The EF_HostBot has been updated with the following new commands:
Preset Suggestions are accepted, I have 1 already (gowcomps) and am at a point where I can make more if people think it's necessary.
Here are some examples of how to use the bot as a PLAYER. These are not as userfriendly as I'd like, but I dont think it can be simplified any further. The best plan I could come up with are "Presets". I have 1 example of a "Preset" called "gowcomps".
The settings of a game can by changed by sending the bot a list of commands in this order as seen below:
/msg EF_HostBot MapName Speed AutoStartTime GameType NumOfCPUs MapResources FixedOrder OnePeon GamePassword
Valid values for MapName: gow, gowbne (yes more maps can be added quickly now, takes about 5 mins to add a map, but I only plan to add Built in War2Combat maps. If it's not built in, I wont add it)
Valid values for Speed: ef, f (more are possible, but why? lmao)
Valid values for AutoStartTime: 1 to 15
Valid values for GameType: Melee, FFA, TvB, UseMapSettings
Valid values for NumOfCPUs: 0 to 4 (I may increase that later)
Valid values for MapResources: High, Low, Default
Valid values for FixedOrder: Yes, No
Valid values for OnePeon: Yes, No
Valid values for Password: Anything you want.
Defaults to Gow Old EF with a Time of 5 mins
/msg EF_HostBot gow
Gow Old F with a time of 5 minutes
/msg EF HostBot gow f
Gow Old EF with a time of 3 minutes
/msg EF_HostBot gow ef 3
Old Gow on F with 0 CPUs in TVB on Low resources Format that will start in 5 Mins (NOTE: If you try to add CPUs to a TvB game, it will tell you that you cannot do that.)
/msg EF_HostBot gow f 5 TvB 0 Low
Old Gow EF that has 2 CPUs on Low res and the game will start in 10 mins
/msg EF_HostBot gow f 5 Melee 2 Low
Gow BNE F that starts in 5 mins
/msg EF_HostBot gowbne
Gow BNE EF that starts in 5 mins
/msg EF_HostBot gowbne ef
Gow BNE EF That starts in 3 mins
/msg EF_HostBot gowbne ef 3
and so on. There are lots of different combinations now that users have full control over pretty much all of the settings.
The 1 preset I have is this and it allows numeric argument:
Defaults to GowBNE EF with 4 CPUs and starts in 5 mins
/msg EF_HostBot gowcomps
Same as above but with only 1 CPU
/msg EF_HostBot gowcomps 1
Same as above but with only 2 CPUs
/msg EF_HostBot gowcomps 2
Same as above but with only 3 CPUs
/msg EF_HostBot gowcomps 3
Same as above but with only 4 CPUs
/msg EF_HostBot gowcomps 4