Warcraft II Forum

Warcraft II => Server.War2.ru => Topic started by: iL on March 20, 2022, 07:59:52 PM

Title: New domain: war2.ru -> warcraft2.online
Post by: iL on March 20, 2022, 07:59:52 PM
Our project will use another domain name now, in addition to war2.ru:

Many people told about to change .ru to something country-independent, saying something like "people from other countries hate russians" or w/e else.
That hurts me, i think many russians are very good guys, but who cares?

And now, given the current political situation, another problem has arisen.

Our official position:
We are out of politics, our project just gives everyone the opportunity to enjoy playing war2!
Regardless of nationality, country of residence, religion, skin color, gender, language and other features.
You can have any opinion on any of these issues as long as you don't force them on others.

Unfortunately, some ISPs have decided to restrict access to some domains just because they are in the ru zone.
At least some (or all) Ukrainian ISPs.

That's why, here's the new domain for our projects! Warcraft2.online.

Now you can use the same domain names for bnet-servers to write them into gateways (server.warcraft2.online, backup.warcraft2.online)
And i just configured forum on several domains:
forum.war2.ru, and also forum.warcraft2.online (separately for http and https for testing purposes).

At least one of these names should work fine for all the countries in the world.

Going to make new domain names working for other resources soon (en, server, ladder, ftp and others).
Please, try  https://forum.warcraft2.online and let me know if you find any problems with it.
Title: Re: New domain: war2.ru -> warcraft2.online
Post by: Nox on March 20, 2022, 10:31:38 PM
I dont think Russians are more hate then any other nationality, there peoples who also hate American, Canadian or French. Is just a fact that some peoples in the world are racist and having a name like ''US'' or ''RU'' Can affect their décision in downloading the game, what we want here is to grow up the community and i think having a neutral name for the server will make things better for everyone.

I love Russian peoples and Russian culture and would love to go Russian one day, unfortunaltly i dont think it will ever happen, but dont worry Russian peoples, i really think you are great peoples and only hope the best for you even with what happening now, hope everyone can find a solution to this war and com back to a normal life for everyone as fast as we can.

Love to Russian peoples, love to Ukranian peoples, love to the entire world.

Thanks you iL, great decision, finally.
Title: Re: New domain: war2.ru -> warcraft2.online
Post by: tk[as] on March 21, 2022, 01:15:15 PM
Nox contributing to player decline by auto-bannig any smurfs.

Some people like to play on Smurf accounts.

Nox acts like dictator "NO SMURFS ALLOWED"

Nox is community killer.

Do not take any advice from hypocrite nox.
Title: Re: New domain: war2.ru -> warcraft2.online
Post by: Player on March 21, 2022, 03:27:39 PM
Nox contributing to player decline by auto-bannig any smurfs.

Some people like to play on Smurf accounts.

Nox acts like dictator "NO SMURFS ALLOWED"

Nox is community killer.

Do not take any advice from hypocrite nox.

I don't smurf very often, but when I have, EQ did not ban.
Title: Re: New domain: war2.ru -> warcraft2.online
Post by: tk[as] on March 21, 2022, 09:27:36 PM
Nox contributing to player decline by auto-bannig any smurfs.

Some people like to play on Smurf accounts.

Nox acts like dictator "NO SMURFS ALLOWED"

Nox is community killer.

Do not take any advice from hypocrite nox.

I don't smurf very often, but when I have, EQ did not ban.

Title: Re: New domain: war2.ru -> warcraft2.online
Post by: Fredrik Eriksson on March 23, 2022, 11:58:30 AM
How about make an 301 redirect?

Also important: https://moz.com/learn/seo/duplicate-content
Title: Re: New domain: war2.ru -> warcraft2.online
Post by: {Lance} on March 23, 2022, 02:48:09 PM
Nice pick on the domain name ;)  A domain change was the right way to avoid any possible anti-russian related sillyness.  I am anti-putin, anti-communist,  not anti-russian citizens (with the exception of Jon,  he's just a waste of human flesh lol).  If Russia were run like these forums,  it would be an interesting vacation destination.

Nox himself smurfs all the time and they are easy to spot though because he just cant write english correctly and it's sort of unique the way he writes lol.