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Topics - the_magician

Pages: [1]
1 / 2 vs 12
« on: December 21, 2016, 11:05:27 PM »
everytime i am 12 or 2 someone rushes me with grunts faster than myself

i repair my rax but some how they have about 6 when i have 3

sometimes they have 2 rax but when i do this i run out of resources and or farm space

also they never scout first they just know i am in the opposite position and grunt rush

wtf do u do??

2 / i wanna make war2 youtube commentary videos
« on: December 02, 2016, 01:21:21 AM »
anyone know what program to use?

i have a webcam for audio

but idk what software i need to view and record matches, i think i can use warvid but how do i capture sound ?

any suggestions are helpful, cheers   8)

General Discussion / whos going to win ?
« on: November 08, 2016, 08:18:17 PM »
donald or hillary??????

4 / hacker...
« on: October 26, 2016, 01:23:17 AM »
apparently you can get lust before reaching fortress?

i thought this game had antihack?

5 / Looking for training partner
« on: September 21, 2016, 11:03:26 PM »
Hello, I am tHe_mAgIcIaN,

I am looking for a partner who is actively playing wc2.

New or old good or bad I will take what I can get.

I am looking for comp stomp, 1v1s or someone to play 2v2 with.

Goal: Become good enough to compete in high-tier GoW EF matches

If there is any new or old player who is interested msg me on .ru server or here on forum

Ty  :)

« on: September 21, 2016, 11:52:53 AM »
it seems nobody really uses this feature besides myself

why not make it auto host compstomp?

it doesn't seem like anyone can utilize this feature except new players

just a thought  8)

7 / worst community 2016
« on: September 15, 2016, 01:23:34 AM »
it seems most players here are veterans of the game, but if it's such an old game you'd think there would be a tight knit community

instead you have people talking mad shit in general chat, then they start games that are password protected, after which they talk shit in lobby for 5-10 min before the game starts

you guys realize how limited in strategy and how LOW the skill cap is for this game is right?

after spectating around 100 GoW matches, i have already learned what positions are viable for each strategy, the early, mid and late game, tower priorities etc (it's not like this game takes 10+ years to learn guys)

tower rush, grunt rush, power to ogre, and fast expand are about the only strategies that are viable. I have seen limited success with Humans but that only attributes to a better player using them (don't give me some shit about how invis mages are OP) we all know a hasted deathknight can do just as much damage AND you have a potential for lusted ogres

yet i get banned for being a new player, smurf etc.

out of all the games i've played i've never played in such a bad community (and that says a lot, i've played HoN, DoTA and every cancerous moba you can name)

people gripe about losing a match, they come up with all kinds of excuses rather than saying GG I got outplayed

anyways have fun in the circle jerk  :-*

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