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Messages - picka_materina

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31 / Re: So nobody will say anything about this hack?
« on: June 28, 2020, 05:14:36 AM »
Picka is tupac, tupac is picka
Ok, now you'er being way too offensive. If i'm Jordan, at least i'm smart. Tupac is semi retarded.

General Discussion / Re: Ghostnuke & NASCAR Flag Ban
« on: June 27, 2020, 09:24:12 PM »
The masks make it more difficult for you to breathe and are getting bacteria trapped in it, causing irritations of the skin, etc.

They are NOT saving ANYONE from ANYTHING
They are Increasing your CO2 Reabsorption rate and Decreasing your Oxygen intake. This can make you light headed................... and can seriously damage you.

Let's consider one massive point: It has been claimed that the new "disease" primarily affects the elderly and immunocompromised.

The disease is purported to affect the lungs of those with it.

That means it's ALREADY DIFFICULT for people to breathe that have the disease. STOP KILLING YOURSELF.

Now, consider this: It is widely known that the masks actually don't protect the user, but apparently help slow the spread of water droplets in the air.

This means that the people with the disease are using a mask to help spread it but it is NOT protecting them.  They are Repeatedly breathing in and out their own GUNK gas (CO2) A HEALTHY BODY NEEDS TO BREATHE.

Next point:

Asymptomatic patients do NOT spread a "disease"
People who are NOT sick are NOT getting other people sick. Stop pretending to be a martyr by suffocating yourself, you're not. 

Live a little bit people. The government is running a DEPOPULATION CAMPAIGN that is why they are lying to you!
Woa. Mind = blown.

33 / Re: So nobody will say anything about this hack?
« on: June 27, 2020, 09:23:18 PM »
Please stop making sense. It was all a ruse planned 15 years a go just for this day.

Now, if you said Jordan has a time traveling machine, and he went back in time and created "picka" so he can hack into whatever in 10 years. WEEEELLLL. NOW YOU'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE. Now that makes sense.

34 / Re: So nobody will say anything about this hack?
« on: June 27, 2020, 08:41:22 PM »
I'll tell you why he does that. Because Jordan doesn't want his real life name associated with a account that has openly been commiting crimes. His avatar is a picture he took off of Lances computer.
@{Lance} already has busted him as being Jordan. Idk why he is keeping up the act.
Rofl. And if that is so, how does your big brain explain Jodan is not in jail? Considering all the "crimes" i commited and how much trouble lance went through to find out who i am.
i just said it was a weird detail for three people to play three-person FFAs "for awhile."  because it is.
Guess also having friends is weird to you.

35 / Re: So nobody will say anything about this hack?
« on: June 27, 2020, 08:12:56 AM »
picka is essentially trying to communicate anonymously ..
You actually thinking im trying to communicate with you, or most of the forum, is another one for the books. My name just keeps being dragged around since you all went nuts and i find it amusing. It's like you can access a loony bin and be part of its social encounters, but not actually be in a loony bin. I already said why i returned after 5 years.

36 / Re: So nobody will say anything about this hack?
« on: June 26, 2020, 03:39:52 PM »
Playing three-person FFAs "frequently, for awhile" is unusual.  And its even more bizarre that the three participants are the three people Burnt mentioned, and who would seemingly have no connection to each other.  Jordan is some nerd swift lackey.  picka I have no idea who he is other than a forum name and some hacker-type.  And blid who is a smart, reasonable guy who, come to think of it, has barely ever had a non-smurfing presence on the server.  Then he just throws out this "picka was pretty good btw" for literally no reason.

Just super weird. like weird, bad lies on purpose.
Woa. Another bright spark of smartness in here. I'm flabbergasted how many of you there are. The forums are a genuine think tank full of big brains.

Yea, not like we knew each other and happened to like something outside of gow/ef and bne/f and played that for shit and giggles. Nah. It's this other thing that requires 3000IQ planing just to fool everyone in 5 years time it was all an elaborate ruse and we're all basically the same guy!. Yea. Can't fool the think tank.

37 / Re: So nobody will say anything about this hack?
« on: June 24, 2020, 12:12:49 PM »
I mean it is kinda weird you picka (who even is this guy?) and jordan used to play 3-player ffas though? 
Why would that be weird? You don't play with your friends?

It's astounding how loony you all went. None of you have any idea who i am. Lance tried his hardest to find out who i was and frame me with whatever he could since he's that loony and failed, so i have no idea why anyone thinks i would have a hard time admitting i did this or that. That's the crazy part. I "admited" to far worse things then hacking into someone's personal computer or being someone else. You all went loony, starting from lance, carried over to xurnt and i see it's catching up slowly to the rest of you.

38 / Re: So nobody will say anything about this hack?
« on: June 22, 2020, 06:52:43 PM »
I noticed that part already.

39 / Re: So nobody will say anything about this hack?
« on: June 22, 2020, 03:49:10 PM »
My god. You people here are a real smarty bunch aren't you.
and lied to fbi i ddosed his company.

40 / Re: So nobody will say anything about this hack?
« on: June 22, 2020, 01:41:56 PM »
What action would be taken exactly? That a person ddos'd some random guy on internet you think feds will ram his door in in a raid party? You watched too many movies. They don't care about that. His boss cared however, for obvoius reasons.
I do infact believe agent's name was Stephen.
Also, im pretty positive going back to occult days that picka is in fact jordan.
You sound like a really smart person.

41 / Re: So nobody will say anything about this hack?
« on: June 21, 2020, 08:56:51 PM »
How about when you had holes into Lances server you turned everyone's icon into Nazi flag. You also hacked him to rewrite the gateways when he was trying to take over the server.

When I was a teen I thought Lance was a bad guy for using map hacks in war2, but as a adult now it's a lot more clear that you were just as bad as him doing illegal acts to his server/computer and you are not to be trusted.

Hell you are still flaunting picture of his wife in your avatar that you stole off his comp. That shit is just plain wrong.

And like I said before you stole the code for his ladder and blid takes credit for it.
As you can clearly see, by repeating my acts, i have no issues with saying what i did. I even wrote most of it on the occult at the time. That being said, if i had hacked your computer, and if i was jordan, i'd have no problems admitting to it as if you really gave me inclination to hack anything of yours i'd have no problems admitting to it. I would most likely flaunt something else in my sig to taunt you. However, i never had problems with you then, nor do i have it now. You've just gone mental in the timespan i left for whatever reasons unknown to me but that doesn't really concern me. At the time, you had unparalleled drive for war2 and it was inspiring. You still have some of this drive, it just shifted in other direction, one of them your obvious mental issues.
I've had a significant role in stopping lance take over everything that was tied to the only game i played at the time,war2. I am glad things have progressed far in that regard and good/sound people are in charge of the server.

That being said, i've never lied since i have no inclination to lie in these matters. There's no difference if i said i hacked your computer, or if i say i didn't. So no reason to lie in these matters.

1. I am not Jordan. I actually came back to forum trying to reconnect to him as we've lost touch so thought i'd find him here, or someone that can connect me to him
2. Blid has no idea what i did with lance, so wherever his code is from, it's not from lances server (at least i did not give it to him, and no one at the time had access). I actually spoke very little with Blid directly. Only people that spoke to me directly were Jordan, ~iL, foonat and i believe ~iL had a coder/friend on his team. That's it. I thought i spoke to you as well but i might be delusional on that part.
3. Lance did far worse things then just map hack, you're just gone delusional or have forgot it. For one, he ddos'd foonat from his employer's server and lied to fbi i ddosed his company. That being something "real life". Other things include him saving all your passes in cleartext and trying it on your email/occult username (that's how he got kith's admin pw and "took over" the occult). He also literally daily messed with people while they were on his server. But that's besides the point as well.
4. My avatar is mine, those that need to know it know it.

42 / Re: So nobody will say anything about this hack?
« on: June 21, 2020, 07:03:48 PM »
Blid = Jordan aka Pika_Mantera aka the devil.

You're delusional dude. Not sure what happened to you but you were actually quite cool on occult. I see now you started indoctrinating lances posts as "truth" knowing full well that dude never said a single truth in his life. I'm not sure even if we talked on IM druing lances occupation of occult.

Jordan already got busted before for being Pika by {Lance} when Pika got into his personal computer. The same thing that he has been doing to me.

He didn't get busted as being me as he's not me. I am good friends with Jordan (we lost contact once i left war2), but even he never knew who i was because lance actually did try to involve fbi at the time saying i ddosed his company servers, while in fact, he was ddosing one other user on occult (i forgot his name edit:remembered, foonat) from company servers (this did not bode well with ol' Steve Morris. At the time we both spoke to fbi (this other user - `foonat` and me ). Seeing as lance was nuts to lie to fbi i never wanted to involve jordan (or anyone) into this. Only people that can confirm i am not jordan outside them is ~iL, but seeing how nuts you went, even if we both stood near you you'd say we're the same people and other one is a hired actor.

43 / Re: Post old akas
« on: June 16, 2020, 10:02:39 PM »
Sorry but your wrong, You on the other hand are a known hacker for many years. Funny how the quility are the ones that always accuse (you)
Can only agree. Once you are not sure what to do you accuse the other of hacking.
You don't even know the name i played on which makes this even funnier. Who exactly did you think you're accusing :)

44 / Re: Is burnt was saying the truth 6 months ago?
« on: June 13, 2020, 08:08:58 AM »
I never brought this up on the forums yet. A couple months ago I was watching youtube videos and it froze on a creepy image and my computer started typing 666's by itself.
You gone nuts too hard. Never go too nuts.

equinox is not far behind.

45 / Re: Post old akas
« on: June 13, 2020, 07:53:22 AM »
Kanuks was really good back then. namnori hacked that's known. I ruined your thread as more akas with hacking mightov poped up (like the ramses dude) but that's known he got caught more times then a jew stealing money. 20 years a go or no, you hacked. Does it matter now? It doesn't. I just never connected ogremage with namnori.

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