman, and with much less effort too. Think about all the effort you have to put in to go to a bar or club. You have to buy good clothes, you have to spend lots of money on drinks and food, and also have to spend a lot of money on making sure your apartment is cool and stylish so the girl will feel comfortable there. So unless you're a man who was blessed with the looks of Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise and have women chasing after you, the easiest and cheapest option for most men to have sex with the hottest quality of women is to simply PAY for sex with a hot prostitute. One guy was asked why he paid to have sex with prostitutes and his reply was "If I’m being brutally honest, the hottest women I’ve ever had sex with have been prostitutes … I would never be able to have sex with women who are ridiculously hot unless they were prostitutes.” I can also personally testify to this point. The types of chicks I was getting from Tinder were mostly fat or at best mildly hot, I would have rated them between a 3 and a 6 on the attraction scale. Then the first time I went to a prostitute, I was blown away with the options and the QUALITY too. Here were super hot girls who I could bang for such a cheap price. Needless to say, I gave up on dating and ONLY bang prostitutes now. I'm a much happier and peaceful person as a result.

Another couple of reasons that men gave as to why they choose to have sex with prostitutes are:

"Getting a prostitute is so easy: no strings attached, you can choose the woman you want before you purchase, then they arrive at your door. Couldn’t be easier."

I can also testify to this. Getting a normal girl to have sex is a real pain in the ass and involves so much struggle, drama, and mind games. Then of course after you have sex with her, you have to deal with her stalking you, calling you so many times, and with her unrealistic expectation that you are going to have a committed and exclusively relationship with her. All that compared with the EASE of banging a hot prostitute, and the choice is simple. I chose to not waste time trying to date women anymore and only bang hot prostitutes now.

“We want to have sex without all the bullshit of pretending to be really interested in a girl. When you pay for sex, you don’t have to swap numbers at the end when you know you won’t call. You pay, have sex, she leaves. Everyone’s happy.”

This goes along with the above point. With normal women and dating, you have to PRETEND to care about her and PRETEND to be interested in her, when in reality all you want is to have sex with her. With a prostitute, there is no pretensions and that really is a beautiful thing because ultimately then sex becomes about the raw physical act as well as the pure attractiveness of the woman, and thus you are able to enjoy sex a lot more.

Lastly, let's touch on the issue of legalization. On average surveys, 70 percent of men said they would vote to legalize prostitution, meanwhile 60 percent of women said they would vote to keep prostitution illegal. Now it's pretty obvious why women want to keep prostitution illegal. Women use sex as a weapon to control men. So it would disrupt the economics of women's control over sex if prostitution was legalized, because then MEN would have control over WHO they want to have sex with and WHEN. Forget all those arguments about morality, the REAL reason women want to keep prostitution illegal is so that they can CONTINUE to control men with sex. In effect, women are like a mafia that is desperate to keep control of the sexual marketplace. If prostitution was legal, men would be a lot less inclined to put up with women's bullshit just to get sex from them, when they can go pay for sex from a much more attractive woman and without all the hassles and drama that dating and normal women bring.

What about STDs some of you might say? Well the whole STD scare is mostly a MYTH that has been blown way out of proportion by feminists and conservative religious leaders in order to scare men away from having sex. In reality, the rate of transmission of AIDS is 1 out of 700 during heterosexual sex. That is, if a man had penis to vagina intercourse with an AIDS-infected woman, it would take 700 times on average before he would contract it. The only way people get AIDS is through using needles to inject drugs, or having anal sex, especially with homosexuals. So the whole AIDS thing is a huge scare, a MYTH, that has been blown way out of proportion.

What about Herpes? Well studies show that 80% of the US population already has Herpes in one of it's forms, so that is not really an issue.

The only other STD that you would have to worry about is Chlamydia, and it can be easily cured within 3 days with antibiotics.

Now, that is UNPROTECTED sex. If you are using condoms to have sex with, then the chances of getting any of these STDs becomes less than zero. And that includes oral sex as well. Most prostitutes will insist that you always use a condom, even during oral sex. So as long as you are using condoms, then STDs are nothing you should even remotely worry about.

So what are some of the main reasons why prostitution should be legalized?

1. If prostitution was legal, it would reduce the STD transmission rate by about 50% amongst prostitutes.

2. If prostitution was legal, it would reduce rape by at least 150%.
Many studies have shown that legal prostitution reduces rape, sexual assault, and other sex crimes by a lot. The same studies have shown that legal prostitution reduces the STD rate amongst the general population by about 50%.

3. The real number of human trafficking victims in the prostitution industry is actually less than 5%. But if prostitution was fully legal, the tiny number of women who are forced into prostitution involuntarily would be able to go to the poliec to get help and escape from their pimps. Keeping prostitution illegal hurts prostitutes the most, so it's funny how feminists want to keep prostitution illegal and yet at the same time claim they care about women's health and women's rights. Feminism is nothing but the biggest pile of bullshit hypocrisy the world has ever seen.

4. Feminists say "my body, my choice". So if 95% of prostitutes are VOLUNTARILY engaging in prostitution, then why should those women have the RIGHT to choose what to do with their own bodies, even if that includes trading sex for money? What right does the government or anyone else have to tell two consenting adults that they cannot exchange money for sex?

5. It would save a lot of money and resources from our police and government. Tens of millions of dollars a year are wasted by our police and government arresting and putting prostitutes in jail. If prostitution was LEGAL, on the other hand, and taxed and regulated, it would bring in tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars a year in tax revenue for our government, as well as freeing up valuable police time for REAL crimes like rape, theft, murder, assault, etc.

6. If prostitution was legal, prostitutes would have legal rights and would not longer get taken advantage of by pimps and other shady figures, including corrupt police officers. Yes, the police also contribute to the oppression of prostitutes because there are many corrupt police officers out there who blackmail and extort prostitutes for money and/or sexual favors. If prostitution was legal, all of this would end and prostitutes would finally have legal rights.

7. Prostitution is the world's oldest profession. It is NEVER going to stop no matter how much the police or government tries to stop it. There are ALWAYS going to be men who are willing to pay money for sex, and there are ALWAYS going to be women who are willing to give sex to men for money. Prostitution has also been an integral part of many cultures and thus trying to stop it is literally impossible. And why should it be stopped? No one has the right to tell two consenting adults that they cannot exchange money for sex. So rather than waste time trying to stop it, just legalize it and tax it, the same way we do with cigarettes, alcohol, and now marijuana.

All in all, I believe in personal freedom. I believe that no one has the right to force their own sense of morality onto others. In some very ancient cultures, prostitutes were actually given very high status in society and considered as spiritual people who could heal men of their problems through sex. That was thousands of years ago though, before self-righteous modern western religions were invented and started violently forcing their concepts of morality onto people. Funny how societies that were thousands of years old were actually far more advanced than we are in the modern age in terms of sex and prostitutes.

It took almost a century for people to wake up and legalize marijuana, which is a completely harmless natural plant that hurts no one. In the same way, society and people in general have to EVOLVE and realize that they have no right to force their own sense of morality or control onto others. The modern society is actually a very sexually restrictive society, compared to cultures and civilizations of the past. And it's this sexual restrictiveness which contributes to so much psychological neurosis, sex crimes, and frustration in general. Is it a coincidence how people in America are so quick to anger and lose their temper, whereas in a place like Thailand where prostitution is legal and accepted, people are very laid back and cool headed? People need to stop seeing sex as such a big thing, and just realize that sex is a normal and acceptable part of life.

With that said, I believe that I have covered all the points as to why prostitution should be legal and an accepted part of society, and so this essay comes to a close. Please feel free to copy, paste, and distribute this essay as my goal is to influence and educate as many people as possible, the only thing I ask is that you do not change it or edit it in any way whatsoever. Thank you very much

John Doe


Well to be fair, yes...

We read all the bullshit you post. [emoji10]

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Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on May 30, 2016, 05:48:12 PM
Well, I didn't read it, and I shant.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: EviL~Ryu on May 30, 2016, 06:03:42 PM
Well, I didn't read it, and I shant.

Shame on you then. [emoji53]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on May 30, 2016, 06:09:28 PM
Shame on me indeed, for not wasting 5-10 minutes of my life reading some retard's stupid bullshit.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: EviL~Ryu on May 30, 2016, 06:10:45 PM
Shame on me indeed, for not wasting 5-10 minutes of my life reading some retard's stupid bullshit.

Imagine if that was a requirement when signing up for this forum [emoji23]

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Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on May 30, 2016, 07:12:59 PM
Too bad you guys didn't read it, because my essay might have changed your life.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Ariph on May 30, 2016, 08:10:09 PM
If you want the emotions and the sex you should fuck with a friend, lover or girlfriend.

I guess if it's just for the fuck, then pay someone.

But I will go with the first option.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on May 31, 2016, 06:39:23 AM
id defiantly go with not a prostitute ..get a job be a sugar daddy etc...search any stds including aids its in a common std category on google :o.

least get tested like a mofo.

im going with call me a faget cause im not fucking with just anyone  :D

marriage shit is just for taxes/equality other than that people was just shamed into it in old society.
not saying prostitute is wrong boils down to the 7 billion people and we all aint gonna make it.
well off to drink and jam  :)

yeah your essay would have but i like using the rick james bypassing society saying " I'm Rich Bitch"

pushing that horny to make ya society may get ya killed when ya alone :o

bad company!!! no we laying down the yellow brick road!! palm leaves!!

im drinking the rest of this year taking care of my grandparents im sorry we are in a majority bad chill yaself :) even the impopo's will care for thier makers not moving for takers jesus is a grown god jessu he has to just deal with it

glad my family let me drink again you dont pass off queer anger to them they think ya cray cray lol to bad all my freinds was horndogs

bad stop lol dude think he has hopes cause he likes prostitues go ahead ahead and tell yea what a fucking fuckup if you think you can build life on that

bitch wants the aro aces  women that blow his head off with a 45 to be against conventional marriage

jesus aint real man we still revolving around the sun and my 1800's relitives are still in a house

bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck me i like looking jehova in the eyes i dont need a son lol

i land str8 with satan holy shit he is the only one that likes homos and others catholics bent the rules satanism is a legit religion its just about sex and the ladder hetero homo bi pan whaterver and impotents if your one of the oter mother earth made it

you have no idea what you're talking about, dude. you're just repeating the same old dogmas that society tells you.

So you think sugar daddy is acceptable but prostitution isn't? Oh that's right, because you're brainwashed by feminists and women in general to allow them to extort the maximum amount of resources from you.

This is what happens when you don't think for yourself and come to your own conclusions.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: shesycompany on May 31, 2016, 07:55:59 AM
lol idk but a bitch likes me dam mario kart here i come :o
dam hung over.
no i hang around sex repulsed ace aro's you push that shit you will be shot!play mario kart be ok!

your long shit is when you die alone..better be eating hard on pills playign with them whore dog.

sugar daddy > a john

im gonabe just like my uncle :9 queer as hell and merry christmas cards for everyone :)

and why your playing with prosti's is cause you dont have a romantic feeling you sly aro you :P

congrats yur a minority also romantics love thier weddings candle lit dinners etc
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on May 31, 2016, 08:54:35 AM
I didn't read the long post, because the poster is mentally ill, a fact I was able to ascertain from the thread title alone.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: shesycompany on May 31, 2016, 09:10:28 AM
hey i been mentally ill since i ever been here  >:(

well damit i got dumped!!  :'(
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on May 31, 2016, 10:10:35 AM
Sorry easycompany, you're cool.  But this guy is an Elliot Rodger in training.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Winchester on May 31, 2016, 11:04:23 AM
But this guy is an Elliot Rodger in training.

Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on May 31, 2016, 02:05:14 PM
you have no idea what you're talking about, dude. you're just repeating the same old dogmas that society tells you.

So you think sugar daddy is acceptable but prostitution isn't? Oh that's right, because you're brainwashed by feminists and women in general to allow them to extort the maximum amount of resources from you.

This is what happens when you don't think for yourself and come to your own conclusions.
Once your brain gets like this, prostitutes are the only women who will ever touch you again, so the prostitute manifesto I didn't read seems to be a natural result.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: ~ToRa~ on May 31, 2016, 02:12:39 PM
Problem is prostitutes are a reoccurring expense.

You find the right girl and give her a good shagging ur "date nights" before sex will become much less expensive.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Delete mine too on May 31, 2016, 05:04:52 PM
Too bad you guys didn't read it, because my essay might have changed your life.
I didn't read it and all I can say is sex is sex hoes are hoes. Use a rubber and never bring more money then what you paying that bitch!

Don't matter what type of female you get it from. Hoes or house wife. They act the same and honestly even if you found the right one something could happen car accident for example and boom now house wife is being a hoe because she has a 16yr old mind again....

Anyways take it how you want it. At least if you got hoes you fuck, pay a small percentage compared to wife/whatever, don't got someone down your throat, and you won't hearing bitchin for a week or more. Just never have kids with a hoe unless you can handle the pain of not having your children around...
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: shesycompany on May 31, 2016, 05:41:37 PM
well im into the i dont really give a fuck anymore tired of trying lol.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Delete mine too on May 31, 2016, 05:53:51 PM
well im into the i dont really give a fuck anymore tired of trying lol.
New ideas and new tasks that will really put you out there.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: shesycompany on May 31, 2016, 06:22:28 PM
lol man its cool, gaming and retiring and looking for the same type people.

plenty of perverted sex acts i could do just dont feel like it.dude likes prosti's just hard to be safe in that man maybe get someone and role play way safer.

may do something with my aunt though lolololol before she gets to old teenage fantasy .

she already hit me up alot dam my health ..and im a sick sob :P gone to jam!
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on May 31, 2016, 07:27:29 PM
you have no idea what you're talking about, dude. you're just repeating the same old dogmas that society tells you.

So you think sugar daddy is acceptable but prostitution isn't? Oh that's right, because you're brainwashed by feminists and women in general to allow them to extort the maximum amount of resources from you.

This is what happens when you don't think for yourself and come to your own conclusions.

You are really, really, really, really fucking stupid.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: EviL~Ryu on May 31, 2016, 08:29:02 PM
you have no idea what you're talking about, dude. you're just repeating the same old dogmas that society tells you.

So you think sugar daddy is acceptable but prostitution isn't? Oh that's right, because you're brainwashed by feminists and women in general to allow them to extort the maximum amount of resources from you.

This is what happens when you don't think for yourself and come to your own conclusions.

You are really, really, really, really fucking stupid.

Think he goes beyond Dellam [emoji54]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Delete mine too on May 31, 2016, 08:44:39 PM
you have no idea what you're talking about, dude. you're just repeating the same old dogmas that society tells you.

So you think sugar daddy is acceptable but prostitution isn't? Oh that's right, because you're brainwashed by feminists and women in general to allow them to extort the maximum amount of resources from you.

This is what happens when you don't think for yourself and come to your own conclusions.

You are really, really, really, really fucking stupid.

Think he goes beyond Dellam [emoji54]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
That's not possible unless this is a dellam smurf account :/
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: EviL~Ryu on May 31, 2016, 08:49:10 PM
you have no idea what you're talking about, dude. you're just repeating the same old dogmas that society tells you.

So you think sugar daddy is acceptable but prostitution isn't? Oh that's right, because you're brainwashed by feminists and women in general to allow them to extort the maximum amount of resources from you.

This is what happens when you don't think for yourself and come to your own conclusions.

You are really, really, really, really fucking stupid.

Think he goes beyond Dellam [emoji54]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
That's not possible unless this is a dellam smurf account :/

But of course, as much as blid tries, only Dellam can achieve this level of stupidity [emoji53]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: shesycompany on May 31, 2016, 09:43:11 PM
well shit merry xmas cards forgot i am a sugar daddy still in.dude can do whatever shit back to jamming.lol play with hookers just dam get diseses dont go around thinking your someone special.no hard feelings,i study alot of shit and it stays in my sub conscience as flushes out when i drink :P

oh fuck my shit aint sex its playing video games :P my natural selection is other shamed impotent males.little lube get every one to squirting  ::)

your a aro sexual,im a aro impotent why you like them no romantic ties.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on May 31, 2016, 10:27:02 PM
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on June 02, 2016, 12:39:10 PM
n mentally ill since i ev

Nope, Elliot Rodger was a loser who was too much of a pussy to even go and fuck prostitutes. If the guy had just went to Vegas, paid 500 dollars or whatever to some whore to bust his cherry and lose his virginity, well, he probably wouldn't have snapped and gone nuts.

I am trying to help PREVENT future Elliot Rodgers from happening because it's the lack of availability of sex which drives those guys overboard.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: shesycompany on June 02, 2016, 01:27:56 PM
just be safe man oh i thought u was the 10-20$ range your more into escorts? god videogame play pal got me into like 5,000$ and we have yet to play mario kart >:( still cheaper than marriage divorce  ;D im so not made to date anyone.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on June 02, 2016, 09:12:05 PM
n mentally ill since i ev

Nope, Elliot Rodger was a loser who was too much of a pussy to even go and fuck prostitutes. If the guy had just went to Vegas, paid 500 dollars or whatever to some whore to bust his cherry and lose his virginity, well, he probably wouldn't have snapped and gone nuts.

I am trying to help PREVENT future Elliot Rodgers from happening because it's the lack of availability of sex which drives those guys overboard.

Fuck off you idiot.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: shesycompany on June 02, 2016, 09:49:22 PM
well the dude made a terrible decision thats for sure. a) trying to fit into with people that he wasn't like b)getting all raged over it. c)vodka!!
he could of done so many options.

not blaming alcohol but it should if ya special used in safe locations ...he'll of a music maker for me.
(story time )
one time i went to the bars across river with a dude,we was bar hoping i left my cigs at the another bar like just 100 yards away, im like i can just walk over there and get them.

got to the bar coming in off the side of the road..the dam cops just got done raiding the place and seen me :o 8o circled around my ass....quizing the fuck out of me ..no drivers liscence on me shit i coulda seen them driving me somewhere and beating the fuck out of me!

used my uncles name to call he is a rich banker...they was like yeah shureeee im like ok all at there mercy and they gave me a option go to my home county or go with them..im like ok im going to my home county.
we better not find ya on this side...they didnt mean drive eithier walk! i busted ass as soon as i got out of thier site. rambo'd back lucky i had one of my freinds that lived close.

still would like to find that little shit cop that was all up in my face when he gets retired :P but also glad i got a choice coulda been fucked.
(story time)

by looking at dudes picture A) not a alpha B)sexual orientations.

Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on June 03, 2016, 08:36:43 AM
Fuck pigs.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on June 03, 2016, 08:55:44 AM
n mentally ill since i ev

Nope, Elliot Rodger was a loser who was too much of a pussy to even go and fuck prostitutes. If the guy had just went to Vegas, paid 500 dollars or whatever to some whore to bust his cherry and lose his virginity, well, he probably wouldn't have snapped and gone nuts.

I am trying to help PREVENT future Elliot Rodgers from happening because it's the lack of availability of sex which drives those guys overboard.
And the guy who only has sex with prostitutes and writes rants about women on the internet is not a loser, and does not have serious and potentially dangerous issues.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on June 03, 2016, 10:07:42 AM
Johns are rapists who should be forcibly castrated by the state, if not put to death, in this gamer's humble opinion.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on June 03, 2016, 10:19:57 AM
OP should consider preaching about the merits of castration maybe.

I am trying to help PREVENT future Elliot Rodgers from happening because it's the lack of availability of sex which drives those guys overboard.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on June 03, 2016, 03:52:21 PM
OP should consider preaching about the merits of castration maybe.

I am trying to help PREVENT future Elliot Rodgers from happening because it's the lack of availability of sex which drives those guys overboard.

I'd love to sterilize jews and anyone else with an IQ under 120. Elliot Rodger's father was jewish, in case you didn't know.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on June 03, 2016, 05:54:31 PM
Jews, people with IQs under 120, and others, all having sex and not having to buy it.  Sort of puts into perspective, what a loser you are, by comparison.  Damn
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on June 03, 2016, 06:28:04 PM
OP should consider preaching about the merits of castration maybe.

I am trying to help PREVENT future Elliot Rodgers from happening because it's the lack of availability of sex which drives those guys overboard.

I'd love to sterilize jews and anyone else with an IQ under 120. Elliot Rodger's father was jewish, in case you didn't know.

Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Winchester on June 04, 2016, 04:43:27 AM
Blid is on fire in this thread, god damn
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on June 04, 2016, 06:03:37 PM
Am gonna fuck a hot higher class prostitute today. Will post a report later.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: shesycompany on June 04, 2016, 06:14:28 PM
kk man gl hf. think i will drink and jam :) if i get to nutty dleete in morning ..ive got to be out of stuff to say!
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Delete mine too on June 04, 2016, 06:43:11 PM
Am gonna fuck a hot higher class prostitute today. Will post a report later.
Hey yo hope I'm not too late double wrap before you hit that ! o.0 lool I guess we will see.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on June 04, 2016, 11:39:48 PM
Am gonna fuck a hot higher class prostitute today. Will post a report later.

Post the police report from your suicide.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on June 05, 2016, 04:19:18 PM
anyway, i put my money where my mouth is, and i deleted over 200 women's contacts from my phone and blocked about 300 women off my facebook list. I realized that I have ZERO reason to have non-prostitute women on my list. They will bring nothing of value to my life so I have gotten rid of them and will only interact with female prostitutes from now on. I feel a 1000 pounds lighter!!!!
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Delete mine too on June 05, 2016, 04:28:53 PM
anyway, i put my money where my mouth is, and i deleted over 200 women's contacts from my phone and blocked about 300 women off my facebook list. I realized that I have ZERO reason to have non-prostitute women on my list. They will bring nothing of value to my life so I have gotten rid of them and will only interact with female prostitutes from now on. I feel a 1000 pounds lighter!!!!
Well have you been tested yet? Better go get that done!
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on June 07, 2016, 03:01:08 PM
anyway, i put my money where my mouth is, and i deleted over 200 women's contacts from my phone and blocked about 300 women off my facebook list. I realized that I have ZERO reason to have non-prostitute women on my list. They will bring nothing of value to my life so I have gotten rid of them and will only interact with female prostitutes from now on. I feel a 1000 pounds lighter!!!!
Well have you been tested yet? Better go get that done!

Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Winchester on June 07, 2016, 08:12:08 PM

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4FF6MpcsRw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4FF6MpcsRw)
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: EviL~Ryu on June 07, 2016, 08:13:18 PM

[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4FF6MpcsRw[/url] ([url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4FF6MpcsRw[/url])


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Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on June 10, 2016, 02:47:41 PM
I edited my essay slightly and added the following paragraph towards the end:

Also, let's say that you want to get more bang for your buck, literally. Because some of you may be thinking that American prostitutes are very overpriced, and you're correct. So instead of paying 250 dollars per session with an American prostitute, you could easily book a plane ticket to Bangkok, Thailand, and in Thailand you can have sex with a hot Thai prostitute for about 30 dollars. So let's take the same number, one million dollars, and divide it by 30 dollars. That comes out to 33,333 women! For the price of the average 10 year marriage in America, you could spend the same money on prostitutes in Asia and have sex with over 30,000 Asian women! You could have sex with 3 women per day for 30 years straight for the same price it would cost to get married in America! Amazing! Another very cool and interesting fact about Bangkok and Thailand is that they have blowjob bars. Yes, you walk in, have a beer, choose a girl, and then you and her go into a nice room and she gives you a blowjob. Funny how the "sexually liberated" women in the West would never go for something like that. Nope, most western women are too backwards to ever agree to legalize something like that. Nevermind that no one has ever died from a blowjob, whereas LEGAL drugs like alcohol and tobacco kill hundreds of thousands of people a year. So poisoning yourself with alcohol and tobacco are perfectly fine, but paying money for a harmless blowjob isn't?
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on June 10, 2016, 06:30:09 PM
I edited my essay slightly and added the following paragraph towards the end:

Also, let's say that you want to get more bang for your buck, literally. Because some of you may be thinking that American prostitutes are very overpriced, and you're correct. So instead of paying 250 dollars per session with an American prostitute, you could easily book a plane ticket to Bangkok, Thailand, and in Thailand you can have sex with a hot Thai prostitute for about 30 dollars. So let's take the same number, one million dollars, and divide it by 30 dollars. That comes out to 33,333 women! For the price of the average 10 year marriage in America, you could spend the same money on prostitutes in Asia and have sex with over 30,000 Asian women! You could have sex with 3 women per day for 30 years straight for the same price it would cost to get married in America! Amazing! Another very cool and interesting fact about Bangkok and Thailand is that they have blowjob bars. Yes, you walk in, have a beer, choose a girl, and then you and her go into a nice room and she gives you a blowjob. Funny how the "sexually liberated" women in the West would never go for something like that. Nope, most western women are too backwards to ever agree to legalize something like that. Nevermind that no one has ever died from a blowjob, whereas LEGAL drugs like alcohol and tobacco kill hundreds of thousands of people a year. So poisoning yourself with alcohol and tobacco are perfectly fine, but paying money for a harmless blowjob isn't?

You should have killed yourself instead.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on June 15, 2016, 08:21:05 PM
I edited my essay slightly and added the following paragraph towards the end:

Also, let's say that you want to get more bang for your buck, literally. Because some of you may be thinking that American prostitutes are very overpriced, and you're correct. So instead of paying 250 dollars per session with an American prostitute, you could easily book a plane ticket to Bangkok, Thailand, and in Thailand you can have sex with a hot Thai prostitute for about 30 dollars. So let's take the same number, one million dollars, and divide it by 30 dollars. That comes out to 33,333 women! For the price of the average 10 year marriage in America, you could spend the same money on prostitutes in Asia and have sex with over 30,000 Asian women! You could have sex with 3 women per day for 30 years straight for the same price it would cost to get married in America! Amazing! Another very cool and interesting fact about Bangkok and Thailand is that they have blowjob bars. Yes, you walk in, have a beer, choose a girl, and then you and her go into a nice room and she gives you a blowjob. Funny how the "sexually liberated" women in the West would never go for something like that. Nope, most western women are too backwards to ever agree to legalize something like that. Nevermind that no one has ever died from a blowjob, whereas LEGAL drugs like alcohol and tobacco kill hundreds of thousands of people a year. So poisoning yourself with alcohol and tobacco are perfectly fine, but paying money for a harmless blowjob isn't?

You should have killed yourself instead.

you first
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Winchester on June 16, 2016, 09:16:57 PM
This thread is hilarious, make this reach 20 pages please.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: EviL~Ryu on June 17, 2016, 12:39:09 AM
This thread is hilarious, make this reach 20 pages please.

I know right? [emoji23]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Winchester on June 17, 2016, 12:52:24 AM
This thread is hilarious, make this reach 20 pages please.

I know right? [emoji23]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk

a habitation of strangers #1 all time thread though
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: EviL~Ryu on June 17, 2016, 12:54:06 AM
This thread is hilarious, make this reach 20 pages please.

I know right? [emoji23]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk

a habitation of strangers #1 all time thread though

I wonder what part you and EQ would play in that story [emoji39]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Winchester on June 17, 2016, 01:01:14 AM
The usual, him denying something he does and me pointing it out to him, sparking him to go posting his 2inch penis on the RU section of the forum again.

Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on June 20, 2016, 06:57:31 PM
The usual, him denying something he does and me pointing it out to him, sparking him to go posting his 2inch penis on the RU section of the forum again.

man i am LIVING LIFE!
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on June 20, 2016, 07:41:07 PM
One of my friends who is a fat, ugly, 27 year old virgin has written an article talking about his recent discision to go to Mexico and lose his virginity to a prostitute there. VERY interesting story! Here it is:

Subject: Fat, 27 year-old virgin bangs 10 beautiful women and has a threesome

I need to say that this thread (http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/forums/OtherGround/slept-with-over-100-hookers-AMA:2204367 (http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/forums/OtherGround/slept-with-over-100-hookers-AMA:2204367)) has probably had the biggest impact on my life of any internet thread or discussion. I created a new account to discuss it without backlash. Here is my story:

When I first saw this thread a couple years ago, I was pretty shocked and disgusted. The idea of sexing prostitutes was revolting to me, mainly for these reasons:

1. I love and respect women and don’t want to take part in their harm and exploitation.

2. Child prostitution and human trafficking is the worst thing I can think of, and anything related to it is by definition evil and something I want NOTHING to do with.

3. Diseases and the idea of drinking from such a dirty well.

4. Ego (I shouldn’t have to pay a woman to fuck me!) and the fear of social stigmatization.

Now, for a little personal background, I am morbidly obese. I mean, I am fairly active and like to exercise and it’s not like I’m bedridden or have a hard time walking, but I am only 5’8’’ and over 300lbs. My obesity isn’t something I’ll get into here (except for its affect on my sex life) but suffice it to say that I do not blame anyone or anything but myself and I take full responsibility for being such a fat ass.

As a result, either from being so physically disgusting or my own lack of confidence and insecurities, I found myself a virgin at age 27. Now, I know every guy here has dozens of women just begging to fuck them, so it may not be easy to relate to how I felt. But basically I felt really shitty. Ashamed, lonely, self-loathing, worthless, frustrated, etc. I do not blame women for not wanting to fuck me, and I don’t expect anything or think that anyone “owes” me anything. But it is very demoralizing to be denied physical intimacy for so long. It’s like a part of what makes us human and validates us as a person has been completely absent from my life. However, despite all this, I still started reading this thread with the viewpoint that I would rather be a virgin than fuck hookers, for the reasons stated above.

But something funny happened. I read the points presented by Tarado Safado, and it was nothing like what I expected. He wasn’t describing the exploitation of crackwhores being beaten by their pimps and forced to sell their bodies. He was describing a mutual beneficial transaction between consenting adults. Slowly, very slowly, through reading this thread, I had a transformation of paradigm.

First, and most importantly, Tarado divorced prostitution from human trafficking. I still think that child abuse and trafficking are the very worst. But I’ve also realized that it has nothing to do with most prostitution.

Secondly, sex should not be taboo. Sex is not dirty, or shameful. The only difference between prostitution and any other exploitative industry is the element of sex and physical intimacy. Yes, women are exploited in a way- obviously, a woman who lacks money or social status is using sex to earn money. The large gap in income and quality of life is what allows Tarado to “take advantage” of the situation and achieve his goals. This is economic exploitation, which exploits the considerable income gap. However, there are so many industries that rely on exactly this same gap. One easy to understand example is your smartphone- the components of which were mined by poor people (who would undoubtedly love to be doing something else) and was assembled by poor people (who have miserable lives in factories). What’s the difference? The element of sex. If sex is not dirty, then there is no more of a moral dilemma with prostitution than there is with buying a smartphone. One could argue that both are wrong and neither one should be encouraged- this may be true, so I will take heed from such arguments when the speaker stops all exploitation themselves and stops using their smartphone and stops buying anything manufactured or produced by poor people.

Thirdly, I learned the truth about STD’s for the first time. I won’t go into details since it’s been discussed to death in this thread; let’s just say that my opinions changed. I also realized that sex with regular women was no guarantee of safety.

Very importantly, I followed the links that were posted and found myself at The Rational Male. Holy shitballs batman, what a paradigm shifter. It wasn’t about prostitution per say, but everything I had observed and experienced with regards to women started to make a lot more sense. I started to realize that there is no such thing as “not paying for it” and that all sex is transactional. I started to see the hidden costs of “normal” relationships, and looking at my friends who were “successful” with women made me realize the very high price (in money, time, and self-respect) they were paying for access to pussy. Things like gold-digging and divorce-rape (both of which are extremely common) clearly demonstrate that a woman doesn’t have to work in a Thai brothel to trade her pussy for money.

This left me with one last problem: my ego. I shouldn’t have to pay women to fuck me! This one just went away with time. At a certain point, being a guy who is so fat that no one wants to fuck him was so damaging to my self esteem that I had no ego left to bruise. I tried and tried to lose weight, and always ended up just as fat (and lonely) as ever. I was left with no self-respect to speak of. I realized that for myself, I actually do have to pay women to fuck me. I was ACTUALLY unfuckable. Coming to terms with that was painful, but it is better to see the hard truth than be comforted by the persistent lies I was telling myself (one day I will lose the weight, someone will love me for who I am, if I become funny/ smart/ kind/ thoughtful enough I can earn intimacy from a woman).

The whole process of reading this thread, reading Rollo Tomassi, and shifting of my paradigm took several years. Eventually, I found myself holding an entirely different set of beliefs regarding everything involving men and women (including prostitution). And when the last nail was driven into the coffin of my ego at 27 years of age, I finally decided that I was tired of being a virgin and that I would do something about it.

I live in SoCal, so I decided that my best bet would be to head down to Tijuana. Some research indicated that the Hong Kong strip club would be a good place to meet some lovely women and lose my virginity. I am pretty anxious by nature and averse to risk, so it sounded sketchy at first. As a sidenote- I have a good friend who I linked to this thread when I first started reading it, and eventually he agreed to be my wingman. We also got some cialis (inspired by the infamous “Review of my Liquid Cialis” thread) just in case.

Eventually, we mustered the courage and drove down to the border, parked the car in a lot, and crossed by foot into Mexico. We got into a taxi and had the driver take us straight to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong stripclub: http://www.hktijuana.com/ (http://www.hktijuana.com/)

We checked into our room, which was a penthouse suite in the hotel that sits on top of the stripclub.

Hotel Cascadas Penthouse Suite: http://hotelcascadas.com/rooms/penthouse-suite-room-2 (http://hotelcascadas.com/rooms/penthouse-suite-room-2)

When I had reserved the room, I had emailed them and negotiated a discount ($300/ night for Penthouse 1). Mind you this was for Friday and Saturday, which are a little more expensive. When we checked in, they gave us a free upgrade to the Penthouse Suite 2 since they had double booked the other Penthouse. So it cost us $150 each per night and we each got our own room.

The way this place normally works is, you don’t need to be staying at the hotel. You usually go down to the stripclub (which was amazing by the way) and if a girl catches your eye, you negotiate prices with her (standard rate is $80/ 30 min, and usually only includes one nut). Then you take her upstairs, and rent a small room for the 30 min. (not sure how much this costs, I think it’s pretty cheap).

However, I didn’t want to do it this way. First of all, I was very worried that I would come quickly (which I did) and I wanted a longer session where I would get to nut twice. Secondly, I wanted to have the comfort of being in my own room. I didn’t want some guy to come knocking on the door telling me time is up, and I was hoping to shower with her first.

Anyways, we get there and it is awesome. Awesome room, very clean and comfortable. Awesome club, TONS of women. Beautiful women, especially if you like latinas with a nice ass. Right off the bat, there is a tall blonde, all natural, with big nipples dancing on the stage. My buddy and I walk around the club, and return to find that the girl is gone to some other corner. We get some drinks and start scoping out who looks hot. I want the blonde, but can’t see her. Several women approach us, and we turn them away. Eventually my buddy gets up to look for the one that had caught my eye, and he finds her and brings her over. Her English isn’t great, but I ask her for a lapdance. I think I paid $20 for two songs, and she had her top off and I was sucking on her big nipples. Song ends, but I am ready to go. I ask her for 1 hour, and she quotes me $140. I agree, and we go up to my room.

Now, I am a bit of a germ freak. I’m still worried about STD’s (but not like I used to be) but I don’t want to risk anything. I am also completely inexperienced. I never kissed any of these women on the mouth. When we get to my room, she is impressed that I have my own room and I don’t think she’d ever seen the Penthouse Suite. I ask if she wants to shower with me, and she is happy to. We shower and then she gives me a blowjob with condom on. It was my first blowjob, and it was delightful. I looked down and couldn’t believe that such an attractive woman (extremely hot body) was sucking my dick. I came in about 40 seconds. Lucky for me, I had plenty of time on the clock and lots of condoms. So I put on a new one, still rock hard, and she blew me some more, and then we fucked. Cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy, missionary. I found it to be kind of difficult, actually, because of how fat I am. A lot of positions were awkward because of my fat, but she was great about positioning herself for the best possible result. I was too much in my head, but I would stop and just be amazed that this was actually happening. We fucked for about 40 minutes, and then she sucked me to completion. We showered and I gave her a big tip and walked her downstairs back to the club where my friend was waiting. First experience: 10/10

Over the course of the next two days, I fucked a total of 5 women. Some of them were unenthusiastic and just trying to get me to come as fast as possible so they could get on their way. Some were great, and I enjoyed fucking one in the shower, the bed, and the bubble bath I prepared in the hot tub. I had put some beers in the mini fridge, so we drank beers in the hot tub while I recovered my strength, and then started all over again. Sunday morning we packed our shit, took a taxi to the border, and returned to our car. I was in a twilight zone. Three days ago, I had never been naked with a woman. Now I had fucked five women, each one hotter than I ever imagined I would be with. By some miracle of life, I had been able to watch a beautiful young woman twerking on my dick. A woman who I would have been scared to even talk to, let alone hook up with. I felt like I had discovered cheat codes for life!

After losing my virginity, I was pretty happy. I went about six months before the desire to go back down there became too strong to ignore. However, my friend had a girlfriend and would not be joining me. That means that I would need the courage to make the trip solo. Last week, that is exactly what I did. This time, I reserved a Master Suite for two nights.

Right off the bat, I found a gorgeous young woman who agreed to 1 hour for $110 (it was Monday, so prices were lower). She blew me and we went to the hot tub. After a while, we went to the bed for sex. This time around, I was MUCH more relaxed. I also lasted alot longer, and I was able to get out of my head and really enjoy the experience. She had started licking my shaft without a condom and I stopped her to put one on (I probably shouldn’t have, but I’m still scared of STD’s and I don’t want to become accustomed to no-condom blowjobs, since I already enjoy covered blowjobs just fine and most of them won’t do it without a condom). Anyways, after fucking her she invited me to take off the condom and come all over her tits, which I happily did.

So, things had gotten off to a great start. I didn’t think things could get any better, but they did. Later that night, I took a gorgeous blonde with an amazing body (named Barbie) up to my room for an hour ($140). She took her time and gave me great head, and we sat in the hot tub drinking beers. She starts talking to me about how important it is to be positive and encouraging me not to let my weight hold me back. What is this Dr. Phil? We are so relaxed, almost the whole hour has passed. When we get to the bed, she starts massaging me. And this is a legit massage- she does my arms and legs and feet and hands. It was such a surreal experience, having this gorgeous woman naked in my bed, massaging me. We have sex, and it is the best sex I’ve ever had. I prefer just laying back and having the woman ride me, and that’s exactly what she did, in several different positions. I just propped up my head with some pillows and let her go at it. She definitely knew what she was doing, and it was a beautiful experience. By the time we shower, it has been well over two hours. And she never once mentioned the time or money. That is exactly the type of relaxed session I enjoy, so I gave her a very big tip.

The next day, I had sex with two more women. Then, late that night, I hit the club for the last time. I run into Barbie, and sit with her and a beer. She starts massaging my scalp while I rub her ass and breasts. A lot of beautiful women all around. One in particular stands out- a tall, beautiful brunette with an ass that is literally as nice as any other I’ve seen. I wave her over and get her a drink. She only slightly knows Barbie, but they get along fine, and she is very sweet. I invite her up for an hour and she agrees. I walk out of the club with my arms each wrapped around a beautiful babe, as I’m leaving a nearby table of guys give me a cheer and applause haha.

I take the girls up and have the greatest experience of my life. I cannot describe the feeling of fulfilling a fantasy with such attractive women. I am the biggest loser that I know, and yet I would not trade positions with ANY of my friends who have girlfriends. There is something about having two bombshells taking turns riding me that has permanently altered my mindset. And the ladies were super cool and friendly, just dedicated to making it a great memory for me. First threesome: 10/10

The next day I returned to the border, balls and wallet both utterly drained. That was a week ago, but I cannot for the life of me stop smiling. I have this stupid silly grin on my face. I can’t get over how blessed I am, and how happy I am to be a man alive today. It is a beautiful life.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on June 20, 2016, 08:03:40 PM
lol BigBallerDiamond is 5'8 and over 300 pounds
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: ~ToRa~ on June 20, 2016, 08:14:54 PM
Had anyone actually read either of this guys essays?
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on June 20, 2016, 09:16:32 PM
One of my friends who is a fat, ugly, 27 year old virgin has written an article talking about his recent discision to go to Mexico and lose his virginity to a prostitute there. VERY interesting story! Here it is:

Subject: Fat, 27 year-old virgin bangs 10 beautiful women and has a threesome

I need to say that this thread ([url]http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/forums/OtherGround/slept-with-over-100-hookers-AMA:2204367[/url] ([url]http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/forums/OtherGround/slept-with-over-100-hookers-AMA:2204367[/url])) has probably had the biggest impact on my life of any internet thread or discussion. I created a new account to discuss it without backlash. Here is my story:

When I first saw this thread a couple years ago, I was pretty shocked and disgusted. The idea of sexing prostitutes was revolting to me, mainly for these reasons:

1. I love and respect women and don’t want to take part in their harm and exploitation.

2. Child prostitution and human trafficking is the worst thing I can think of, and anything related to it is by definition evil and something I want NOTHING to do with.

3. Diseases and the idea of drinking from such a dirty well.

4. Ego (I shouldn’t have to pay a woman to fuck me!) and the fear of social stigmatization.

Now, for a little personal background, I am morbidly obese. I mean, I am fairly active and like to exercise and it’s not like I’m bedridden or have a hard time walking, but I am only 5’8’’ and over 300lbs. My obesity isn’t something I’ll get into here (except for its affect on my sex life) but suffice it to say that I do not blame anyone or anything but myself and I take full responsibility for being such a fat ass.

As a result, either from being so physically disgusting or my own lack of confidence and insecurities, I found myself a virgin at age 27. Now, I know every guy here has dozens of women just begging to fuck them, so it may not be easy to relate to how I felt. But basically I felt really shitty. Ashamed, lonely, self-loathing, worthless, frustrated, etc. I do not blame women for not wanting to fuck me, and I don’t expect anything or think that anyone “owes” me anything. But it is very demoralizing to be denied physical intimacy for so long. It’s like a part of what makes us human and validates us as a person has been completely absent from my life. However, despite all this, I still started reading this thread with the viewpoint that I would rather be a virgin than fuck hookers, for the reasons stated above.

But something funny happened. I read the points presented by Tarado Safado, and it was nothing like what I expected. He wasn’t describing the exploitation of crackwhores being beaten by their pimps and forced to sell their bodies. He was describing a mutual beneficial transaction between consenting adults. Slowly, very slowly, through reading this thread, I had a transformation of paradigm.

First, and most importantly, Tarado divorced prostitution from human trafficking. I still think that child abuse and trafficking are the very worst. But I’ve also realized that it has nothing to do with most prostitution.

Secondly, sex should not be taboo. Sex is not dirty, or shameful. The only difference between prostitution and any other exploitative industry is the element of sex and physical intimacy. Yes, women are exploited in a way- obviously, a woman who lacks money or social status is using sex to earn money. The large gap in income and quality of life is what allows Tarado to “take advantage” of the situation and achieve his goals. This is economic exploitation, which exploits the considerable income gap. However, there are so many industries that rely on exactly this same gap. One easy to understand example is your smartphone- the components of which were mined by poor people (who would undoubtedly love to be doing something else) and was assembled by poor people (who have miserable lives in factories). What’s the difference? The element of sex. If sex is not dirty, then there is no more of a moral dilemma with prostitution than there is with buying a smartphone. One could argue that both are wrong and neither one should be encouraged- this may be true, so I will take heed from such arguments when the speaker stops all exploitation themselves and stops using their smartphone and stops buying anything manufactured or produced by poor people.

Thirdly, I learned the truth about STD’s for the first time. I won’t go into details since it’s been discussed to death in this thread; let’s just say that my opinions changed. I also realized that sex with regular women was no guarantee of safety.

Very importantly, I followed the links that were posted and found myself at The Rational Male. Holy shitballs batman, what a paradigm shifter. It wasn’t about prostitution per say, but everything I had observed and experienced with regards to women started to make a lot more sense. I started to realize that there is no such thing as “not paying for it” and that all sex is transactional. I started to see the hidden costs of “normal” relationships, and looking at my friends who were “successful” with women made me realize the very high price (in money, time, and self-respect) they were paying for access to pussy. Things like gold-digging and divorce-rape (both of which are extremely common) clearly demonstrate that a woman doesn’t have to work in a Thai brothel to trade her pussy for money.

This left me with one last problem: my ego. I shouldn’t have to pay women to fuck me! This one just went away with time. At a certain point, being a guy who is so fat that no one wants to fuck him was so damaging to my self esteem that I had no ego left to bruise. I tried and tried to lose weight, and always ended up just as fat (and lonely) as ever. I was left with no self-respect to speak of. I realized that for myself, I actually do have to pay women to fuck me. I was ACTUALLY unfuckable. Coming to terms with that was painful, but it is better to see the hard truth than be comforted by the persistent lies I was telling myself (one day I will lose the weight, someone will love me for who I am, if I become funny/ smart/ kind/ thoughtful enough I can earn intimacy from a woman).

The whole process of reading this thread, reading Rollo Tomassi, and shifting of my paradigm took several years. Eventually, I found myself holding an entirely different set of beliefs regarding everything involving men and women (including prostitution). And when the last nail was driven into the coffin of my ego at 27 years of age, I finally decided that I was tired of being a virgin and that I would do something about it.

I live in SoCal, so I decided that my best bet would be to head down to Tijuana. Some research indicated that the Hong Kong strip club would be a good place to meet some lovely women and lose my virginity. I am pretty anxious by nature and averse to risk, so it sounded sketchy at first. As a sidenote- I have a good friend who I linked to this thread when I first started reading it, and eventually he agreed to be my wingman. We also got some cialis (inspired by the infamous “Review of my Liquid Cialis” thread) just in case.

Eventually, we mustered the courage and drove down to the border, parked the car in a lot, and crossed by foot into Mexico. We got into a taxi and had the driver take us straight to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong stripclub: [url]http://www.hktijuana.com/[/url] ([url]http://www.hktijuana.com/[/url])

We checked into our room, which was a penthouse suite in the hotel that sits on top of the stripclub.

Hotel Cascadas Penthouse Suite: [url]http://hotelcascadas.com/rooms/penthouse-suite-room-2[/url] ([url]http://hotelcascadas.com/rooms/penthouse-suite-room-2[/url])

When I had reserved the room, I had emailed them and negotiated a discount ($300/ night for Penthouse 1). Mind you this was for Friday and Saturday, which are a little more expensive. When we checked in, they gave us a free upgrade to the Penthouse Suite 2 since they had double booked the other Penthouse. So it cost us $150 each per night and we each got our own room.

The way this place normally works is, you don’t need to be staying at the hotel. You usually go down to the stripclub (which was amazing by the way) and if a girl catches your eye, you negotiate prices with her (standard rate is $80/ 30 min, and usually only includes one nut). Then you take her upstairs, and rent a small room for the 30 min. (not sure how much this costs, I think it’s pretty cheap).

However, I didn’t want to do it this way. First of all, I was very worried that I would come quickly (which I did) and I wanted a longer session where I would get to nut twice. Secondly, I wanted to have the comfort of being in my own room. I didn’t want some guy to come knocking on the door telling me time is up, and I was hoping to shower with her first.

Anyways, we get there and it is awesome. Awesome room, very clean and comfortable. Awesome club, TONS of women. Beautiful women, especially if you like latinas with a nice ass. Right off the bat, there is a tall blonde, all natural, with big nipples dancing on the stage. My buddy and I walk around the club, and return to find that the girl is gone to some other corner. We get some drinks and start scoping out who looks hot. I want the blonde, but can’t see her. Several women approach us, and we turn them away. Eventually my buddy gets up to look for the one that had caught my eye, and he finds her and brings her over. Her English isn’t great, but I ask her for a lapdance. I think I paid $20 for two songs, and she had her top off and I was sucking on her big nipples. Song ends, but I am ready to go. I ask her for 1 hour, and she quotes me $140. I agree, and we go up to my room.

Now, I am a bit of a germ freak. I’m still worried about STD’s (but not like I used to be) but I don’t want to risk anything. I am also completely inexperienced. I never kissed any of these women on the mouth. When we get to my room, she is impressed that I have my own room and I don’t think she’d ever seen the Penthouse Suite. I ask if she wants to shower with me, and she is happy to. We shower and then she gives me a blowjob with condom on. It was my first blowjob, and it was delightful. I looked down and couldn’t believe that such an attractive woman (extremely hot body) was sucking my dick. I came in about 40 seconds. Lucky for me, I had plenty of time on the clock and lots of condoms. So I put on a new one, still rock hard, and she blew me some more, and then we fucked. Cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy, missionary. I found it to be kind of difficult, actually, because of how fat I am. A lot of positions were awkward because of my fat, but she was great about positioning herself for the best possible result. I was too much in my head, but I would stop and just be amazed that this was actually happening. We fucked for about 40 minutes, and then she sucked me to completion. We showered and I gave her a big tip and walked her downstairs back to the club where my friend was waiting. First experience: 10/10

Over the course of the next two days, I fucked a total of 5 women. Some of them were unenthusiastic and just trying to get me to come as fast as possible so they could get on their way. Some were great, and I enjoyed fucking one in the shower, the bed, and the bubble bath I prepared in the hot tub. I had put some beers in the mini fridge, so we drank beers in the hot tub while I recovered my strength, and then started all over again. Sunday morning we packed our shit, took a taxi to the border, and returned to our car. I was in a twilight zone. Three days ago, I had never been naked with a woman. Now I had fucked five women, each one hotter than I ever imagined I would be with. By some miracle of life, I had been able to watch a beautiful young woman twerking on my dick. A woman who I would have been scared to even talk to, let alone hook up with. I felt like I had discovered cheat codes for life!

After losing my virginity, I was pretty happy. I went about six months before the desire to go back down there became too strong to ignore. However, my friend had a girlfriend and would not be joining me. That means that I would need the courage to make the trip solo. Last week, that is exactly what I did. This time, I reserved a Master Suite for two nights.

Right off the bat, I found a gorgeous young woman who agreed to 1 hour for $110 (it was Monday, so prices were lower). She blew me and we went to the hot tub. After a while, we went to the bed for sex. This time around, I was MUCH more relaxed. I also lasted alot longer, and I was able to get out of my head and really enjoy the experience. She had started licking my shaft without a condom and I stopped her to put one on (I probably shouldn’t have, but I’m still scared of STD’s and I don’t want to become accustomed to no-condom blowjobs, since I already enjoy covered blowjobs just fine and most of them won’t do it without a condom). Anyways, after fucking her she invited me to take off the condom and come all over her tits, which I happily did.

So, things had gotten off to a great start. I didn’t think things could get any better, but they did. Later that night, I took a gorgeous blonde with an amazing body (named Barbie) up to my room for an hour ($140). She took her time and gave me great head, and we sat in the hot tub drinking beers. She starts talking to me about how important it is to be positive and encouraging me not to let my weight hold me back. What is this Dr. Phil? We are so relaxed, almost the whole hour has passed. When we get to the bed, she starts massaging me. And this is a legit massage- she does my arms and legs and feet and hands. It was such a surreal experience, having this gorgeous woman naked in my bed, massaging me. We have sex, and it is the best sex I’ve ever had. I prefer just laying back and having the woman ride me, and that’s exactly what she did, in several different positions. I just propped up my head with some pillows and let her go at it. She definitely knew what she was doing, and it was a beautiful experience. By the time we shower, it has been well over two hours. And she never once mentioned the time or money. That is exactly the type of relaxed session I enjoy, so I gave her a very big tip.

The next day, I had sex with two more women. Then, late that night, I hit the club for the last time. I run into Barbie, and sit with her and a beer. She starts massaging my scalp while I rub her ass and breasts. A lot of beautiful women all around. One in particular stands out- a tall, beautiful brunette with an ass that is literally as nice as any other I’ve seen. I wave her over and get her a drink. She only slightly knows Barbie, but they get along fine, and she is very sweet. I invite her up for an hour and she agrees. I walk out of the club with my arms each wrapped around a beautiful babe, as I’m leaving a nearby table of guys give me a cheer and applause haha.

I take the girls up and have the greatest experience of my life. I cannot describe the feeling of fulfilling a fantasy with such attractive women. I am the biggest loser that I know, and yet I would not trade positions with ANY of my friends who have girlfriends. There is something about having two bombshells taking turns riding me that has permanently altered my mindset. And the ladies were super cool and friendly, just dedicated to making it a great memory for me. First threesome: 10/10

The next day I returned to the border, balls and wallet both utterly drained. That was a week ago, but I cannot for the life of me stop smiling. I have this stupid silly grin on my face. I can’t get over how blessed I am, and how happy I am to be a man alive today. It is a beautiful life.

Didn't read, fuck off fag.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Nox on June 20, 2016, 10:48:35 PM
5 pages for prostitutes... And considering most of you comming from europe, we probably talk about transexual prostitutes.

Bad thread, very bad thread.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Winchester on June 20, 2016, 11:52:29 PM
Had anyone actually read either of this guys essays?

I actually did read the entire first post.  I will not subject myself to his most recent essay though,
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Winchester on June 20, 2016, 11:57:37 PM
5 pages for prostitutes... And considering most of you comming from europe, we probably talk about transexual prostitutes.

Bad thread, very bad thread.

Well, you are in no position to judge a prostitute considering you're still whoring yourself to the hells angels to pay off a debt you owe them. How are you any different when you're blowing bikers
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: EviL~Ryu on June 21, 2016, 10:53:38 AM
This thread is still a thing? [emoji54]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on June 21, 2016, 11:18:49 AM
it';s funny because why would a guy would proselytize on the greatness of prostitutes and write up persuasive essays to post on public forums anyway?  like what does he get out of it?  it can only stem from a deeply pathological hate and resentment of women he cant buy, where it's not enough just for him to reduce women to sex objects he can rent, he wants to tear down women who exercise agency in mutual relationships for everyone else too.  anyway this kind of thought process can only come from a deeply fucked up person, either because women wont have sex with him, some woman deeply hurt him, or because hes some kind of fucked up sociopath.  probably the first one because he said he was previously an ugly 5'8 foot virgin that weighs over 300 pounds.  anyway this is all obvious to everyone already im sure
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: shesycompany on June 21, 2016, 11:41:46 AM
well it looks like he is a kinda good person for them...are you in a location like if a chick drags her teeth,u hit her ...a bouncer comes in and stomps your ass?this business has been around forever.still stigma'd though.

shit i been to strip clubs who hasn't >.> <.< !noone :o (shamed) (writes long essay) naw but to see what is hot test.

probably need to check out eq's clubs :P
or maybe at the bingo club senior citizens + beer way more my style..i didnt have the ugly syndrom i had the priviledge of turning everyone down..which points me towards other alone play games and shit people.

yours is prosti's and other people like you will get your essay like someone like me would get mine lol.

as long as your a good customer shit they will like you, u typing way to hard.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: tora is a simp bitch for billionaires on June 21, 2016, 12:25:24 PM
he might be a red piller or MRA, but he hasn't used the term SJW or Feminazi.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on June 23, 2016, 03:37:07 PM
5 pages for prostitutes... And considering most of you comming from europe, we probably talk about transexual prostitutes.

Bad thread, very bad thread.

Oh no not transsexual prostitutes! Hurr!
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on July 04, 2016, 04:50:34 PM
Anyone ever tried a ladyboy? It's a very exciting experience, because it's a woman with a penis, so watching her CUM, it's like watching a cumshot along with a female orgasm face. There's really nothing hotter than that, and it's sort of the best of both worlds, if you know what I mean.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on July 04, 2016, 06:08:37 PM
Anyone ever tried a ladyboy? It's a very exciting experience, because it's a woman with a penis, so watching her CUM, it's like watching a cumshot along with a female orgasm face. There's really nothing hotter than that, and it's sort of the best of both worlds, if you know what I mean.

I'll give you a shot to the face bitch.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: EviL~Ryu on July 04, 2016, 06:11:23 PM
Anyone ever tried a ladyboy? It's a very exciting experience, because it's a woman with a penis, so watching her CUM, it's like watching a cumshot along with a female orgasm face. There's really nothing hotter than that, and it's sort of the best of both worlds, if you know what I mean.

I'll give you a shot to the face bitch.

Whoa, we got a badass here everyone...[emoji23]

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: mousEtopher on July 04, 2016, 07:35:45 PM
This thread is hilarious
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Winchester on July 04, 2016, 09:10:01 PM
This thread is hilarious

Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Winchester on July 04, 2016, 09:11:40 PM
Anyone ever tried a ladyboy? It's a very exciting experience, because it's a woman with a penis, so watching her CUM, it's like watching a cumshot along with a female orgasm face. There's really nothing hotter than that, and it's sort of the best of both worlds, if you know what I mean.

Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on July 20, 2016, 03:04:58 AM
It feels so good to be able to fuck an unlimited number of hot brown exotic women for such a cheap price!
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: EviL~Ryu on July 20, 2016, 10:04:53 AM
It feels so good to be able to fuck an unlimited number of hot brown exotic women for such a cheap price!

Hi there

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on July 21, 2016, 09:08:12 PM
It feels so good to be able to fuck an unlimited number of hot brown exotic women for such a cheap price!

It feels so good to think of you dying of AIDS.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on July 21, 2016, 10:39:52 PM
The OP should be castrated with a rusty steak knife before being disemboweled and fed to wild dogs.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on September 11, 2016, 07:22:25 PM
The OP should be castrated with a rusty steak knife before being disemboweled and fed to wild dogs.
why? cause I fucked some hot women? Here's a few pics of the babes I've banged:

Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on September 11, 2016, 08:08:06 PM
Fuck off fag.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on September 12, 2016, 04:26:01 PM
Fuck off fag.

Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on September 13, 2016, 07:58:01 AM
aanother girl I banged


she had a big ass, big tits, and an exotic face and was really good. I banged her 4 different times over the course of 2 months, which is more than I have done with any other prostitute. Usually it's one or two times and I go to the next girl.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: shesycompany on September 13, 2016, 10:06:05 AM
end of the day you'll still be a fag,fboi is correct.

now what id do is rent one for like a month or more and let my friends see all the fun we are having.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 13, 2016, 11:31:15 AM
Hello ma'am yes $50 a night that's fine just let me take a picture for the scrapbook.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on September 13, 2016, 02:11:13 PM
This faggot needs his pig nuts cut off in public by Naxalites.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on September 13, 2016, 02:45:43 PM
Hello ma'am yes $50 a night that's fine just let me take a picture for the scrapbook.

yea, 3000 rupees is 50 dollars. You can take them for the whole night for that.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 13, 2016, 03:01:28 PM
I wasn't asking a question I was talking about you being a creep.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on September 13, 2016, 07:45:15 PM
Hello ma'am yes $50 a night that's fine just let me take a picture for the scrapbook.

yea, 3000 rupees is 50 dollars. You can take them for the whole night for that.

You need your head crushed with a cinder block.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on September 13, 2016, 10:52:55 PM
I wasn't asking a question I was talking about you being a creep.

you think i give a flying fuck what your opinion of me is? i am living the life of my DREAMS, fucking tons of hot exotic brown women!
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on September 14, 2016, 07:32:41 AM
Yeah, I fucked this girl.


Felt so amazing afterwards like I was high or something, cause it was the hottest girl I've ever fucked.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: shesycompany on September 14, 2016, 07:54:24 AM
...ug alcohol lol threre you go bbd
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 14, 2016, 08:30:58 AM
Felt so amazing afterwards like I was high or something, cause it was the hottest girl I've ever fucked.
lol pathetic, up your game or at least your bankroll
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on September 14, 2016, 03:39:52 PM
Felt so amazing afterwards like I was high or something, cause it was the hottest girl I've ever fucked.
lol pathetic, up your game or at least your bankroll

i'm trying to up my bankroll. In fact because I spend my time trying to up my BANKROLL instead of my GAME, I am sure to succeed eventually. But if I wasted time trying to game and chase women, I would have little time left over for upping my bank roll.

Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) on September 14, 2016, 03:42:45 PM

Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: shesycompany on September 14, 2016, 06:05:46 PM
! No longer available (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdbA4tDa0tc&list=PL7844E612D2128C41&index=3#) i agree bbd..im not saying buying people but yeah noone likes a broke ass fact :)
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: CumSavorer4385 on September 14, 2016, 08:30:23 PM
Felt so amazing afterwards like I was high or something, cause it was the hottest girl I've ever fucked.
lol pathetic, up your game or at least your bankroll

i'm trying to up my bankroll. In fact because I spend my time trying to up my BANKROLL instead of my GAME, I am sure to succeed eventually. But if I wasted time trying to game and chase women, I would have little time left over for upping my bank roll.


Fuck off and kill yourself you retarded faggot, your whore of a mother should have drowned you in a creek when you were born.
Title: Re: Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
Post by: BigBallerDiamond on September 15, 2016, 02:35:05 PM
here's a better pic of the same girl I banged before
