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Support Requests / Re: Map errors on editor
« Last post by pianolarva on July 19, 2024, 12:13:21 PM »
thanks, didn't work. I'll try deleting the triggers editor and see what happens
Support Requests / Re: Map errors on editor
« Last post by Buttercraft on July 18, 2024, 08:32:29 PM »
You don't have to reinstall the whole game, there is a standlone map editor by iL (3.6mb download)

just remember to update your shortcuts, it installs to Program Files in a folder named War2CombatMapEditor.

(no guaruntees this fixes your problem)
Support Requests / Map errors on editor
« Last post by pianolarva on July 16, 2024, 08:28:11 PM »
I've been using editors, including the triggers editor and now I have his problem.

Whenever I load a map from the folders "Ladder", "Classic", and more on the editor, I see mistakes on some values. I'll have holy vision costing 1500; peasants with like 450 score points; I'll play and when I research death and decay, I'll get the autoheal icon.
I even tried downloading the maps again from this website. I load them on the editor. Same happens. Should I reinstall?
14 / Re: Teaboys Puzzle Map
« Last post by Szwagier on July 13, 2024, 08:49:17 PM »
But U8 touches the green peons...??

Yes i resolved that, before he write that you cant touch green peons


Mine: 20:00 starts
15 / Re: Teaboys Puzzle Map
« Last post by Teaboy on July 13, 2024, 07:05:52 PM »
Nice ele. i did million mistakes. thoght add rule no touch teal peons is enought. i created this map likes 2weeks where did some part and then continue after few days. when i did another part i forgot about earlier parts and everything broked. my main idea was that peasants can kill only twer, and footman can kill peasant.i added many baits whitch one won game(lol). anyway i failed this map hard xd. ill show my solutuion of this map(i lost most time to create part at start where u need use critter and ofc i forgot add dirt at beginning and u can easy jump XD) hf with watching

h ttps://        idk why this stupid link not work w/e
16 / Re: Teaboys Puzzle Map
« Last post by eleison on July 13, 2024, 04:55:37 PM »
This is how I solved it, there are many other ways I guess. I'm also showing an alternate ending in the video, but I don't have the patience to get all the oil, so I used glittering prizes, but I could have gotten the oil without cheat.
Fun and interesting map Teaboy :) well done!

17 / Re: Teaboys Puzzle Map
« Last post by eleison on July 13, 2024, 03:07:23 PM »
Found one more solution where you don't need to hop at all in the end. :)
18 / Re: Teaboys Puzzle Map
« Last post by eleison on July 13, 2024, 02:58:55 PM »
well, LOL you still need to touch them at some point because you need to stack many of them in one place to jump later
so you cannot avoid it completely lol

No it's not true, I finished the map with not touching teal peons and you only need 7 units in the end to hop to one of the dragons.
19 / Re: Teaboys Puzzle Map
« Last post by ~ToRa~ on July 13, 2024, 02:04:46 PM »
@Szwagier can we get a link to the recording?
20 / Re: Teaboys Puzzle Map
« Last post by Mistral on July 13, 2024, 10:14:14 AM »
well, LOL you still need to touch them at some point because you need to stack many of them in one place to jump later
so you cannot avoid it completely lol
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