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Messages - Quaaka

Pages: [1]
Support Requests / Re: Windows 10
« on: August 12, 2015, 02:13:48 PM »
I just upgraded from Window 7 and cannot see the text in all boxes from login to game setup and can only see the messages when someone sends a message.  I set up a game (by default) and it seemed to be ok.  Just having problems at the menu sections and am running the latest version of WCII.

2 / Re: "Your password have been leaked from"
« on: June 16, 2015, 06:07:03 PM »
I have changed my password and would like to be able to create games again.  User name is Quaaka


3 / error setting up games
« on: June 16, 2015, 05:54:51 PM »
I cannot make games under my current name "Quaaka"    Every time I set up a map it says the name is already in use - no matter what name I type in.   I set up another account and it works fine.  Any ideas why this is happening??

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