changed the text size and let it auto scale
I tried different options with 'cnc'
Maximum achieved with font size changing:
1024 x 670 with related artifacts due to this - unusable
(picture attached)
~Maximum(?) by resizing the window:
7500(? and more) x 684
not tried more than 7500, because no sense while Y-size is so limited
Anyway I think this is a dead end branch, because it will not allow to choose a resolution with pixel precision.
Do you have a test version
So far, even the test version is very bad and I'm ashamed to show it

The chat doesn't work now because I killed the basic functionality of the old version to rewrite it from scratch, but still haven't created new one.
Because of this, I did a little demo of how a "fast host" can work.
Hopefully this shows why all war2 layers have to be transparent at some point. are the same principles:
as soon as BNE disappears, the main war2 window becomes visibleand vice versa
while war2 in BNE mode - all windows are completely hidden, so that
no one can click in the wrong placeso I free to display the chat and other functions in a window of any size,
separate windows or tabs for private chats,
PS: Alpha option(if introduced) can be useful by itself, for example: to set common "visible" state to alpha=192, not only alpha=255... and so on.
true translucency (rather than fake as in modern OS window headers) is sometimes handy