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Messages - (DW)Ogre

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well your a lier babyshark and i dont think what you did to me is funny i still owe more then 7000 $ on my credit cart and i showed you a pictre of the bill when you aked me so you know im not a lier when we talked you were acting all nice now your acusing me of lying and scam again wtf is wrong with you i really dont aprecate you saying im a troll its offenive your the lier and troll not me

its just like woman to be two face and liers no wonder your freins all hate you now

sorry i coint find the paper wherre i wrote the reacking number bsbyshark it shoueod coming today

i dont understadn what their saying whats machrvelian narciscic is claw the teoll all the time babysrhak said it was gora somrbody saying it was me i know i am not lier or troller i can inly tell what is really true thatsjust hiw i am

@ tora ur asking if zeus but i am zeus or am not zeus but one way it is or not but does not chage if u know or not know if is or not and the shirts are oedered from online in the internet

34 / Re: Who is better, Lux or Yamon?
« on: October 10, 2017, 10:32:46 PM »
lux is lorgan also and is better it is factural lux is a betst

ill try to find it

whats the diffrence between trolling and lying than?

tora babysrhak told me not to talk to you tha your a troll did u troll or did you really ewant o buy t shirts

i shouldent have litened so you when you told me to not talk o tora maybe he is the on who is telling the turht

i did really sent it alo i find out why it is late they call me at costoms and hold package to ask me quetions what fabrick it is and how many shirts it is that is why it was on hold now its relesad and should arivt tomorroe

you are talking about me scam what about you you made me oreder all the shirts you dont even want and you told me you were disabeld and have lice and they told me thats a lie i still owe hueg ammount on my credit card bill its just like a women to make it look like their the victom when its their fualt

you just ptetend to be nice but your a lier so dont call me scam why would you ty and ruin my name when i even send you the t shits it just makes me sick

babyeshsark why your beign so mena to claw he is a nice guy i think he just doents like u probaly cusea he foudn out your a women and many woman just ruin mens lives like their sickotick bitches and make fake repae charges then they go to jail i can tell yoour not like that but sadly most womn are maybe his wifes divoresd him and hes biter just be nice and anti kimiemo helped me spell seriets name right for the sbtrith they are niec guys clwa is always nice to me also are u on your menestretion?

i cant find my shirts i put them on a pile i looked everwhere i think i acedenity put them in box i shippled i rly wanted some to keep

why r u not answering my text msgs?

@ xurbt powcow only got 1 vote u have to get 3 votes to go on t rshit

i already sent it u said send to company right away thts ehwat u said and the firts place was closed so i had to go another place

ok thanks for talking u sound real nice actulay u sound so much like my mom

u made a lot of good pitnts i feel kind of dumb now but ur plan is probaly the best to do ill message my pa y pal to u also

it was a typo it was suppose to be 50 ya now is good to call

do u really thikn i would have to raise my credbit limit for 750 $? i didnt think of having it shipped to u sorry

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