Around 20 years ago, I played war2 at a thing called Kali! It is the forgotten age of competitive war 2 before Battle net exist!
At that time I would only play: Random as a race option.
Also I have to note that you could alter the speed of the game while playing by pressing -/+.
Slow IS MUCH MORE POWERFULL THAN LUST if you can micro and do it.
If you do not believe me just try it! 2 slowed lusted ogres die from 1 knight if you hit/run.
And yes at those golden ages that was a strategy that was used a lot!
I still do it at Water maps on EF. My micro sucks right now but you can see examples at this replay:
And I think everyone will agree that YWFN is a much much better player than me, but my Mage/Knight combo gave him a hard time at that game!
So I dare anyone to play a game at Fast speed with their opponent to be a decent micro user and have slow... Even at gow seeing your ogres frozen while the lust duration ends and the knights roaming freely! Is devastating!
Now, how many players can actually perform that? I guess only the tier 1 and masters. And yes it requires more micro and effort than lusting.
But that doesn't change the fact that there are viable strategies with Humans!
So dwarffighter!!! Goo learn how to use Humans and do Competitive gaming! Maybe you have it inside you to reach 400apm and divine micro ;-).
There are also other benefits on playing humans. Like exorcism! You can actually see the potential of exorcism if you play vs comps. Your DKs might never manage to be used (unless you have already significantly pressured the cpu).
Of course if you ask me about GoW EF. Yes there lust is what you need. You must pack a big transition gun especially for 1s.
If you are doing 4s though having 1 human player at a team might actually work even better. You know that lust can be casted to knights too ;-)
Go Humans!!!! If only I had the apm :-/.