The server is full of people afraid to play 2v1's or teach new people. You can msg me anytime in the game (est.1988), I am always taking noobs as allies and we even win some. But really the best way to NOT get banned is to join a game and immediately ask "Can I watch pls, I wont build, I'm new" when you join a game instead of saying "hi". Watch a game or two with them and after you've proved you know how to watch, they will usually be more willing to let you play. Just tell them that you are new and want to try playing if someone can carry you. But if you enter and just say "hey", they'll most likely ask something like s9, 11, or some other oddball question. They are cryptic on purpose and many times you wont even know they are asking you a question.
Just make sure NOT to build ANYTHING when you are watching a game. Just unvis everyone in the game if you've entered a "TvB" game BEFORE You move your peasant, then run your peon someplace that wont get in the way. If you are in a TvB game and you're the ONLY watcher, then its customary to vis EVERYONE for about 3 seconds, then immediately unvis them. All before you move your peasant. This puts everyone on a level playing field for seeing things like chopped trees, knowing where you started, etc. Make damn sure you unvis before you move your PEASANT though
Notice I said "PEASANT". This is because it's customary for watchers to select the HUMAN race. 95% of the time players will select ORC if they are playing. There are exceptions but generally, just go human in order to watch, and orc to play.