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Messages - BenJamin

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15 16
196 / Re: Speak up or be left out.
« on: September 20, 2016, 10:48:48 PM »
Can you specify which injustices Blid has comitted? Its not like he prevents new players from playing. It's the veteran that ban new players or force them to watch. This game needs more people like mousey and xurnt who make games  that everyone play.

197 / Re: Peak 21 watchers today on twitch!
« on: September 20, 2016, 05:28:21 PM »
Don't forget about us when you become famous!

198 / Re: Peak 21 watchers today on twitch!
« on: September 20, 2016, 04:52:30 PM »
You'll double that if you stream yourself getting #1 again.

I'm not against NWTR at all, I just threw in a replacement of a map that would test resource skills other than high. NWTR used to be a really competitive and it was played by some of the greatest Gow players of all time, Yah'mon, khb, scrubbo, viruz, etc.

You forgot ganzthelegend and swift.

Also lux = truthxrl confirmed?

I would also like to see POS in the mix

200 / Re: Just get hacked by dellam.
« on: September 19, 2016, 09:32:11 PM »
watched the replay, it was clear that dellam's towers had 3x more HP and he knew where EQ was at all times

3. Chayliss (maximumcarnage)

pretty sure maxcarnage was 00Joe.

I thought truthrxl was 00joe,  he seemed to be a step above maximumcarnage

Only 3 people even have a chance of winning the tier two tournament. I predict equinox will win easily given his recent success vs. The tier 1 players.

Bad prediction is true because im not gonna participate to this tourney or any tourney from ToRa.

Nothing against Tora, hes actually a nice guy, I just dont love the fact some peoples use different clients on those tourneys.

But overall i invite you to all do it, dont take me as an exemple, have fun and good luck all.
@ Equinox may I ask do you play any maps other than gow?

I just looked threw your game reports going back a few years it doens't look like you have any games from anything other than gow.

In the future hopefully we can get AH mandatory to log onto the client.

Ok new power rankings for tier 2 tournament

1. 00steph
2. 00Tony/LtFan
3. Chayliss (maximumcarnage)
4. Mystical

Tora you know that HSC can take 30-60 minutes depending on how evenly matched the players are right? Also about 90% of NWTR games are played by unu. 

203 / Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« on: September 16, 2016, 05:31:09 PM »
I defeated Equinox 6:1 and Antii 3:1, also Startale played well and took my #1 spot.

WP, now EQ and Antti can start another thread to demotr ST for dodging and inactivity.

My guess is LtFan

LTFAN has been as active as Ash the last 3 months

Only 3 people even have a chance of winning the tier two tournament. I predict equinox will win easily given his recent success vs. The tier 1 players.

Are you saying the legends Ash, Scrubbo, KHB, valkarie, Hornet, and Ganzthelegend are tier two players?

207 / Re: Demote Knitter thanks
« on: September 15, 2016, 07:15:01 PM »
Knitter just played 5 games with Equinox (as dumbnewbe) winning 4-1. Consider him active now.

208 / Re: worst community 2016
« on: September 15, 2016, 09:53:12 AM »
what's HoN?

209 / Re: 7 Hours streaming of 1v1 ( 28-1 ).
« on: September 15, 2016, 09:51:33 AM »
Good stuff man, you are a pro. You think you could teach us how to play as well as you? Please add some commentary.

« on: September 15, 2016, 12:45:23 AM »
Nice, made the team! :D

You are the only one that helps new players. The newb gow is a great idea, too bad you're not on more often.

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