Author Topic: U8 never getin level 5 ogres  (Read 4330 times)

Offline WillTheRealKoorbStandUp

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U8 never getin level 5 ogres
« on: October 21, 2021, 03:22:02 AM »
From way back and in his Streams he says lvl 7 lust vs lust is worthless cause of random damage with lust or some shit like that

Me and Swift tested it like 5 or 6 years back, can't remember exactly but we ran like 30 or 40 test ogres battles mostly 9v9 n was pretty close but lvl 7 lust seemed to hit better ,,"randoms" slightly more often, still giving it a slight advantage, I never understood u8s reasoning, cept for maybe timing for Windows to scacific lvl 5 shiellds to pump more ogres a round to quickly overwhelm, because what he is not factoring in that your ogres get caught unlusted and a lvl 5 ogre beats a level 4.

Moral of the story, always get levl7 (5) n don't listen to u8,

Just kidding u8 u da man, enjoy yr streams
« Last Edit: October 21, 2021, 03:24:46 AM by WillTheRealKoorbStandUp »

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Re: U8 never getin level 5 ogres
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2021, 07:46:21 AM »
I think it’s that most players don’t have the UC to be able to keep the lust up perfectly at all times in an ogre battle. (Unless they using that hack)
 If it is lvl 6 lust vs lvl 7 lust then and they all stay listed the whole time then yes it is even. But if some lvl 6 ogres lose lust then yes lvl 7 will always win.

Also I think having a an extra rax over lvl 7 is probably better idk how many people agree….
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