Warcraft II Widescreen / High resolution patchDownload and extract all files into your game folder (overwrite existing files).
To configure your resolution and other settings (e.g. windowed mode) use Warcraft II Config.exe.
Please report any bugs you find in here or on discord:
https://discord.com/invite/b7gttyyDownload (Tested with GOG.com "Classic" version, new Battle.net (January 2024) build and War2Combat):
https://www.moddb.com/downloads/warcraft-ii-widescreenLive StreamingFor live streaming/recording with OBS the preferred way to capture the game is now "Game Capture". It's also possible to use "Display Capture" or "Window Capture" but to make those two options working you'll need to open "dd-hd.ini" in notepad and change the line "nonexclusive=false" to "nonexclusive=true".
Full tutorial for live streaming is here:
https://forum.war2.ru/index.php/topic,6211.0.htmlLobby map pluginLambchops fixed his lc.dll and lobby_map plugin to make it working with the patch, you can download it here:
https://forum.war2.ru/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=6461.0;attach=4520Features- Widescreen / High resolution patch - Run the game at any resolution, enable via Warcraft II Config.exe
- No-CD patch (No registry keys required)
- Plugin loader - Supports LC.dll, but can also load most plugins without LC.dll
- Intro crash fix - Fixes a random crash that prevents the game from starting
- Warlat Patch - Unlocks a lower latency mode that's normally not available - Set lat to very high and then to low to activate it
- Revision check fix - Fixes a issue where the game fails to connect to battle.net if installed inside of the Program Files folder
- Creates a DC for drawing that can used by plugins (CALL 0x004010D3 to get the HDC)
- Crash logger - Creates a minidump (.dmp) file on crash
- Can load real .png UI files from game folder (no more conversion to war2 format needed)
- Gateway patch - Make sure war2.ru gateway is always available even without being set in registry
- Res bug fix - Fixes the issue where you end up having the wrong resources setting when hosting a game
- Performance improvements - Replaces old CRT functions with newer/faster SSE ones (memcpy, memset, memmove, ZeroMemory)
- Support for GOG/Blizzard2024 version - Loads install.mpq instead of install.exe + Loads CD-Key from registry
- Unlocks the "Join" button on the official server so you can join games without port forwarding
- Compatible with official battle.net (Global) server (Fakes version number to
- Game folder is now portable - New default settings: Recent Maps=Garden Of War, Speed=Even Faster, Subtitles=On
- Added iron man ladder patches (Resources, Speed, Threshold) from War2Patcher
- Can now detect wine (Linux/macOS/Android..) and automatically adds the needed dll overrides
- Added credits patch by lesnik - Displays all the credits that are written in the TBL in multiple screens
There are also some additional features provided by
- Windowed mode
- Borderless mode
- Shader upscaling
- Mouse sensitivity scaling
- and many more...
Additional features provided by plugins:
- MMblack - Changes minimap color of black player to pink
- SmoothScroll - Makes your screen refresh more often so the scroll appears at a higher FPS
- AutoWarlat - Enables the low latency patch automatically on game start
- Ignore - Saves whoever you've ignored and remembers it even after a restart of the game
- HardwareCursor - (Disabled by default, you have to move it from the "disabled" folder into the "plugin" folder)
Original (640x480)

Widescreen (832x480)

Widescreen (960x544)

Widescreen (1280x704)

4:3 (800x608)