Author Topic: Demote 4^Adam^ in 6 days.  (Read 12725 times)

Offline Nox

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Demote 4^Adam^ in 6 days.
« on: August 30, 2016, 08:33:52 AM »
I will give a week of honor for Adam with the 4^Adam^ account.

Monday the 5th september you will be able to demote 4^Adam^ account and let chance to other peoples to be #1.

good luck.

PS: And i would love to have the warlord icon, ty!

« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 08:38:00 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Winchester

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Re: Demote 4^Adam^ in 6 days.
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2016, 09:57:44 AM »
Anything to avoid playing shotgun eh?

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: Demote 4^Adam^ in 6 days.
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2016, 10:18:10 AM »
Enough, Winchester. Stay out of EQ's threads if your only purpose is to heckle him.

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: Demote 4^Adam^ in 6 days.
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2016, 10:18:44 AM »
Icon set btw, nice job 'Nox

Offline Winchester

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Re: Demote 4^Adam^ in 6 days.
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2016, 10:26:53 AM »
Enough, Winchester. Stay out of EQ's threads if your only purpose is to heckle him.

If he makes an intelligent thread i'll stay out of it. I promise. Anything stupid I will address.

Offline Nox

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Re: Demote 4^Adam^ in 6 days.
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2016, 10:59:22 AM »
Enough, Winchester. Stay out of EQ's threads if your only purpose is to heckle him.

Ty ladie, i dont even want to argue with him, he just harasse me over and over everywhere.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Winchester

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Re: Demote 4^Adam^ in 6 days.
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2016, 11:55:30 AM »
i dont even want to argue with him

In my response to warbandit which you deemed as "hate"...

Complains someones not playing with said rank
Doesnt play himself when gets said rank

Only equinox could interpret that as hate lol.

He dint play for 2 entire month, i am #1 since yesterday.

Dont know about what you talk.

Anyway winchester, once again, i did something you will never do in your entire life.

Owned newbe.

That is clearly you wanting to argue, as you willingly started it. I was merely speaking with warbandit about the irony of your posts.
You reply toxicly, and then You go cry victim once you get owned. It's very typical of you.

I can leave you alone, you (eq)should just give me a good reason to. (which you wont, youll write about top 10 ladders and noobs and achieving things ive never done which mean absolutely nothing and will end in you being exposed again) hell, if you want, pm me a good reason. heres your chance. take it or leave it

Offline Nox

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Re: Demote 4^Adam^ in 6 days.
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2016, 12:03:01 PM »
i dont even want to argue with him

In my response to warbandit which you deemed as "hate"...

Complains someones not playing with said rank
Doesnt play himself when gets said rank

Only equinox could interpret that as hate lol.

He dint play for 2 entire month, i am #1 since yesterday.

Dont know about what you talk.

Anyway winchester, once again, i did something you will never do in your entire life.

Owned newbe.

That is clearly you wanting to argue, as you willingly started it. I was merely speaking with warbandit about the irony of your posts.
You reply toxicly, and then You go cry victim once you get owned. It's very typical of you.

I can leave you alone, you (eq)should just give me a good reason to. (which you wont, youll write about top 10 ladders and noobs and achieving things ive never done which mean absolutely nothing and will end in you being exposed again) hell, if you want, pm me a good reason. heres your chance. take it or leave it

I mean yes im arguing, cuz your attacking me everywhere, but at the end im not the one who harasse you, thats why im saying i dont want to argue him.

Finally you can said what the hell you want about me, but the fact is 4^Adam^ account is #1 right now and i did it legitly by beating peoples on the top ladder.

To get this spot i had to beat the #1 before me in a series of 5 and he was also a master, i also break his winning streak.

You can said whatever you fucking want, but i dint choose the master as the best player of the world.

If your not happy with my rank cuz you think i dont deserve it, go talk about that with the person concern, not me, i get this legitly by the rules, fucking face it and shut your mouth now.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 12:06:09 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Winchester

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Re: Demote 4^Adam^ in 6 days.
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2016, 12:17:33 PM »
I can leave you alone, you (eq)should just give me a good reason to. (which you wont, youll write about top 10 ladders and noobs and achieving things ive never done which mean absolutely nothing and will end in you being exposed again) hell, if you want, pm me a good reason. heres your chance. take it or leave it

And he responds exactly how I predicted, Writes about ladders, trash cans in another thread and achieving things nobody cares about except him.

cuz your attacking me everywhere, but at the end im not the one who harasse you

Did you ever stop and ask yourself why? And yes you've harrassed me plenty of times in game, even when I wasn't even in the same game as you.

Again, if you want me to leave you alone, just throw me a pm and convince me why I should. Unlike you I can be reasoned with.

Offline Nox

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Re: Demote 4^Adam^ in 6 days.
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2016, 12:29:31 PM »
I can leave you alone, you (eq)should just give me a good reason to. (which you wont, youll write about top 10 ladders and noobs and achieving things ive never done which mean absolutely nothing and will end in you being exposed again) hell, if you want, pm me a good reason. heres your chance. take it or leave it

And he responds exactly how I predicted, Writes about ladders, trash cans in another thread and achieving things nobody cares about except him.

cuz your attacking me everywhere, but at the end im not the one who harasse you

Did you ever stop and ask yourself why? And yes you've harrassed me plenty of times in game, even when I wasn't even in the same game as you.

Again, if you want me to leave you alone, just throw me a pm and convince me why I should. Unlike you I can be reasoned with.

I dont cares about what i have achieve, i achieve this #1 rank numerous time before, nothing new for me trashchester.

I know it's sound like a miracle for you, but im not even surprise, i did that alot of time bro.

And Your not concern about what i have achieve, your concerne about the fact i tell you * YOU * will never achieve this and now your mad, cuz at the end you know its true.

Now i dont think i have to send you a PM and give you a reason to stop harassing me, cuz at the end, your the one who spamming this forum for the entire 2 last years.

Yes i have spam forum about staff, but i actually did that for good reason, and it actually change alot of things, i did that for the communauty, you did that for your personal vengence, you did that without any good reason. We all have understand, your depress guy and your not mentaly healty, it's ok, but it's gonna be 2 years your on me about something nobody cares.. Nobody cares about the fact we have a beef 2 years ago cuz you want to protect koorb and lightbringer ( TO BE SOMEONE ).. Nobody cares bro.. the only thing your doing right now is spamming the forum for your personal vengence.

You seem like a delusional guy, your a liar, your a manipulator, but you also can do difference between this and this, your trying to convict yourself your doing the right choice by harassing me, but at the end im still here even after 2 years of harrassement..

Im still here, and im still #1, and im still make you cry, and you will keep crying your entire life in this game untill you realise by yourself i dont cares about you.

But if you want to keep that way, you will be the one smurfing and smurfing all day long cuz you have shame about yourself.

At the end, your the one whos keep hiding yourself on the game, not me, i have no shame about who i am, you have and you know it.

your the only one who have no real identity and cant be in this family, your the one who sleep sad everynight cuz you really cant do what you really love.


You want a PV? i will send you one, not just the one you want, cuz i own you no shit, and you dont own me either, keep being sad cuz your nobody, i will not make you someone by apologizing you in PV, asshole.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 12:36:37 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Winchester

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Re: Demote 4^Adam^ in 6 days.
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2016, 01:01:38 PM »
Well mousey, don't say i didnt try.

i dont even want to argue with him

*posts above post as a response to a pm request*

That's Totally not wanting to argue at all. At all, I repeat, at all.

And Your not concern about what i have achieve, your concerne about the fact i tell you * YOU * will never achieve this and now your mad, cuz at the end you know its true.

A quantum supercomputer calculating for a thousand years could not approach the numbers of fucks i do not give about a rank on a 21 year old game that i'm inactive on. I've been flaming you before you ever mentioned ladders and achievements.

Yes i have spam forum about staff, but i actually did that for good reason, and it actually change alot of things

You didn't change anything other then make the anti-hack take longer to release cause IL was busy responding to your bullshit rather then developing the anti-hack which you told him to kill himself for wanting to create. Quit acting like a pioneer and trying to take credit for things you did not do, you know who does that?
a delusional guy,  a liar,  a manipulator,
Im still here, and im still #1, and im still make you cry, and you will keep crying your entire life in this game untill you realise by yourself i dont cares about you.

Sure, all those threads you made crying about me seem to prove otherwise lmao
But if you want to keep that way, you will be the one smurfing and smurfing all day long cuz you have shame about yourself.
You have more accounts then me, so that sure says alot more about you then it does me. You're so ashamed of people knowing just how terrible you can be that you had to impersonate a guy who passed away to justify acting like a piece of shit to them. How about instead of being ashamed and hiding it's you, you change that part about you and just don't be a piece of shit in the first place?

At the end, your the one whos keep hiding yourself on the game, not me, i have no shame about who i am, you have and you know it.
You literally impersonated a dead guy for over 2 months. Not only that, you've impersonated admins before.  But i'm the one hiding myself on the game when i'm not even logged in, again, admins reveal my aka to this moron on this thread please. lets see how how much hiding on the game im doing when I haven't been logged in for months at a time

your the only one who have no real identity and cant be in this family

That's why you had to cry WHY WONT ANYBODY NOTICE ME for over 2 years and still continuing right? You literally get angry cause blid talks about nba lmfao.  It only screams that you're not getting attention and never heard the word "No" enough as a child, you're obviously not part of any family, you steal from your parents, and you know they probably hate you as a result of it. So you try desperately to get the attention to form your own little new cyber family to steal from, and when that doesnt work. BOOM!

I have no real identity you say, but you're the one who has to change your story to something new every 2-3 posts to try look cool or different or like you agree with what everyone is saying even though you don't, you're never you, you're always fake. And I expose you everytime and provide the proof to you, and you snap each time. Todays a good example of that.

You're inconsistencies scream no identity, or major stupidity, but we both know that it's both of those things since it's you. I mean seriously, just read your last 50 posts, and find out how many things contradict the other.

Do you know what contradict means Equinox?

Also you realise if you told the truth then 85% of the time we wouldn't be in these situations? It's harder to lie consistently then it is to tell the simple truth, why do you gotta mate things so complicated and lie about literally everything?
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 01:10:48 PM by Winchester »