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Messages - iL

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46 / New domain: ->
« on: March 20, 2022, 07:59:52 PM »
Our project will use another domain name now, in addition to

Many people told about to change .ru to something country-independent, saying something like "people from other countries hate russians" or w/e else.
That hurts me, i think many russians are very good guys, but who cares?

And now, given the current political situation, another problem has arisen.

Our official position:
We are out of politics, our project just gives everyone the opportunity to enjoy playing war2!
Regardless of nationality, country of residence, religion, skin color, gender, language and other features.
You can have any opinion on any of these issues as long as you don't force them on others.

Unfortunately, some ISPs have decided to restrict access to some domains just because they are in the ru zone.
At least some (or all) Ukrainian ISPs.

That's why, here's the new domain for our projects!

Now you can use the same domain names for bnet-servers to write them into gateways (,
And i just configured forum on several domains:, and also (separately for http and https for testing purposes).

At least one of these names should work fine for all the countries in the world.

Going to make new domain names working for other resources soon (en, server, ladder, ftp and others).
Please, try and let me know if you find any problems with it.

General Discussion / Re: What happened to burnt?
« on: March 12, 2022, 04:09:30 PM »
I hope one day he will resolve his questions and retrun back...
Would be great to see him back, friendly to our team and our community.
I think nobody wants to offend him or force him to leave.

Both his Facebook profiles deleted, haven’t talked to him just seeing if dudes good , anyone talk to him?
Are our groups and pages still under our control? Tora, tk, someone else have any access to these resources?

He closed his YouTube account... Bye bye warcraft2 videos
So we completely lost that youtube? Closed or deleted?
Anyone still have some kind of access?

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 09, 2022, 06:04:02 PM »
It also explains why the PoWs in a video I posted here a week ago looked like my 20yr old nephew,  they did not look like veteran military guys to me at all (which are usually 28-35yo or older).
Yes, Putin looks stupid here. I thought he said truth and that was ukrainian fake.

Putin looks very angry at his military leaders who made an idiot of him. As he told, he gave an order to categorically exclude the involvement of conscripts to perform any tasks on the territory of Ukraine.
Now they say: "one of the units performing the tasks of providing the rear was attacked", "A number of servicemen, including conscripts, were captured".

Looks like a mistake of the commanders, otherwise why would he say that there are no conscripts?

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 09, 2022, 03:33:08 AM »
I don't think Putin calculated private western  companies waging war against Russia as well.

SpaceX, McDonald's, visa, Netflix, Mastercard, apple... Many others.
Pretty sure he did.

Import substitution is that Putin was talking about last 8 years, since Crimea.
Visa, Mastercard processing centers for Russia are moved to Russia. Now they tell us Visa and Mastercard will keep work in Russia, for russian operations only. Not working outside.
Also integration with chinese payment systems kept enforcing last 8 years. Should go much faster now...

Facebook is an example Russia began asking for an exit last days. Facebook, twitter, instagram have some problems is Russia last days. Works much better via USA VPN as for me. And they say that is action from russian side.

Quite possible Russia will follow the way of China: The Great Firewall of China and same for Russia.

The most interesting question for me is what they announce about "a ban on the export of certain products and raw materials outside the country".
Putin usually do what he announces before.

Another interesting question is Taiwan. Looks like something is going to happen there...

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 08, 2022, 05:04:22 PM »
President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on special measures in the field of foreign economic activity to ensure Russia's security.

The Head of State instructed to establish a ban on the export of certain products and raw materials outside the country by the end of the year, the list of which will be determined by the government.

"In order to ensure the safety and smooth functioning of the industry, I decree... To ensure the application of the following special economic measures by December 31, 2022"

Looks like Putin is raising the stakes.
Things become to be serious...

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 07, 2022, 08:36:02 PM »
This is good news. The requests seem very appropriate. Let's see how Ukraine/west respond.
This is nothing.
This is what they repeated last 8 years. Except "change its constitution to enshrine neutrality". That's a new condition.
This is what Ukraine never did and will never do.

I'm a little confused: if Urkaine will accept all these conditions, what Russia will do? Just stop the operation and move all the the military out?
Will look extremely stupid, as Putin considers they will just ignore all these conditions after they sign that.
Except to "Ukraine cease military action". That's not possible i think. Nobody can stop them now. Even temporary, as a trick.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 04, 2022, 12:18:52 PM »
All will laugh cause they are idiots :rofl:
Indeed, it would look absurd, like a torchlight procession of Nazis in the center of Moscow or Beijing

Putin just said yesterday Ukraine people and russian people are same, so nazi are russia also :rofl:
This is the attitude of many Russians towards the peoples of Russia and Ukraine. The Nazis are just very mentally ill people. They need to be caught and treated. You should only kill them if there is no other way out, for example, if they threaten to kill other people.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 04, 2022, 03:55:20 AM »
Now in russia you cant protest to stop war or you will go to army and fight for mother russia, can you tell me @iL  is there any country will same law?00
Their declaration is not just "stop war". They mean "stop the Russian invasion against the Nazi regime of Ukraine".

How do you think: if someone will take to the streets in Poland with a demonstration: "Stop the war, help the Russians end the Nazi threat in Ukraine!" - what Poland government will do?

54 / Re: Forum and site migrated
« on: March 03, 2022, 03:46:06 PM »
also do i need to download a new client to sign into wc2?
No, server have not been touched. Only forum and site.
Both should work fine now.

Just fixed broken paths to attachments. Now you can download/upload files to forum.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 03, 2022, 03:23:02 PM »
The reality is that up until recently, we have all been completely disconnected from what is going on in other countries. The only information we had easy access to was the information our government gave us via our own media.

We have all been indoctrinated to believe certain things about other countries... Many of those beliefs are completely untrue, and many of them we will never know the actual truth.

Look at us right now though. People exchanging information in milliseconds with other people all over planet earth. This is new. The first time in human history where this has been possible.

I think it's important we recognize all of our governments lie to us. They lie so we will support their agenda. And their agenda is to always gain more control and more power.. often by whatever means necessary.
Agree 100%
I think it's very important we acknowledge that the average citizen is completely innocent in all of this. Regardless of what our opinions are, they are most likely the results of decades of indoctrination and manipulation..
Yes, exactly!
That's quite interesting for me to compare our initial data for reasoning. All of us draw the right conclusions from various source data, that's why we come to completely different results.

General Discussion / Re: To all our Ukrainian brothers!
« on: March 03, 2022, 03:05:16 PM »
Any hopes that Russia would become democratic all went to shit when it became clear that Putin was asserting himself as a dictator rather than a freely elected official by changing the country's constitution to ignore his previous 2 terms and allow him even more terms that would last long enough that he'd probably be dead by the time they are up (in 2024 he will be like 74yrs old which is older than most males live in Russia).
Well, just a remark:
Putin never changed constitution to make more terms for himself. He changed it for some different purposes, not for his own power. He have been president 2 * 4 years, then he got away. In strict accordance with the law. After Medvedev came, deputates (not Putin) changed constitution to let increase term to 6 years instead of 4.
Everybody understand they did it for Putin, to give him more time, but that was not Putin. (Of course they could do that at his implicit request, who knows?)
But Putin always gave the impression of a very modest person.

BTW: i don't agree with your position about time of power and corruption. It depends on person.

West medias try to find palaces, yachts and foreign villas of Putin. They try to find billion dollars of Putin. But they can't find that. Why?
Because Putin doesn't need that. His life belongs to Russia. He just have no time to have a rest. We see him on TV almost every day. He have conversations with idiots for many hours in a row. Right after that he sets tasks to ministers, talk to people. He can find time to work out top-secret operations and hypersound weapon. He just have no time to create the appearance of a beautiful life.

For example: in 2008 Medvedev came intead of Putin. And what? He lost Lybia! Some russians say that's Medvedev fault. Putin saved Syria and other countries, but Medvedev failed that. I think russians would prefer Putin to be a President all the 24 years, without pauses. But Putin followed constitution.

Another example is USA:
Who is your leader now? Democrates nominated Biden, but does he have a real power? He is menthal sick, he confuses a grandson with a great- granddaughter and Ukraine with Iran. Last time they almost dragged through Hillary Clinton, who is she in politics? Nodoby. These are just talking heads that voice someone's decisions.
What about the changeability of those who make these decisions?
Nobody even knows them, and changing the talking head is not a problem for them at all. Every 4 years or faster.

Putin is a person, he is very well versed in what he does and has a lot of experience.
I think people would be happy to have that kind of power for as long as possible.

For the record iL,  dont sell yourself short.  Putin doesnt always know whats best.  You'd make a better Russian president than he because you're not corrupted by the power.  YET.  And with term limits,  corruption gets routed out automatically by the system itself.  Lets see iL on the 2024 ballot for Russian President :)  You'd have my vote.... well,  maybe not.  I cant vote there lol.
Oh, thanks you, but you flatter me. I do nothing even on here, in our community, Russia would be ruined very quickly that way :)

General Discussion / Re: To all our Ukrainian brothers!
« on: March 03, 2022, 09:10:14 AM »
Your loyal president will go in the same direction as Russian warship. Or you want to have one more "loyal president" in Rostov? You need ~1 mln soldiers here to control Ukraine after war.
I definitely have no idea how he plan to do what he declared. I just hope he has a good plan.
I don't think he plan to use 1 mln soldiers to keep Ukraine. I also don't think he plan to kill civilians.

When you tried to take Kyiv in 2 days and we beat off your attack  we tell "Мы побеждаем" this doesn't mean that we destroy Russian army. All of us know that this army is very huge and have powerful weapon. All of us know that we are defending and not attacking now. But we have success in our defending and we have a good chance to protect our country. And there is more than 1 Russian soldier is killed.
I agree then. You beat off the attack. You will beat off more attacks. But russian army will not stop.
The stakes are too high for Russia in this global confrontation.
Even if Ukraine join NATO (though i don't trust that will happen), Putin won't stop. It is a question of preserving Russia's place in this world for him.

Ye... They failed with attack on Kharkiv, and now the 3rd day you are destroying this city with bombs and missiles. I know you'd like to tell "this is a fake, it wasn't shown on our TV". But later you will understand why we hate you. Or maybe will not. There is a great opportunity to close your eyes and ears and scream "nothing happens!".
In your crazy country, it's a crime now to say "No war". And you can tell about "antinazificaction" for Ukraine or what stupid terms do you use for war?
Yes, looks like firstly they planned to not kill people at all. Only destroy military infrastructure. Now they began to kill people, more and more. I think everybody understand that will increase hatred from ukrainian side...

80...100... Is this the biggest trouble for you, Il? Now all the World hate you. You was kicked off from previous hoster because you are Russian. Russians are being kicked off everywhere today. You will live with a shame for years. I cannot imagine this... Now I feel support from all the countries. Our customers tell us: do anything you can for your country, we will pay you as usual. There is free transport in Europe  for anybody with Ukrainian passport. Podolyaka will tell you "China and Idia support Russia". Could you tell me what support do you have from them. Instead of TV news messages "China support us" :)
This is the result of voting against Russian invasion in UN:
Our medias say us USA have a great influence to other countries, everybody vote as USA tell them to vote.
USA showed their power in Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Afganistan, etc. Other countries are small and weak, so they are being afraind to talk against USA.
If you disagree with USA, you will have an orange revolution on your territory. If you disagree with Russia, you will have nothing.

Votes in most political institutions followed the same way last years: USA and all the countries loyal to USA have similar voices. Most likely against Russia or China.
Most likely Russia have opposite voice, China abstains. Or China have opposite voice, Russia abstains. Traditions in modern politics...

You'd prefer, but not Putin. Putin have lost one soldier and he should take more and more. I don't know what will happen, but this is realistic scenario that you can be taken to the army without possibility to pay off.
And our tolerant Il will take a gun and go to Lviv to shoot in me, BatDev and other guys. Why? Because I kill Russians for 30 years. It was said on TV.
I don't envy Putin is this situation. Now that looks like a very unpopular decision with some tactical mistakes... I have no idea about strategy, so no arguments from me about that...
I think russians just have to trust Putin: looks like in previous "operations" he knew what to do:
Georgia, Chechnya, Crimea, Syria and so on. Russia won in all these operations.
I just hope he knows what to do. He have 20 years experience of different "military operations". And i hope he will not send me to kill you, or something like that...

Because you are invaders! You will be a patriot when you defend your home from the Kadyrov's orcish hordes.
100% agree. Russians have absolutely different feeling of the reality. You were going to protect your home from russian invaders last 8 years and maybe many years before.
Russians didn't think about to protect their home or even about war at all...

Yes, Russia love all the neighbors. And love is such big that all the neighbors hate Russia now. Georgia, Moldova, Baltic states. You think people in Belarus love you? They will spit in your back as soon as Lukashevko will be removed. And you will wonder "Why?! We did everything for them! We considered them as a brothers! Maybe they are Nazis too!". You make all of countries around you "Nazis".
I think you right, people from these countries don't like russians.
Our medias tell us they have pro-west govermnemts, that's why they have pro-west medias, who cultivate hatred against russia for years.
USSR lost in Cold War, West used russians weakness to grow up anti-russian regimes in most countries. They are much better masters of propaganda than russians.

That is the question with no answer, where is the truth...

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 03, 2022, 08:06:58 AM »
So you still belive that its good idea when he attacked ukraine if you belive he is "good"
I didn't say that's good idea. I said President is good, he made good decisions last 20 years, that let Russia become better.
I don't know what choice he had before attack the Ukraine.
Today i read a statement from russian official medias that Russia is ahead of NATO by 1 day. Otherwise NATO would invade to Ukraine, subdue LPR/DPR and later place nuclear weapon there.
That would be definitely a fatal russian defeat in global confrontation...

what you had in CCCP? only army, now you can see your big CCCP army in ukraine, old tanks.... kids +2000born who will die for russia, as you see now economy sanctions are better than army
Not only army. Many machines, devices made is USSR are still working now.
Fridges, vacuum cleaners, motors - are morally obsolete but working yet. They are still much more durable than modern ones from china...

I don't talk about USSR was a paradise, but it held a worthy place in the world.

I'm not happy that the situation goes as it goes now, i think that will touch the whole world: Eupore, Russia, USA, probably China and everybody else. That will be hard times for everyone of us. I just send you what russian government tells to russians and how i understand that.

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 03, 2022, 05:49:28 AM »
i'm sure even most observers in the west don't agree with NATO's skulduggery and antagonism but that does not justify this ridiculous war.
Our medias tell us most observers are biased in favor of the West.
They blind when they need to see agression of USA/NATO but they repeatedly exaggerate russian agression.

NATO being positioned as military block... against whom? They don't want to invite Russia. But they are happy to invite other countries from the west of Russia.

after World War II, the iron curtain was from Poland to the east, the Russians told us many lies, e.g. Katyn that it was a German job, in the 90s the border was moved to the east to Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, you still probably study at school that Russia  did not attack Poland, and war started when Germans attacked you
Yes, you right, the war for russians began in 22 Jun 1941, when Germany attacked USSR. Russians calls that part of WW2 - The Great Patriotic War.
Of course we know WW2 began in 1939 when Germany attacked Poland, but that's much less sufficient date for russians...

Honestly, i didn't look carefully about Katyn. Yes, Russian position is it was a German job. Also russians say the history is being a bit rewritten by West since that times.
Not sure whos "truth" is more truthful...

Russia lives in his own world, that it is always the best, invincible, and people are buying it, you have putin as president  for 20? years with a break when he was prime minister and you are not doing anything about it, you as the population of Russia, and now you support the conflict(of course not all, but most), hard times are ahead for Russians, very hard, you deserved it(as country), if you are not even protest, they cant arrest all russians
Well, many russians accept Putin. Who have been President before him?
Gorbachev? He destroyed the USSR - the great and powerful country. What americans would say about their president if he'd destroy USA to 50 separate countries? Not the best choice as for me.
Eltsin? Drunkard who kept destroying Russia after Gorbachev.
Several Presidents in late USSR before Gorbachev was weak and old seniles who did nothing except gradual decomposition of a big country.

And Putin came after Eltsin. Of course russians appreciated the contrast.
Ggradual recovery of cities, manufacturin, manufacturing. I remember how Moscow have been degraded in 199x, but after 2000 (when Putin came) roads, parks, buildings began to be updated.
That is what I saw with my own eyes.
I'm not an expert in manufacturing or foreign policy, but that looked also impressive as we hear from medias.

I think many people will agree 1 good president for 20 years is much better than 5 old idiots for 4 years each.

I think many russians just trust Putin, his experience and his activity. I'd say russians understand hard times coming, but who knows what would be better? To do or not to do?

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: March 02, 2022, 09:48:51 PM »
he talks fast. probably hard for some to follow.

but interesting opinions. Evidence to support opinions.

Just another piece of the puzzle. Im interested in all pieces of the puzzle.
Watched (with subtitles translated to russian).
That's quite similar to russian poisiton about the situation, but:
1. About Crimea:
Putin didn't pay much attention to economic part.
Priority #1 was - to save people.
There was the referendum in 2014 about Crimea, to stay in Ukraine or to move to Russia.
Official media said the were about 97% or Crimea people voted for Russia. Probably you remember CBUH, he told about that, with photos.
So, here's a real democracy in Russia as official media told us in 2014.
Much more democracy than "the main citadel of democracy - USA".
That's why russians call that not "anexia" but "reunion". Most russian people celebrated that for about several months.
Official media told us that if Crimea stay in Ukrane, ukrainian nazi would arrange a genocide there.
Relations between "pro-russians" and "nazi" was "complicated" for a long time before 2014.

Also official media told us NATO have been ready to deploy military bases in Crimea right after events in 2014.

Priority #2 was - to take contol over the sea.

Same referendums have been organized in DPR/LPR. The result was about 70% for join to Russia.
As official media told us - Putin decided that's not enough. That's why DPR/LPR kept stay as parts of Ukraine.

2. About Ukraine in 2022:
the main trigger to attack Ukraine was (as official media and Putin told us) - intentions to put nuclear weapon (against Russia) into Ukraine. And intentions to join Ukraine into NATO.
After Ukraine join NATO, Putin would have to attack the whole alliance. Not possible.
Also not possible to have hostile nuclear weapon in 5 minutes flight to Moscow.
The red line Putin said to Biden weeks before.

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