
Which best describes The Last Jedi

The worst Star Wars movie ever made.
2 (66.7%)
The worst sci-fi movie ever made
0 (0%)
The worst movie ever made
0 (0%)
A slightly above average episode of Days of Our Lives
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
No I really like it (ok if you're a girl, if not kill yourself)
1 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Author Topic: ~ THE LAST JEDI ~  (Read 8673 times)

Offline Lambchops

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« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2018, 04:31:37 AM »
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine struggling to stay awake during a Star Wars film. It was an abomination and the writer needs to be put on trial for A Hate Crime against Humanity. A movies primary purpose is to entertain which it failed to do on a myriad of levels. They were overly concerned about espousing politically correct nonsense and destroying the entire Jedi mythology.  They turned Bad Ass Skywalker into an EMO mopey beta male and the female lead who didn’t wear any sexy outfits whatsoever and for some reason talks with a British accent. Insert random stuttering lisp, QUICK cut to the next minority to we fill our quota, Lets throw in a rant on income inequality, profiteering and how everyone is special… They made the main character essentially a super hero that doesn’t have to train or try for that matter and happens to be more powerful than Professor X. Kylo was basically a diatribe against “toxic male masculinity” making him a winey bitch who is hardly an imposing villain. All that build up for Snoke to uncermoniously kill him in the least spectacular fashion possible, hardly any cool light sabre battles…

What do you call the next thing after millennials?

     ...Whatever it is I hold out hope that they will rebel against the whiney twitter-brained man-hating PC soup that their parents are raising them in. Now don't get me wrong, I love a good bit of girl-power: Kill Bill movies... loved them. I like the Rey character. I like the fact that they have a female Jedi as the lead, and I really like the original girl-power movie: STAR WARS!

Princess Leia absolutely kicked ass in the original flicks, totally destroying the damsel in distress stereotype - aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?, grabs a blaster and starts sooting bad guys then then takes the lead role in their escape. The only reason that she was captured in the first place is because she was personally leading a dangerous mission, not because she was dragged weeping and flailing from some sheltered nursery. She personally chokes the life out of Jabba the hutt, and she stands up to the enemy at all levels and stays classy the whole way through.

The other thing that leant great strength to the Leia character was her love-life. Even before she knew that Luke (who was always a bit of a whiney bitch) was her brother, she wasn't interested in him and always gravitated to the very masculine character of Han Solo. The Leia-Han banter is one of the strongest parts of the movies, they both gave as good as they got and neither ended up diminished as a result. Leia was a stronger character for choosing a strong partner who could look her in the eye and still be true to himself.

The absolutly weakest part of the Rey character is her obcession with Han's totally pathetic son. If young Leia had met someone like Ren she would have just said "eww" and walked away, because she did not suffer fools. Now judging by the end of this latest atrocity it looks like they are setting up Rey with they ultimate fool in Poe the alpha-dick.

The movie is based on an emotional narrative that I don't really enjoy. That is just a matter of taste, not valid criticism, but good movies also have a plot that isn't swiss cheese. If they really had to (and I wish they didn't) I could still have enjoyed a movie that was based this emotional narrative if it was better written and actually made sense within the cannon and within itself. The enitre premise of this movie and just about every plot point in between is flawed, and most of the characters (indeed all of the male characters) are nonsensical constructs that fail in their only purpose - supporting the emotional narrative - because they are weak and unbelievable.

I have a son and a daughter. This muck makes me worry for my daughter. Look at the background of the worlds worst serial killers and abusers of women and in many cases you will come up with a common factor - they were badly affected as children by overbearing and abusive mothers or other female figures. That's not an excuse, just an observation. It worries me how many angry young males are being brought up hating themselves and actually believing they are bad people because they are being taught that any masculine thought they have it abhorrent. Even 0.01% of billions is a LOT of Ted Bundys.

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« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2018, 08:29:10 AM »

That's a rarely heard male opinion these days and I thank you for sharing it.

I would be stoned to death by today's brainwashed PC crowd since they can't tolerate rational thought and run away from realities of biology and psychology that dictate that men and women are different from the cellular level in DNA to the physical level in construction to the neurological and emotional level of brain activity and thought in ways that are factual, known, studied, and observed for 6000 years of human history.

Women can't be men.

Men can't be women.

Deal with it!

Girls and boys are being intentionally tampered with and swayed to nonsensical ideology that breaks down both individuals and normal family structure into a confused dysfunctional mess.

It's hard to be a man in any time, but it's especially hard to be a man today, when a man's natural way of being is attacked, his natural place in society and in the family is attacked, and so many women are trained to hate men as evil pigs. And sure, some of them are, but so are some women.

The joke of the whole feminist movement is how much they pretend to care about women, but it's a sham. I'm the second kind of woman they want to destroy, after their own unborn daughters. They have zero tolerance for women who like men, who stand up for the natural, normal family, who want marriage, husband, children, and to be a mom. Those are scorned as somehow backwards or outdated, as if a woman running out trying to make money for the sake of making money is somehow a more worthy aspiration than the creation and training and nurturing of the next generation of human beings.

Babies and kids are dumped off in orphanages by living parents who simply can't be bothered with how their own kids are raised, who will grow up to not care how their aging parents are treated when they are dumped off in institutions.

The basic family structure from which people receive their primary love and support and human connection has been dismantled.

People, especially men, are committing suicide in epidemic proportions, after being spoonfed the nonsense about the meaninglessness of life because of its accidental and random beginning, and given drugs of all kinds to try to soothe the empty gaping hole inside of them that was meant to be filled with purpose and love and a drive in men to provide and protect and in women to nurture.

The millennials are empty, hollow shells whose personal value has come from how often they can get laid, and once their physical attractiveness tanks and the emptiness and loneliness of that lifestyle eats them up long enough, they become carnage of the faulty system they were raised with.

Men in their 40s and 50s are committing suicide in huge numbers. 30, 000 Americans kill themselves each year. 80% are men. Men in their 40s and 50s are the #1 group.

Feminists are pretending to care about "equality", but scorn the idea of caring about issues affecting men as equally passionately as they care about petty non-issues like the "pay gap" between men and women. They don't actually want equal pay for equal work. They want equal pay for less work.

Man and woman hauling bricks all day. Who hauls more? No brainer.

Average lifetime, who works more for an employer if the woman has children? Men of course.

So why should a woman get as much money if she has less experience, less physical strength, less productivity?

Not all women are feminists. Many women embrace their natural desires of man, home, and children, and find amazing joy and purpose in that life.

The death of masculinity is a nail in the coffin of the death of functional society.

Men need to be men, and they can't learn that from a woman. Mommy can't teach sons how to be a man.

And all the fathers are missing.

There were protesters all along the road that led society here, but no one would listen.

We are lying in the mess we made ourselves.

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« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2018, 09:15:43 AM »
It worries me how many angry young males are being brought up hating themselves and actually believing they are bad people because they are being taught that any masculine thought they have it abhorrent.

This is hysteria, society doesn't teach men and boys that masculinity is bad.
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« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2018, 09:30:35 AM »
That opinion is just being reactionary to the changing shape of media of pop culture where a wider diversity of demographics, including women, are experiencing greater representation. While there are some arguments as to why this trend is not wholly positive (such as the disarming of liberation struggles as these groups are subsumed into the neoliberal cultural apparatus), promoting negative views on men is not one of them outside of a few isolated corners of the internet. What is happening in terms of gender specifically is that women and girls are now being more explicitly marketed and catered to and integrated into the culture, and many react to this with "they are attacking men! They want to feminize us!" because they are so used to traditionally masculine norms enjoying cultural and ideological hegemony.

For example your criticisms of the Rey character as a shallow Mary Sue (and the much better realized characterization of Leia in the original films) are generally correct and on point, but there is a vast galaxy of male protagonists in adventure films with similar qualities that likely largely escape such criticisms. Male characters being depicted in this way has become normalized so you don't even blink about it, but when a female character has similarly shallow characterization it's not only a critical flaw of the film, but indicative of a sinister social force.
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2018, 09:33:10 AM »

That's a rarely heard male opinion these days and I thank you for sharing it.

I would be stoned to death by today's brainwashed PC crowd since they can't tolerate rational thought and run away from realities of biology and psychology that dictate that men and women are different from the cellular level in DNA to the physical level in construction to the neurological and emotional level of brain activity and thought in ways that are factual, known, studied, and observed for 6000 years of human history.

Women can't be men.

Men can't be women.

Deal with it!

Girls and boys are being intentionally tampered with and swayed to nonsensical ideology that breaks down both individuals and normal family structure into a confused dysfunctional mess.

It's hard to be a man in any time, but it's especially hard to be a man today, when a man's natural way of being is attacked, his natural place in society and in the family is attacked, and so many women are trained to hate men as evil pigs. And sure, some of them are, but so are some women.

The joke of the whole feminist movement is how much they pretend to care about women, but it's a sham. I'm the second kind of woman they want to destroy, after their own unborn daughters. They have zero tolerance for women who like men, who stand up for the natural, normal family, who want marriage, husband, children, and to be a mom. Those are scorned as somehow backwards or outdated, as if a woman running out trying to make money for the sake of making money is somehow a more worthy aspiration than the creation and training and nurturing of the next generation of human beings.

Babies and kids are dumped off in orphanages by living parents who simply can't be bothered with how their own kids are raised, who will grow up to not care how their aging parents are treated when they are dumped off in institutions.

The basic family structure from which people receive their primary love and support and human connection has been dismantled.

People, especially men, are committing suicide in epidemic proportions, after being spoonfed the nonsense about the meaninglessness of life because of its accidental and random beginning, and given drugs of all kinds to try to soothe the empty gaping hole inside of them that was meant to be filled with purpose and love and a drive in men to provide and protect and in women to nurture.

The millennials are empty, hollow shells whose personal value has come from how often they can get laid, and once their physical attractiveness tanks and the emptiness and loneliness of that lifestyle eats them up long enough, they become carnage of the faulty system they were raised with.

Men in their 40s and 50s are committing suicide in huge numbers. 30, 000 Americans kill themselves each year. 80% are men. Men in their 40s and 50s are the #1 group.

Feminists are pretending to care about "equality", but scorn the idea of caring about issues affecting men as equally passionately as they care about petty non-issues like the "pay gap" between men and women. They don't actually want equal pay for equal work. They want equal pay for less work.

Man and woman hauling bricks all day. Who hauls more? No brainer.

Average lifetime, who works more for an employer if the woman has children? Men of course.

So why should a woman get as much money if she has less experience, less physical strength, less productivity?

Not all women are feminists. Many women embrace their natural desires of man, home, and children, and find amazing joy and purpose in that life.

The death of masculinity is a nail in the coffin of the death of functional society.

Men need to be men, and they can't learn that from a woman. Mommy can't teach sons how to be a man.

And all the fathers are missing.

There were protesters all along the road that led society here, but no one would listen.

We are lying in the mess we made ourselves.

You should be stoned to death in accordance with Wahhabist interpretations of Sharia law.
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2018, 09:44:58 AM »
What an Islamophobe.

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« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2018, 10:46:28 AM »
I didnt even realize Luke died at the end idk if I got distracted by something else or what. I found out by someone I was with or finally reading theough a spoilers thread.

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« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2018, 11:04:58 AM »
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine struggling to stay awake during a Star Wars film. It was an abomination and the writer needs to be put on trial for A Hate Crime against Humanity. A movies primary purpose is to entertain which it failed to do on a myriad of levels. They were overly concerned about espousing politically correct nonsense and destroying the entire Jedi mythology.  They turned Bad Ass Skywalker into an EMO mopey beta male and the female lead who didn’t wear any sexy outfits whatsoever and for some reason talks with a British accent. Insert random stuttering lisp, QUICK cut to the next minority to we fill our quota, Lets throw in a rant on income inequality, profiteering and how everyone is special… They made the main character essentially a super hero that doesn’t have to train or try for that matter and happens to be more powerful than Professor X. Kylo was basically a diatribe against “toxic male masculinity” making him a winey bitch who is hardly an imposing villain. All that build up for Snoke to uncermoniously kill him in the least spectacular fashion possible, hardly any cool light sabre battles…

  If Disney had any self respect
they would redo the movie because no true fan will ever consider it CANNON.. Just like the movie version of
Harry Potter - The Order of the Phoenix
Is it a struggle for you to make it to the end of each day?

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« Reply #23 on: February 11, 2018, 11:15:31 AM »
ever in my wildest dreams did I imagine struggling to stay awake during a Star Wars film.  thats true  ;D

Many women embrace their natural desires of man, home, and children, and find amazing joy and purpose in that life.

oh nature the one that loves mass extinction. turning alphas to betas for 6000 years with all them male clinics popping up....having fun talking to that one
« Last Edit: February 11, 2018, 03:10:14 PM by easycompany »

Offline Lambchops

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« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2018, 03:21:58 PM »
BS you have many points of truth however the pushing the homophobe barrow was not one of them. Also I am a far better and more loving parent than my children's mother will ever be.... and the whole "existance is meaningless" thing is something that you say a lot, but that's the only place I ever hear it.

It worries me how many angry young males are being brought up hating themselves and actually believing they are bad people because they are being taught that any masculine thought they have it abhorrent.

This is hysteria, society doesn't teach men and boys that masculinity is bad.

If you take this movie as an example then it certianly does. Every male action in it is a negative. Unless you count Luke sitting on an island meditating...  and BTW I am not prone to hysteria. It is my own opinion and this forum is as close as I get to fb, blogs or memes, and also the only place I see any twitter - unless trump gets it on the news.

Your "male dominated norm" is hysteria in my lifetime. Apparantly Hollywood was still suffering from it so we are all expected to accept it as the state of the real world. In 3rd word countries yes...  but personally I've never experienced a male dominated society first hand. I'm sure it is a real issue in some people's lives, but not in my life, albeit the privialged middle class lot I was lucky enough to draw.

That opinion is just being reactionary to the changing shape of media of pop culturus),

For example your criticisms of the Rey character as a shallow Mary Sue ...........that likely largely escape such criticisms. Male characters being depicted in this way has become normalized so you don't even blink about it, but when a female character has similarly shallow characterization it's not only a critical flaw of the film, but indicative of a sinister social force.

Wow. I think you are replying to another conversation. I have been scathing in my criticism of the male characters in this film, and have had almost nothing negative to say about Rey at all. I have in fact specifically said "I like the Rey character. I like the fact that they have a female Jedi as the lead" which is absolutely true.

I like the actress and I liked the character prior to the aweful content of the lastest movie's script, which is why I made this post, because the star wars story deserved better than this and I was actually really looking forward to what turned out to be IMHO one of the worst big-budget movies ever made. At no point have I ever suggested or even thought privately that there are too many female characters, or too many leading/strong/authoritative female characters.

First and foremost my beef with the script is that ALL of the characters do dumb things, and it is an absurd and non-sensical plot. Paperboy brought up the PC gender anti-stereotyping in the movie which is just one of an absolute truckload of problems with the movie, so I talked a bit about that. This movie is full to the brim with not just bad, but pathetic male characters.

Male leads may have been over-represented in the past (getting to be the distant past now), and there are an absolute ton of bad movies with both male and female leads that I wouldnt waste my breath criticizing, but so what?

If my opinion is being reactionary to anything, it is being reactionary to my own RL experience, where I have absolutely been attacked and hurt by women who have used these stereotypes to attack me based simply on the fact that I am male. I'm not going into details of my personal life but I can assure you that I am in no way overstating this. I really am not the type of person to get TV confused with reality, but sadly I have been made painfully aware in my own real life that a lot of people do.

To prove my point, I'm going to own up to something really embarrassing and I fully expect to get roasted for it. The entire time I was writing that post I was watching Supergirl. Not just one episode, I have been re-watching the full series starting from S01E01 onwards. I like it. It is three things above all else: 1) it is a girl-power fest... all the female characters are demonstratively better/stronger/faster/wiser than the male characters .....2) It is wall-to-wall political correctness.... and 3) It is utter pulp rubbish.

I don't care. I like it. Its a bit of mindless trash but the characters are likable and I'm personally not a weak enough person to be threatened by it being full tilt girl power. It should be noted I watch a lot of trashy TV series... it's not just some Supergirl fetish lol, I watch most of the Marvel / DC stuff and pleanty else besides - it helps take my mind off my crappy life, but even though sometimes the worst of the scripts have made me wince a bit I've surprised myself by discovering that Supergirl has become a bit of a favorite. I hope when my daughter grows up she gets a life like those depicted (or the RL equivalent anyway - whatever that is).

But Supergirl is an unpretentious tv series, The Last Jedi should have been something special, and instead it was an absolute travesty.

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« Reply #25 on: February 11, 2018, 03:30:40 PM »
female lead who didn’t wear any sexy outfits whatsoever

Like the purpose of every female in existence is to pander to your sexual appetite.

That is a sexist and condescending idea.

They are human beings, not toys.

But it sounds like the movie really sucks.

Why do you think all these men in their 40s and 50s are committing suicide?

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« Reply #26 on: February 11, 2018, 03:31:52 PM »

Acknowledging reality is not "homophobic".

Did you consider that homosexuals just might be heterophobic?

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« Reply #27 on: February 11, 2018, 03:36:40 PM »

Acknowledging reality is not "homophobic".

Did you consider that homosexuals just might be heterophobic?

Offline shesycompany

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« Reply #28 on: February 11, 2018, 04:28:18 PM »
But it sounds like the movie really sucks.

Why do you think all these men in their 40s and 50s are committing suicide?

ive not watched it either..the 3rd one i couldnt make thru without falling asleep.

...cause life starts sucking ass as u get older.
hell im working for a dude that told me he wish he went out with his heart attack in his 50s..he just goes out to his porch smokes and bullshits in his 60's, bodies wore out fun and games over.

and for gay people around here there nice, im prob the only bitchy person cause i want my arcade  >:( beer and games but these few are even fewer.

its just bad and good people..trying to take one extreme to the other isnt going to help the new hatchlings

lots of shit is going on there in syria :o well cheerios beer is a calling

« Last Edit: February 11, 2018, 06:18:00 PM by easycompany »