
balanced or reimagined classic gow?

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uh wut?
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cool for noobs and big games but not 2vs2 or 1vs1
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Total Members Voted: 3

Author Topic: GOW RU.PUD  (Read 2547 times)

Offline chayliss

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« on: January 22, 2024, 10:52:42 AM »
Garden of War RU.pud

Many moons ago our dear friend KHB created GOW fixed, where the required chop at 8 to create a close town hall was removed.
This was intended for tournament play (i do not remember nor can find the map) but it may have also had grass edit for better 6 gold flow?

So with what seems to be much more common these days with the big games (maybe even 1on1s coz fuck self nurf moving? hehe(and guys crying with me staying 8 haha)) here is big game Garden of War RU.pud

In the Past I have tossed out a reimagined gowBNE (what bne should have been(gow classic but ''balanced'')
I have called that version GOW CE (combat edition(mainly rearaging 6/8 so that it closely plays like 12/2(ie with 6/8 having similar choke openings and the lower path between bases closed off(but i have never been happy with the lower left tree design after removing the water and closing the path off it was basically a big ass fucking forest))))
With GOW CE.pud I have to restart due to somehow breaking the melee mode (it crashes on start)
That was somehow due to fucking with the AI, changing its stupid build placement to proper placement. Also I was  trying to do a paladin/range rework. The knight/pally was gonna be interesting hehe. But with the combat equation idk. Not to mention the changes never showed up in game.
Also i had 2 versions of gowCE, one original goldmine size, and one with buffed gold mine size. Like 30ks got 10 or 15k more. mid got about the same buff. and start locations i thhink i put to 75k. the mine buffs were for big games. wonder how that would play heheh.

Today my friends and enimies I present to you Garden of War RU.pud
A farless radical change compared to Garden of War CE.pud

Below is additional information on GOW RU!
First the Overall map followed by the locations of 8, 6 ,4, s12

Garden of War RU.pud

8 o'clock
Dirt change (atfirst it allowed to wall in 8s goldflow(cool but nah)) Tree edit for hall placement and goldflow (not all tree chops removed(i like a lil more chopped out persoanally))

6 o'clock
Just a lil grass for proper gold distance giving multi hall placement option.

4 o'clock
Added in 2 trees behind the mine

Tree edit for proper gold distance

keep the dream alive
gl hf
« Last Edit: January 22, 2024, 11:59:08 AM by chayliss »
Quote from: KingHillBilly
I respect players like Chayliss
Quote from: Fast Luck
Top quality trolling Chayliss.  Hat tip to you
Quote from: Sparkz102
also in this post - special shout out to my boy chay
Quote from: CLAW
not bad at all, chayliss. Gooder then me expectoned

Offline Mistral

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« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2024, 12:08:22 PM »
this thing was already existed very long long ago
and it is called GOW TE version
it is even installed in war2 combat by default in maps/other folder
still no one plays anyways
everyone just fapping over gow classic for 25+ years straight and not even want to hear about some fixes especially for spot 8
spots 8 and 6 must always be a shit spot for losers if they decide to stay here and not run to s9 s5 anyways  :salty: :salty: :salty:

Offline chayliss

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    • [quote author=KaNuKs~ link=topic=2345.msg40515#msg40515 date=1469984330] wazzup chay [/quote]
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2024, 01:07:30 PM »
yeh, i know i mentioned that. oh TE that was it, the 'other folder' looked in all but that one didnt even notice it
besides why not a rebrand/slight update of TE to RU?  FOR THE NOOBS AND BIG GAMES!!!11 atleast heheh.
but from staying 8 lately i would build hall up high to negate the delay, but the double whammy of needing to chop 2 chops to even have decent gold flow felt like that needed addressed. this quest began before i originally departed a decade ago (due to ingame mouse being unplayable) i will continue to fight the good fight!

the ru ladder is a mess, rank 1 (and others near the top) afk 4 or 5 months. details of ladder at the bottom of the page (shit to read anything i have to highlight coz it hard to read) and not clear how to get games to count.
shit ill fuck around and admin IGL solo/team league again (why not pleanty of idle time waiting for users/games =[
i still argue i had the most succesful IGL league that i admined in the early RU days.

if i could program id fix the combat edition to ''just work'' for the lazy/unknowledgeable people who ive gotten to come to the server just to see them say 'not bothing figure this out' and bounce. also add to the game new music/unit speach. converted a bit of war2 human/orc theme orcastal/misc style. midi is cool but lets buff the music!  i actually found my buddys 30 year old custom unit speech he made. those make for good luls. freshen up the audatory expeience.

reallly its just a shame that the community was unprepared/did not try to capatilze on recent coverage by tasteless and grubby etc..
but like i said. ppl today are unacustom/unwilling to spending a lil time to make a game install work as intended. the genral idea is ''click install shit should work''

tried to get a young teen to explain why they are playing war2 with all the other options out there to get an idea of the draw of the game after 30 years to kids. didnt get an asnwer eheh. im still gonna try to get an answer on that one.

also gonna keep posting to the war2 videos/streams i see about this place being a thing.
still occasionally prodding the sewer mermaid to come check out war2 =]

anways this is one way to kill time hoping ppl log on and still getting that nostalgic hit.

i even poted in the devleopment section like, whats up with the state of the game, whats going on, anyone in charge here?! is there no plan??
silence. heartbreaking....
atleast there is a few guys left who can help with issues.
btw thx for what you do =]

this thing was already existed very long long ago
and it is called GOW TE version
it is even installed in war2 combat by default in maps/other folder
still no one plays anyways
everyone just fapping over gow classic for 25+ years straight and not even want to hear about some fixes especially for spot 8
spots 8 and 6 must always be a shit spot for losers if they decide to stay here and not run to s9 s5 anyways  :salty: :salty: :salty:
Quote from: KingHillBilly
I respect players like Chayliss
Quote from: Fast Luck
Top quality trolling Chayliss.  Hat tip to you
Quote from: Sparkz102
also in this post - special shout out to my boy chay
Quote from: CLAW
not bad at all, chayliss. Gooder then me expectoned

Offline Harrywangs

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« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2024, 03:01:21 PM »
I made one a while ago too but gave very little effort into implementing it. I did the 1 chop spot at 8, 1 grass at 6, and in 4, I just removed where you chop by the mine. That was it. 3 squares changed.

I don't think s12 is necessary. It's not a starting spot. While the tree spot at the top left of 4s hall is annoying, I don't think it's change worthy. The least amount of change, the better, imo.