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Messages - Mistral

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331 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 28, 2020, 12:19:46 AM »
Now backup is not started War2Mod always. You need to change channel when you joins server. Only then mod enabled.

So about maps. Well you people actually all have PUD maps with trigges long ago.  :thinking:,6084.0.html
No one ever tried to play? ??? Ye there is 2 players neded though, so maybe you dont have friends to play with.  :tear:  :sob:

p.s. name "triggers" has been taken from Starcraft map editor. That things is built in map editors by Blizzard in SC1, SC2, War3.
and actully all this project started from this)))
i wanted that there will be a way for people to create custom maps with triggers like in StarCraft1. (way to create without using programming and etc, just 10-20 mouse cliks that even noobs can do).

So my project is - Triggers System!
And ok what War2Mod is - this is considered Oragon's project, not my. He want to create new balanced war2 and etc. And this project just using my triggers system and i helping Oragorn to make this.
You maybe ask why do i even do this project for him? Cause he my only friend and my only backend slave :newthumbsup: tester for triggers who always run to help me from the first call in 24/7 mode and always working like mule :chuckisthemuscle: restarting game for 100k times in 10 mins to see changes in code and memory values for me.

And so what will be in future - wiil be special gamemode in MPQ for my Triggers System in PUD maps and other gamemode for Oragorn's War2Mod. in combat 47+

332 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 25, 2020, 08:22:37 PM »
Sorry u8 this is not just channel )
I think we will add this after beta test in combat 47+ and on official serv.
There will be special game modes in MPQ for this.
Like there is Melee or UMS.
Will be something like War2Mod Melee
and for custom maps or online campanigns will be
Triggers Melee and Triggers UMS.
And maybe some others for other things.
So only people who have combat 47+ (or edited MPQ) will be able to join games with that gamemode. Others cannot.
And you will see even before entering lobby that this is War2Mod game or Triggers game. I think its will be very convenient.

333 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 25, 2020, 07:10:23 PM »
So new update.

1) Attack peons gold cost changed from 300 to 150.
2) Removed Alleria inviz. Cause tested enough. All works and game not chrashes. So this not needed now.
3) Because of inviz remove - Alleria +1 pierce dmg and Zuljin hp regen doubled.
4) Removed heal sound of autoheal from Uter when heal heals less than 4 hp. Cause he heals 1 hp for 1 mp. And there was like DONG DONG DONG anouing sound every 0.000001 nanoseconds.
5) Demons multiselectable now.
6) Fixed Status draw for demons.
7) Not need exorcism learned for autoheal to work.

u now need to have certain buildings to make heros. Cause early rush is too bad.
Alleria/Zuljin you need to have Lumbermill
Danath/Grom and Lotar/Kargath you need to have Smith (Lotar/Kargath only from 2 tier TH)
Tyralyon/Dentarg and Uter/Chogal you need to have Stables/Ogre mound (Tyralyon/Dentarg only from 2 tier TH and Uter/Chogal only from 3 tier TH)
Hadgar/Teron you need to have Mage Tower/Temple (only from 3 tier TH)
Kurdran/Deathwing you need to have Aviary (only from 3 tier TH)

334 / Re: Someone abusing triggers maybe?
« on: December 21, 2020, 03:57:11 PM »
1. AI Plays for You - (Single Player) - If you play on a map that has a passive player and you rescued it. You can toggle on or off the ability for a AI to control and play the game for you.

2. Cheat Codes - (Multi Player) - This is a huge one! I'm not sure how this was missed over all the years and now the game is dead haha. This hack will allow you to use any single player cheat code in multiplayer. There is a catch all great things aren't so great. 2 flaws 1. If you enter a cheat code it will broadcast "Player has enabled/disabled cheat". 2. If you enable a cheat it will enable it for all players in game.

3. Player Hijack - (Multi Player) - This will allow you to toggle to another player. You will have all their stuff and GUI. You should use this with your current map hack or w/e. Choosing a non existing player might cause the game to crash. The program needs updated.

4. Auto Win Hack - This should be used when you are losing and want to draw instead of loss. Deceitful name I Apologize for that.

5. Iron Man Cheat - Disables the need for 1200 rating to create or enter Iron Man Ladder host lobbies.

6. Memory Editor - So here is a basic memory editor i coded with hard coded addresses and offsets. The current list is for spells/building. This alone is multiple hacks in one.

A. New build hack you no longer need the building required for the tech tree unlock. Freeze the Building to a Farm or Mage Tower and building attempts are frozen to Farm or what ever you chose.

B. You can freeze spells and over write other commands. For example we freeze Spells / Commands to the spell Blizzard and select mages and click attack and then they all blizzard. Example below in YouTube video.

Hey I know where you found this. This is just a cheat tool that Tupac created.

335 / Re: Someone abusing triggers maybe?
« on: December 21, 2020, 01:31:18 PM »
You actually can press the ss yourself when you see this)
You said you saw the text bellow like "Some-Player enabled cheat" so this could have been seen on your screnshoot too.
This would have been enough proof i think for permanent ban even.

And about abusing triggers. They cant do it because that all must be synchronised between players. All players must get this enabled or this dont work. And even if they go in backup server to get triggers then they cannot use them on official serv cause they got disabled after player returns to main menu. And if only one player in lobby have them then they wont be enabled because i made precautions for this. Even if hacker somehow can get some functions then they just will be desync from other players and disconnected from the game.

336 / Re: Someone abusing triggers maybe?
« on: December 21, 2020, 10:53:43 AM »
As i know hacking in itself is bad yes.

Singleplayer cheats is ok when all people in game agreed to it. Even Blizzard themselves thinking this way because they made that game works this way. And they made that checkbox for enabling singleplayer cheats in old IPX lobby. If this was not the cause then that checkbox wouldnt even exist in the first place.

But of course its bad to do this and not saying people beforehand and asking if they all agreed.

And what if someone doing this suddenly? As i said earlier game itself writes text about who exactly doing this so you can talk with them about it or maybe just ban them in next game.

337 / Re: Someone abusing triggers maybe?
« on: December 21, 2020, 09:01:22 AM »
Oh and triggers cannot do anything to others clients. They just enabled in each player war2 systematically so players dont disconnect of drop. And they actualy dont even have real synchronisation mechanism. War2 making its normaly for yourself. Blizzard make a really good synchronisation system inside game so its working just fine with only that.
So as i saying they cannot access others clients. (Cause they actualy dont even know that others even exist in first place. They working inside of each player comps separately.)

338 / Re: Someone abusing triggers maybe?
« on: December 21, 2020, 06:22:32 AM »
And sometimes this can even be fun or useful))))
Like for example just yesterday we played on the Szwagier's Peon Race map. And he fucked up and give peon vision 2 LOL ;D and then there was a moment where we need to jump with wharf but we dont see other side :sob: and i write them like hey guys i have "on screen" there and they like okay go HACK US :rofl: and we jumped and then i turned off.
BUT then LOL violet player jumped wrong and got stuk :sob: so i enabled "glittering prizes" so we have resources to build farms+ships and save him. Szwagier build ship and kill wharf and then violet player jumps off from the trap ;D ;D
you can see Szwagier yesterday stream if you think im lying
9 hours 3 mins timecode.

339 / Re: Someone abusing triggers maybe?
« on: December 21, 2020, 06:21:40 AM »
No this is not triggers. Just singleplayer cheats.
They always worked this way. From 1995, From ipx times.
In old IPX lobby there was a checkbox that allows to enable single player cheats in multiplayer.
And when someone write some cheat in chat, then that cheat enables for ALL players,
and there will be written text bellow "Someone enabled cheat".
And as it seems this checkbox actually working in BNE too.
They you ask how they enabled it? Just hacked.
For examlpe cheat tool that Tupac created have that option. Or they can just do this manually without tools if they know how. (i know ;))
This cheat is not so bad as you think. He just writen "on screen" and game enabled it for all players. And not so bad is because game writes text bellow about who enables cheat.
You cannot do this silently or for yourself only. Singleplayer cheat written in chat always enables for all players.
This can ruin just one game maybe. Cause you will know who do that, and just ban him next time.

340 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 20, 2020, 04:23:20 PM »
Ok there is new update.

1) Fixed status of demons and sheeps. So stats can be seen as on normal unit.
2) Demons >:D multiselectable now. And do less dmg.
3) Runestone radius is 2 now. Fixed Runestone heal and mana regen timer. They now heals as needed.

Removed random damage from units. Units always dealt max damage now.
Mybe did you saw when ogre can dealt like from 4 to 8 dmg. And somehow your ogres dealt always 4 it seems and enemies always 8. And you thinking wat is the actual fuk is this?!?!!
So u can forget about it now. No random. No luck. just SKILL. just microcontrol like a god.

Bloodlust always do X2 dmg. Not X1.5 not X2.5 and NOT X3. ONLY!!! x2.
Cause it now calculates from final damage. (after armor was removed).

Damage thing and bloodlust thing will be removed later :blank: (i think).
Please TEST them and TELL what YOU think about that SHIT!? :poo:
(if many people like it then it will stay.) (and maybe even wiil go to official serv? ??? :thinking:)

341 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 12, 2020, 02:20:07 PM »
Thanks for feedback. I put new version on server. This 2 bugs was fixed.

342 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 12, 2020, 10:27:02 AM »
Ye i know about that problem) but as i said "For testing purposes". Will be removed later. Will be added as trigger for custom map makers only. (maybe if they want to make something like RPG map this can be used).

343 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 12, 2020, 09:56:12 AM »
Ok i put new version on server just now.
Get some speed improvements.

1) Now runestones place buffs faster.
2) Paladins autoheal reaction is faster.
3) Portals now not working automatically. You must order your unit go into portal to teleport them, and teleportation is must be faster and without lag. (comps cannot order their units to do that so cause of that they cannot use portals, but there is no difference actually because they was stupid to begin with.)
4) Allied Transports now not working automatically. You must order your unit go into transport, and they go inside fast and without lag. Allied comps units still get sucked inside automatically. And there is fun moment. If your unit is going inside of allied comp transport, they mostly will be stuck there forever :) but sometimes comps transports can move your units somewhere, drop them and go back where they was (actualy this is so LOL). I not programmed this, it is some weird war2 AI mechanics) like maybe transport thinking "i have army inside, so i must send them to attack somewhere".
6) Hadgar slow aura is faster.
7) Teron death aura is faster.
5) Added "sneaking" for Alleria in War2Mod. For testing purposes. So when you order Alleria to STAND GROUND she will go inviz.

So that new added things. I afraid that this "fast and without lag" thing may cause desyc or disconnects errors because they are just so fast.
So everyone test, and PLEASE say if you have errors. I will revert all things back if there is some bugs.

344 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 11, 2020, 03:39:44 PM »
Yes i sure abot what im saying.
This is not "roughly" calculated stuff. This is actual formulas from code of actual War2 BNE exe file. I saw all this code upside down.
If you dnt trust i can show you the pure code itself and you can see for yourself. (you need to understand at least some assembler though).
and not just dks/trolls mages/archers get full dmg.
all units receive dmg with the that exact same formula.
And this page
Maybe dnt see this? this occult page you shows to me is using the exact same formula. They just have using example of lvl5 ogre not just lvl1.
so lvl1 ogre vs lvl1 knight blood gives X2.5
lvl5 vs lvl5 gives X3 so upgrades important yes.
lvl5 ogre vs lvl1 !! knight this is will be already X3.5 (14-28 dmg) !! (actually just lvl 3 ogres will do as armor upgrades for them change nothing)

So about SC1 dmg. Do you know that there too not very so simply? Like there is units have "size". And some attacks types deal more dmg to "big" enemies some deal less to "small" and etc etc.
But as i see you what meant is that there is no random. Like 5 dmg always 5 - armor. Not like from 2 to 5 and etc. As i see yes maybe this is really good.

345 / Re: War2Mod (War2 with triggers) beta testing
« on: December 11, 2020, 01:20:48 PM »
So info about how is Bloodlust is working.
This is very complicated to just say that this is X2 or X3 or X2.134 and etc.
For you to understand, you must first know how damage works in this game.
So units have 2 types of damage. STRENGTH and PIERCE.
STRENGTH damage is blocked by ARMOR. PIERCE is not blocked.
FULL damage = (STRENGTH-ARMOR(of target))+PIERCE
and then FINAL damage = FULL/2 + random from 1 to FULL/2
so u deal half of dmg + other half randomly
so if you want some real stats for example then. normal default LVL1 OGRE have
So 8-4=4 dmg strength + 4 dmg pirece =8 = from 4 to 8 dmg OGRE VS OGRE 1lvl

Then we going to upgrades. So upgrades from Smith add +2 to ARMOR and +2 to STRENGTH dmg.
So they negate themselves.
Upgrades from lumbermill give +1 PIERCE (+4 in War2Mod) for archers and trolls.
(HEROES - Alleria and Zuljin recieve upgrades NOT FROM LUMBERMILL but from SMITH, even if status shows +1 and etc, its actually BUG. I saw the real code inside, trust me.)
(And they receive only STRENGTH dmg upgrades not ARMOR)

Human Rangers have another uniqie upgrade - MARKSMANSHIP
this is NOT add +3 dmg, this is actually turns Rangers STRENGTH damage to PIERCE
They have 3 STRENGTH dmg by default, and after upgrade they have 0 STRENGHT and +3 PIERCE.
So if you changed map in editor to rangers to have like 10 strength. With upgrade they receive +10 not +3.

SO BLOODLUST. what is it doing actually?
it making X2 STRENGTH and X2 PIERCE.
SO you can say so after all its actually just X2 yes? NO
BLOOD making X2 BEFORE armor is removed from strength
Example again
normal default LVL1 OGRE have
16-4 !!!! = 12 strength + 8 pierce = 20
from 10 to 20 dmg with blood
it was from 4 to 8 dmg without blood
SO X2.5 actually
So you as you see this is NOT just only X2 because of the fact that BLOOD making X2 BEFORE armor is removed from strength
For units that dont have STRENGTH dmg blood is X2 yes. Like DK or mage. Or if you are attacking unit without armor like peons then this is X2 too.

So with upgrades help or when other units with other stats is fighting BLOOD can give from X1.5 to X4 actually. (if default stats of units was changed in the map then even more maybe)

I dont know if this is a BUG or Blizzard REALLY intended to make game this way.

And if you ask me is this can be changed? Maybe like make it true and always X2 like when it was 4 to 8 dmg make this just 8 to 16 dmg.
Yes i can. But not doing this obviously.
Maybe i can create trigger so people can create custom maps with this fixed blood mechanics if they want.
So do you need me to make this trigger in future?

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