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Mods & Development / Re: PHP Utilities for PvPGN (Ladder Stats)
« on: April 13, 2015, 04:29:00 PM »
I got it working, its very strange, it looks like i found a bug in the PHP PvPGN Utility:

after looking at /var/log/httpd/error_log

it had a PHP Warning, at mysql_handler.php line 35

So I go look at the mysql_handler php code, and see its trying to connect to "$db_hostname" but the variable used should actually be $db_host

Changed it to $dbhost and now it works.

Code: [Select]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Player -vs- Player Gaming Network Statistics System
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// To read the license please visit
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Author from 2.4.4: Pelish (
// Original author: jfro (
// Author from 2.3.20: Snaiperx (
// Author from 2.3.16: STORM (
// Tanzania theme author: Tanzania (
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

class sql_handle {
var $db_connection;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is how we connect to DB
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function db_connect([size=14pt][b]$db_hostname,[/b][/size$db_username$db_password$db)
{ global $db_port;
OR die ("Connection Error to Mysql Server");
OR die("Connection Error to Database");
return $this->db_connection;

Mods & Development / PHP Utilities for PvPGN (Ladder Stats)
« on: April 13, 2015, 04:10:07 PM »
iL / mouse,

I am trying to install PHP PvPGN utilities on my PvPGN server, is this what RU server uses for ladder stats?

Is some of your PHP custom coded like "oldgames.php"?

If so, once I get it working on my test server, then I can experiment with writing PHP code to contribute for things like this:

Would it be a lot of work to display how many times was a certain map hosted? for example from the last month?

Extended report statistics is in plans.
To clearly parse the reports and collect all data.

Any help with php-coding for this task is appreciated.

I'm having some issues with PHP Utils install:

OS: CentOS 7
PvPGN: ver 1.99

Now I am trying to install PHP Utilities

The index page works, but when i go to War2 Ladder stats, it shows

Connection Error to Mysql Server

But I have the MySQL server configured correctly in the config file, I'm pretty sure


Code: [Select]

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Player -vs- Player Gaming Network Statistics System
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// To read the license please visit
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Author from 2.4.4: Pelish (
// Original author: jfro (
// Author from 2.3.20: Snaiperx (
// Author from 2.3.16: STORM (
// Tanzania theme author: Tanzania (
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Database & System Config settings - Key
//      db_type:           Database type (mysql, pgsql, etc.)
//      db_host:           SQL Server Hostname or IP address
//      db_port:           SQL Server port
//      db_database:       SQL Database Name
//      db_user:           SQL Username
//      db_pass:           SQL Password
//      db_prefix          SQL Database Prefix
//      db_record:         Name of the table with player records in yourSQL DB
//      db_bnet:           Name of the table with player info`s in your SQL DB
//      db_profile:        Name of the table with player profile in your SQL DB
//      db_teams:          Name of the table with team records in your SQL DB
//      db_friend:         Name of the table with friends records in your SQL DB
//      db_counters:       Name of the table with counter records in your SQL DB
//      db_d2:             Name of the table with d2ladder records in your SQL DB
// (Provided my Gambit)
// For better support for everyone, I have added a central location to assign links for
// all PHP and HTML pages.  Now you don't have to scour HTML code for links/URL's to wrong domains.
// Assighn the values below to correct all links and refrences to your webpage.
//      (DO NOT UNCOMMENT, CHANGE BELOW UNDER "// System Config settings")
//      homepage           Full URL to your websites Home Page
//      ladderroot         Full URL to main stats page
//      (DO NOT UNCOMMENT, CHANGE BELOW UNDER "// System Config settings")

// System Config settings
$site_name "PvPGN server";
$db_type "mysql";
$db_host "";
$db_port 3306/* 3306 is the most common MySQL port */
$db_database "my-mysql-user";
$db_user "my-user";
$db_pass "my-mysql-password";
$db_prefix "pvpgn_";
$db_record $db_prefix."Record";
$db_bnet $db_prefix."BNET";
$db_profile $db_prefix."profile";
$db_teams $db_prefix."team";
$db_friend $db_prefix."friend";
$db_counters $db_prefix."counters";
$db_d2 $db_prefix."d2ladder";
$homepage "";
$ladderroot ""/* can also be something like "" */

$theme "bnet";

$use_php_xslt true// only change this if you know you have xsltproc installed and not php-xslt
$xslt_command "xsltproc"// for when you don't have php4-xslt but have the xsltproc command or sabcmd

// set pvpgn_dir to where you pvpgn directory is, include trailing slash
$pvpgn_dir "/usr/local/pvpgn/";
$ladders_dir $pvpgn_dir."var/pvpgn/ladders/";

$w3ladder_xsl_file getcwd()."/themes/$theme/w3ladder.xsl";
$d2ladder_xml_file $ladders_dir."d2ladder.xml";
$d2ladder_xsl_file getcwd()."/themes/$theme/d2ladder.xsl";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PvPGN variables settings
//     icon_levelx:          Wins required for TFT icon
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$icon_level1 25;
$icon_level2 50;
$icon_level3 100;
$icon_level4 200;
$icon_level5 500;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Page settings
//      site_theme:        Theme you want to run
//      page_max:          How many players you want to display on one page
//      default_game:      Defines stats for which game user will see on entering
//      default_type:      Defines which type of game user will see on entering
//      date_format:       Defines PHP date format used in stats displaying
//      d2ladder_file:     Path on your system which shows ladder.D2DV location
//      d2update_time:     Time to update your D2 DB (in seconds), 0 is off
//      stats_version:     Don't change, just for easier version display
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$site_theme "bnet";
$page_max "50";
$default_game "W2BE";
$default_type "solo";
$date_format " F j - G:i";
$d2ladder_file "/usr/local/pvpgn/var/pvpgn/ladders/ladder.D2DV";
$d2update_time "3600";
$stats_version "2.4.5";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Administration Interface settings
//      max_rank:          Maximum rank number allowed on your server
//      default_sort_by:   Can be auth_lock, auth_admin, uid or acct_username
//      default_sort_dir:  Can be DESC or ASC
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$max_rank "1000";
$default_sort_by "auth_admin";
$default_sort_dir "DESC";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Optional User file settings (unfinished, doesn`t work)
//      pvpgn_users:       Path on your system which shows user dir location
//      use_files:         Defines whether we use files or database
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$pvpgn_users "/usr/local/pvpgn/var/pvpgn/users";
$use_files false;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// END of conf file.

Support Requests / Szwagier & Hayabusa name imposting - ban request
« on: April 13, 2015, 09:52:31 AM »
True, so you better not fuck with someone who have head probleme.

gg no re lmao

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49 / Re: Warcraft II HD
« on: April 12, 2015, 09:38:13 PM »
All valid points, and some awesome stuff on that feature wishlist!

I like all those feature suggestions, i wouldnt like any new feature that changes the game play itself though like being able to select more than 9 units or stuff like that

By no money, i mean that i would buy it but i dont see millions of people buying it a 1995 game update. But maybe im wrong

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50 / Re: Warcraft II HD
« on: April 12, 2015, 04:45:21 PM »

There's no money to be made with Warcraft 2, if there was, iL would be rolling in it, and/or getting sued by Blizzard just like they sued the makers of BNETD, which was actually kind of bullshit because BNETD reverse engineered protocol (which is what PvPGN runs off / War2RU server), they didnt steal it. Combat Edition isnt reversed engineered, its just plain stolen and modified....

If Blizzard decided to remake Warcraft II HD, it would absolutely be the death of RU, why would you want that? Luckily, theres no way Blizzard would do that cuz theres no money to be made

What do you want in Warcraft II HD that you dont have? Lets make it here at RU ... 

51 / Re: This is why War2 will die pretty damn quick.
« on: April 12, 2015, 04:23:58 PM »

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52 / Re: This is why War2 will die pretty damn quick.
« on: April 12, 2015, 12:34:32 PM »
Its too bad its hard to tell how many new accounts made are smurfs or actual 1st timers.

Maybe a sort by # of unique IPs new accounts made from.

I dont get why you guys smurf around so much, even CLAW, why did u smurf in tournament, i dont get it, smurfs and people that try to have losing records... Whats the point

On a side note, a newb joined one of my games the other day, i did a /stats, saw the new record and asked what their AKA was, he said he didnt have one, just getting back into war2. Asked how he found out about RU - said reddit

Whos promoting on reddit? Cuz it brought us a new player. Gj. Will keep asking newbs how they found RU to find out more

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Website & Forum Discussion / Forum suggstion
« on: April 12, 2015, 12:11:09 PM »
Id like to follow u up on this, having also spent the night playing card games involving monetary wagers, and also unable to sleep due to mild intoxication, this sounds interesting to me

Theres so much analytics that can be done. I like the other thread with the idea to find out the most popular maps being played also

Youve said before that it seemed i was conspiring to start my own War2 server / community but Im actually not, i just like learning more about Linux, and it is fun to me to compile pvpgn, edit conf files, play with mysql databases, apache php etc.

That being said, because i have my own server i can mess with things, not having to worry about breaking it, and then i hopefully i can try to write some useful codes like this and contribute back to the community

I think the mod/dev going on here seems pretty secretive, i hope we can share more things like an open source project. I dont think theres anything to fear really, blizzard doesnt seem to care (surely someone there has to have noticed on the front page of google search results for any combination of "warcraft" and "2" "ii" etc)

Also no one seems to be trying to compete - if they were itd be stupid, the community is too small to have more than one.

So anyway, this is just a rant to push for a more open source dev community and maybe split into some groups to work on specific code projects together. I would have fun with that

After re reading your original post it seems you are talking about marketing / promotion and i just ranted about mod / dev, but its along the same thought of working together and tracking progress

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Support Requests / Re: Host maps summary?
« on: April 12, 2015, 11:42:58 AM »
Thats true

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Nice. Also i noticed that if you modify the reg while war2 is running, you can save your changes but it wont "take" also. You have to not be running war2 when modifying reg

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56 / Re: How to handle a conflict?
« on: April 12, 2015, 11:02:36 AM »
Yea been experiencing the ES kind of lag exclusively. Not in a few days now tho

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Maybe bo9 all the way tho

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Thanks for the feedback. Deff for all the work that goes into it,       
Im thinking bo5 first matches, bo7 semis, bo9 final

Maybe a double elimination next time also (losers bracket) that way we can better understanding of actual ranking

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Support Requests / Re: Host maps summary?
« on: April 12, 2015, 09:02:22 AM »
Would be cool to watch pball's recent comeback statistically

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Support Requests / Re: Szwagier griefing (/f a, /f r) - ban request
« on: April 12, 2015, 08:49:16 AM »
Lol didnt even know that was a thing... Super lame

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