General > Boredom Zone

What Would You Do If?

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Delete mine too:
Tell them fuck you. I only have 1 salary.

Wwyd if Obama was gonna rape you or trump was giving head.

lol I meant 1 month's salary :-P


--- Quote from: tupac on December 20, 2016, 11:32:32 AM ---Wwyd if Obama was gonna rape you or trump was giving head.
--- End quote ---

Id call the fbi and every journalist in the country

Wwyd if trump turned out to be an albino african

Delete mine too:

--- Quote from: ~ToRa~ on December 20, 2016, 08:55:32 PM ---
--- Quote from: tupac on December 20, 2016, 11:32:32 AM ---Wwyd if Obama was gonna rape you or trump was giving head.
--- End quote ---

Id call the fbi and every journalist in the country

Wwyd if trump turned out to be an albino african

--- End quote ---
I would ask him how he would deport blacks when they where brought here in slave trades, etc.

Wwyd if trump fucked Hilary and had a baby.

Id laugh

Wwyd if china invaded America


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