Welcome to the forums! We're glad to have you here! :) You can register your account here, then feel free to introduce yourself in the Server.Warcraft2.online board & let us know who you are on the server.
Thought to start 2024 with a new tournament so start practicing. Payouts will be the following, $600 split for 1st $300 split for 2nd $100 split for 3rd
We haven't actually heard from Shush since his hacking script came out. I will leave this post here in case someone has any feelings about it or if Shush himself wishes to speak about it.
I used to love playing chop farms on the RU server. Nowadays I play 1-3 games a month if I’m being generous and I know I am not alone in this.
Maybe chop players can share some replays of their neighbor wars or long games so players can get back into this map. Would like to see Chop Farms as a very popular map again.