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Messages - dannyldd

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Wow, that was fast! Thanks, Danny. I'm starting with the Human campaign. For some reason the first Orc mission crashes when I select a resolution of 1280x704 using ROH_HD.exe. Any ideas on why?

did you download the new files ? ROHfiles folder + new plugin files?

Remember to not set more than 1 pluginROH file in your Plugin folder.

I'm checking out and seems to load ok, unless I missed up something. Thank you for the feedback, bud. I cant check out all the possible issues for myself.


Try to check the missions out with a smaller resolution like 960x544 (resolution = 3 on widescreen ini file)

if you playing on server you can use command /song X
just write in chat /song 10 or something
songs are from 0 to 26
you can play any of them in multiplayer on serv

I'm playing offline campaigns only. I know the game can't save the music position, but can the current track keep playing where it is? In other words, disable a saved game from loading any track at all.

i've randomized the music. Each time it starts a new mission, restarts or reloads a game, it will play a new music. It will be in next version.

Nice, can't wait!

i've uploaded road of heroes v8.6.

New feature to randomize the music in-game & Friendly mode. Even easier difficulty than 2nd mode.

i hope you enjoy it

if you playing on server you can use command /song X
just write in chat /song 10 or something
songs are from 0 to 26
you can play any of them in multiplayer on serv

I'm playing offline campaigns only. I know the game can't save the music position, but can the current track keep playing where it is? In other words, disable a saved game from loading any track at all.

i've randomized the music. Each time it starts a new mission, restarts or reloads a game, it will play a new music. It will be in next version.

Thanks for the response! Do you know if there is a way to randomize the in-game music? Every time I load a game, the music starts over. Since I have to save/load a lot to win, it means I always hear the same music on repeat :P

Also I'm curious, what map editor do you use for scenarios?


Search for Puddraft. The best map editor by all means. For warcraft 2.

I think its possible to randomize the music. Will get it incorporated for the next RoH version, which may probably include a 3rd even more easier mode for it. And probably the last version for quite a while in that mod.

several bug fixes for the AI to make them more competent against player.
They can now for example:

- use death knights or mages to harass the player alongside their armies on transports or ground. Casters can use blizzard or death & decay on peons, such as multiplayer strategy.
- Comps can now break walls. Player can build walls.
- build cannon towers
- train & send goblin sappers / demo squads to attack the player
- build way better off around their bases to optimize their available space.
- repair buildings with few workers
- infinite resources to get in late game, if being previously set in order to force player to win the game by defeating them or completing objective.
- smarter comps to attack different locations.
- comps can now lay siege on islands, recover those units and get to another.
yea lol but all of this code was maked by me  :P

Yes, you did. Never said the opposite. ai fix plugin did wonders in this mod )

so ed, many new generation features thanks to U ))

The resolution can just be changed in the Warcraft_II_HD.ini file, which comes with the widescreen patch files. The ROH_HD.exe file is *just* for playing the game in widescreen resolution (whichever you set in warcraft_ii_hd.ini file).

ROH Easier mode is definetely harder than DAIFE mod, which was more oriented to showcase the original intended difficulty by Blizzard Entertainment in the original campaigns, yet it never managed to be accomplished. Since the maps still needed several testings, bug fixes & checking out overall computer behavior in speed for attacks, upgrades, workers count.

I made this Easier mode for ROH in an attempt to allow more casual level people to being capable to see the new generation features for warcraft 2, yet the original main difficulty for that mod is Hard mode, which was previously tested up (& stored) on the youtube channel:

or the previous one which was deleted by false accussations from Youtube, dannyldd.

The difficulty from War2 DAIFE 7.0+:

and DAIFE up to v6.954:

are the same.

Only difference is that from v7.0, I incorporated some new generation modding features for war2 like:

- multiple tilesets across the campaigns
- customized damaged portrait icons for units
- upgrade alerts.
- little tweaks for bug fix purposes on mission objectives.
- kills counter on units
- Sound Alerts for gold/lumber/oil.

Road of heroes on the other hand, have some difficulty variants which also include several bug fixes for the AI to make them more competent against player.
They can now for example:

- use death knights or mages to harass the player alongside their armies on transports or ground. Casters can use blizzard or death & decay on peons, such as multiplayer strategy.
- Comps can now break walls. Player can build walls.
- build cannon towers
- train & send goblin sappers / demo squads to attack the player
- build way better off around their bases to optimize their available space.
- repair buildings with few workers
- infinite resources to get in late game, if being previously set in order to force player to win the game by defeating them or completing objective.
- smarter comps to attack different locations.
- comps can now lay siege on islands, recover those units and get to another.

and way more.

I was recently requested to make a 3rd even easier mode in case Easier mode wasn't enough.


Be that as it may, I hope you enjoy the content around, bud. There're other less harder mods around like Weapons of our Warfare, Demo extended challenge, Legacy of dalaran enhanced, u8's micro campaign Enhanced, some customized patches with audio  & visual enhancements for custom maps or even multiplayer.

All of this in the main page for all these mods:

good luck & have fun

22 / Re: How to play cooperatively?
« on: February 12, 2024, 09:02:48 AM »
Awesome, thanks fois!

Is there a way to adjust the difficulty of the computer AI? (I want it to be easier)

You can check the war2 Combat edition installer again and in this section where you can either select 4 base game campaigns, szwagier AI hard mod OR AIs enhanced for custom maps.

I think this last option allows to play against stronger computers in multiplayer, but both players have to install that same war2 combat edition mode.

The comps are definetely harder, yet i haven't checked them out completely.

That mod contains several maps i didnt see before. It was made by Rotonda I think and its stated on that option through the installing process.

I was requested to make a CO-OP from one of my war2 single plyer mods. From either Insane Edition or Road of heroes mods.

You can follow up my streaming channels if wanna see the progress about this potential co-op mod in the future.

I've uploaded the last, v7.8 version to Road of Heroes mod.

This version includes Easier mode, which attempts to showcase the whole mod features to a more casual public.

Please feel free to check it out if wanna see some of the new generation features being added up in Warcraft 2, through modding features with War2 Combat Edition and big thanks to the contribution to @Mistral by all the inclusion of this whole set of modding features in this wonderful game.

Hopefully, this is the last version for this mod in quite a while.

Please feel free to give your feedback either here or my streaming channels:

Cartography & Custom Maps / Re: Xex's map pack
« on: January 26, 2024, 08:48:58 AM »
Hey there, bud. This little project from you seems quite fun!

Its always welcome to see new original Single player maps!

For the longest possible time, Warcraft II have been limited to pretty much make maps on the map editor or give some customized AI alongside its shared maps.

But Thanks to Edo gorod, now its possible to add up special triggers to these maps in several ways. In that sense, not every map has to be "kill them all" trigger in order to win... Same as certain hero has to survive and much more.

Would it be possible if I can make an **enhanced** version from this pack of maps from you?

Of course I'd set up credits for you, to add up these original maps.


Hi, I tried this mod, but it looks too difficult, I understand it's meant to be really hard, but I've been playing warcraft 2 on and off for a very long time and was able to beat all campaigns a few times, including the dark portal ones, but I've never seen anything this difficult, in any strategy game I tried, I can do level 1 orc and human of tides of darkness with this mod, that's about it.

The level I've been trying for a very long time is orc 2 of tides of darkness:
this is normally a level where the enemy is passive, but here we're against 2 enemies, both of which have a barracks and relentlessly churn out units, sending waves of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 footmen, the blue player mixes it with archers too. I'm sure it's possible to win this if I can survive till they run out of gold, but I tend to get overwhelmed at some point, I even tried to attack white immediately and was able to destroy their barracks, save some grunts and run back, but I just couldn't keep up with blue after the losses I had sustained; blue is otherwise manageable if you can destroy white's barracks and have enough defending troops to survive in the short term, and basically I am now out of ideas.

I'm aware levels are only getting harder, but still would be nice to be able to do any level at all where the enemy attacks you in this mod.

I know the author said he tested all levels and beat them, but I didn't find any videos or guides for this particular mod, anyone who was able to do them has any ideas?

Do you need to be high level in multiplayer to be able to beat these maps? As I only really played against computer so far.

This is reason why its bad, its not about make game, where you cant make single mistake

I had to repeat it like 20 times

Most people would not beat it
playing vs ai =/= playing vs player

i know the mod is shit, but do you also keep believing no one will play these mods?

Support Requests / Re: More difficult single player mode
« on: January 24, 2024, 12:13:20 PM »
Hi. I have seen some one played warcraft 2 singel player mode but much more stronger just like brutal since the first mission. I would like to ask if somebody knows anything about this mode. Where would I able to download etc. Thank you.

hey hello. Maybe you refer to Szwagier's violent-AI mod, available on the installer from war2 combat edition, available in OR...

my mods, available in:

Either way, those mods you may be looking for, could be better off to find out either in forum sub-pages: Cartography & Custom maps or... Mods & development

Mods & Development / Re: Warcraft II / my kids
« on: August 29, 2023, 11:36:37 AM »
So, if you want code to dig in, you can check out my most recent war2 mod, Road of Heroes. It tweaks the base game campaigns with new audio/visual/difficulty/AI improvement changes.
Thanks to @Mistral 's code in other of his mods.

In the page below you can find out any other of my war2 public mods and some of them, including the one from above, have a folder within the mod package files, to change the code with the proper mod funcionalities. The folder I think is called "MainPluginFolder". The code can be compiled in that same folder, right away to use it as a Plugin for the mod.


RoH v3.9, now including functional IDLE workers new feature

Big thanks to Ed for his very amazing code and war2 new generation features ))

29 / Re: War2 Triggers Editor released!
« on: June 28, 2023, 10:55:58 AM »
so for random i thinked about it but cannot implement for now

for sounds
PUD maps are basically a file with set of sections
triggers being stored is old unused OILM section which was used for oil distribution in old alpha war2
but size of this section is depends of map size so max amount of bytes that triggers can be is for 128x128 map = 16k bytes
so this is not possible to put custom sound files and etc u just not have any place for even 1 sound
it is possible to add more sections i think but then maps becomes uncompatible with original map editor and even puddraft too
if u open and save map in them then all other non supported sections being removed from map file

p.s. lol also imagine the lag when someone joins lobby and needs to download 50mb map with tons of cursed custom sounds :) :) :) :)

Starcraft 1 remastered works this way actually, Ed.

I've encountered some of these Korean maps, like Special forces with a lot of new remastered features and they're slow to download. Even consider you have to download them from Korea server so it would be even slower for foreign people.
So basically, starcraft maps can get really big as well to download. It may turn a curse and slow in lobby to get.

Warcraft 2 road of heroes MOD is fully completed at this point (June 28th, 2023). I haven't tested up all missions but they're theorically possible to beat and functional. There may be some bugs around, though.
Hard mode is available to play at its full capacity:

Several set of new generation modding features included into this mod. All information in link above.
Any feedback is welcome as always, if any of you guys are willing to give this little mod a try. Easier mode should be uploaded later on.

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