Author Topic: wc2 utube channel  (Read 56963 times)

Offline Cel

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2020, 09:26:29 PM »
See this ^ is the reason why we need some rules around here. It has to stop...
Next time he will see his name on a souvenir he will loose it and come posting here again or call the police. :rofl:
Have you even talked to the guy?
Do we even know who that john is? I am pretty sure it is just kintel and his many other john nicknames. You do know ring62 / kintel has many many john accounts right? like johnt on RU that he played under last week  :rofl:  :sweat:

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2020, 09:41:15 PM »
Let's hope you are right and nothing happen, because if something happen, you will laugh less.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2020, 10:13:57 PM by Delete ME NOW! »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2020, 09:53:37 PM »
I will look into it @Delete ME NOW! next time I see ring I will ask him if that is one of his aka I am pretty sure it is :slight_smile:  :thumbsup:

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2020, 10:08:31 PM »
You think Ring have time to smurf on a server where 10 peoples play and act that way?

Ring use hes real account on war2usa and he is friend with those peoples, he play with them everynight, nobody smurf on that server.

This is a straight up blackmaling to me.

Even if someone was smurfing, what are the chance that someone create the real name and the real years born of my father?

'' Il write to my grandson ''

Have fun, im out of here.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2020, 10:21:54 PM by Delete ME NOW! »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Cel

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2020, 10:23:33 PM »
Ring62 is a very very active player of the USA server he plays with Tofu all the time and with Lordvaras too there you can ask Babyshark about him. And Shepherd is the one that told me he has a billion John accounts so you can ask him to I think he plays over there too. Shepherd is the one that said to me on stream two weeks ago that Johnt was probably ring because he has many john accounts and we laughed about it because I already had guessed it was him.

On a sidenote I do know ring did argue with you two weeks ago because he said you were stupid or something like that in war2bne chat I dont remember what you guys were arguing about back then but that did happen. I know because I was about to host the next game and he was talking shit in chat and I had to PM him to join my game lol.

At the same time he is known to smurf all the time and loves trolling people so maybe its him right now I wouldn't be able to tell from here.

Like I said I will ask him because I think he will tell me if it is him he usually comes clean.
And if it is not maybe its just another dude so long as he does not directly harras you I wouldn't loose any sleep over it.

Like I said before, no one is going to go that far just to scare you over a disagreement on a freaking game.
Even if there was some kind of big ass conspiracy like you seem to believe there is, it wouldn't make any sense either.  ::)

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2020, 11:52:19 PM »
I am 100% for forum moderation. Cel, I liked a lot of what I read about what you posted over from the SC one or whatever it is. Other games just don't have so few people on the forums, which I think creates problems, and I think a lot of people read these forums but don't respond (from some ppl I know). Chaos is not productive.

Every single thread gets off topic and typically turns into an argument. Look at this one... It turns into the same arguments and problems everyone has had for the last 20 years, of which I couldn't give 2 shits about tbh. Let's move forward because revisiting the past seems to have never got us anywhere.

I'm confused, Burnt wants money (but won't ask or mention it?) from a tourney from 2+ years ago? I don't recall him asking for donations back then either. This is the first I'm ever hearing about it. I don't know why we would give him one cent for anything at this point. He has pretty much burned (no pun intended) all of his bridges at this point. Sad thing is, I'm pretty sure everyone thinks that is a shame, as we all liked the old Burnt.

Justin does good replay commentary (well, funny at least) but aside from that, for the most part, he's a troll and an asshole in my humble opinion. Maybe I just don't know him very well and I'll admit, I don't. Nor do I know his akas necessarily or what else he does for the server.

But from what I've seen, this just further proves it. Keep your replays, we'll make more. New people don't know who any of those other people are in the first place. If the old people want to watch a replay and they don't log on either way, how does that help us? It's just nostalgia, which is nice and fun, don't get me wrong, but using it as leverage, is just a sign of poor character. I like how you don't even want to bring the topic up and/or discuss it first? You thought it would be best to just hold replays as ransom. Then you expect for everything to be all hunky dory after that? What a guy.... What a leader... What a person.....

This is your way of taking initiative for Burnt and you thought this was going to be successful? Let me guess, we send it to your personal account and then once you have collected it all (with the exact amount of "bear some of the burden" requested ROFL), you will give it to Burnt? On top of that, why would we also contribute to someone who just left the server to bring everyone else to the new one while calling himself retarded? Makes no sense.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2020, 11:58:35 PM by Harrywangs »

Offline justinschmidt

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2020, 12:54:11 AM »
The money is for his time to host another war2festival. We are looking for pledges for a prize pool to be collected at the time of the tourney, but I think a hundred dollars upfront is not to much considering the amount of work to be put in. The videos are a separate issue, but I think it wouldn't be if he were on board with another war2festival. I will not be the one deleting anything he might later regret, so if he wants videos to be deleted, mine are the only ones I can in good conscious delete. To be honest they mean next to nothing to me and I would rather them go than any other.

Offline Shotgun

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2020, 04:28:44 AM »
lol this retard has lost his mind

Offline ~ToRa~

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #23 on: November 19, 2020, 04:30:32 AM »
The last war2festival costed him 1200. I'm sure it will take much less than that to show him we care and respect his contributions. He is taking a break from the forums so I will try to work to smooth the issue over. It is not beyond repair, as il could put all videos on public whenever he wants. Xurnt is still admin and I'm not asking for people not to argue, only that we all bear some of the burden that he has bore before. I have always supported war2.usa and would like a general forgiveness of all, but one issue at a time i suppose.

Is Xurnt having money problems? If so he can man up and let us know himself. I'm sure many in the community would be fine with helping him out.
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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2020, 04:33:20 AM »
The money is for his time to host another war2festival. We are looking for pledges for a prize pool to be collected at the time of the tourney, but I think a hundred dollars upfront is not to much considering the amount of work to be put in. The videos are a separate issue, but I think it wouldn't be if he were on board with another war2festival. I will not be the one deleting anything he might later regret, so if he wants videos to be deleted, mine are the only ones I can in good conscious delete. To be honest they mean next to nothing to me and I would rather them go than any other.

This rational makes no sense at all.
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Offline Oragorn

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #25 on: November 19, 2020, 05:28:52 AM »
Have fun, im out of here.
I alone do not understand what does the war2ru server have to do with it? "john56" is on the war2usa server. what have we to do with it?

Offline justinschmidt

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #26 on: November 19, 2020, 05:56:19 AM »
Instead of having war2 cost him time and money, I think it would be prudent for him to be paid for his services. As far as I can tell, the whole dispute seems like it could have been adverted if you both were kinder to each other on this forum. I really enjoy gaming with you tora, and I consider both tk and burnt to be very good friends. We all want to see another war2festival, and I personally would really like a solution that leaves no one unhappy. Burnt is still admin of war2, and il, tk, babyshark, fuckluck and day am are still admins of his youtube. I think it would be better to condemn me instead of him for my proposing he receive money for his services.

Offline Shotgun

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #27 on: November 19, 2020, 06:47:15 AM »
Burnt has lost his marbles. You should have all listened to everything I had said in the past 5 or so years about banning people from these forums. The admins of these forums are just as retarded as burnt. Lots of sad human beings that lurk here now.

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #28 on: November 19, 2020, 07:07:48 AM »
Sad thing in all this situation is Xurnt doesn't have intentions to resolve questions together.
He came here and became to demand, threateningб blackmailing he will delete, get out etc.
That is not how we can achieve success in any good case.

I apreciate Xurnt and i like him, he is a great guy and a great leader, maybe the best of us.
But that is not the way.
Our team of admins gathered for years. All these years we discussed all our decisions together, developed the rules to be optimal for community, discussed them publicly, follow them.
And now one of us (even the best of us, our leader) comes here, demands to demote the whole team as they just try to making their job.
Maybe sometimes they do something wrong, they can be biased of make mistakes (as any living person), but they make their job.

If you disagree with them, let's discuss! Let's talk together with them, explain your positions.
I'm not about i agree with Tora to ban Equinox for 1 day, but i at least absolutely understand that desicion.
Equinox became toxic, all his messages last months came down to "that shitty hacking admins made hackish server", etc. Though most adequate persons disagree with him. So, Equinox, if you don't like people, don't trust them, why you stay here for months, making toxic atmosphere on forums? That is harmful for the community as every newcomer on the forum see these pieces of trash.
Equinox, just go anywhere else, far from these "hacking admins" and enjoy being there!
I think, that logic looks quite rationally, Could be a reason to discuss, but not to blame Tora and demand his demotion.

justinschmidt, I apreciate you and everything you do for community, I also apreciate your position and respect your friendship with Xurnt, I'd also be glad to be a friend of Xurnt, but i have to say to Xurnt and everyone else:
blackmail, threats is the worst way to act. It will never help us to achieve success.

Feel free to delete your videos if you think you should do that.
Though that will not make anybody happy: neighter you, not any other people.
And that will not help anybody to reach the goal.

I'd even say these videos belongs to community, not to you olny, as that were lots games of other players who probably don't want their games to be deleted, but that is between you and them.

Also, we have to make new youtube channel (probably belongs to me) to collect all the videocontent together, to promote war2 on the new BIG channel.
I can promise, i never delete content belongs to not me but other people.
I think our task as war2ru admins is to keep the history and make it available for next generations.
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Offline Shotgun

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Re: wc2 utube channel
« Reply #29 on: November 19, 2020, 07:12:27 AM »
Sad thing in all this situation is Xurnt doesn't have intentions to resolve questions together.
He came here and became to demand, threateningб blackmailing he will delete, get out etc.
That is not how we can achieve success in any good case.

I apreciate Xurnt and i like him, he is a great guy and a great leader, maybe the best of us.
But that is not the way.
Our team of admins gathered for years. All these years we discussed all our decisions together, developed the rules to be optimal for community, discussed them publicly, follow them.
And now one of us (even the best of us, our leader) comes here, demands to demote the whole team as they just try to making their job.
Maybe sometimes they do something wrong, they can be biased of make mistakes (as any living person), but they make their job.

If you disagree with them, let's discuss! Let's talk together with them, explain your positions.
I'm not about i agree with Tora to ban Equinox for 1 day, but i at least absolutely understand that desicion.
Equinox became toxic, all his messages last months came down to "that shitty hacking admins made hackish server", etc. Though most adequate persons disagree with him. So, Equinox, if you don't like people, don't trust them, why you stay here for months, making toxic atmosphere on forums? That is harmful for the community as every newcomer on the forum see these pieces of trash.
Equinox, just go anywhere else, far from these "hacking admins" and enjoy being there!
I think, that logic looks quite rationally, Could be a reason to discuss, but not to blame Tora and demand his demotion.

justinschmidt, I apreciate you and everything you do for community, I also apreciate your position and respect your friendship with Xurnt, I'd also be glad to be a friend of Xurnt, but i have to say to Xurnt and everyone else:
blackmail, threats is the worst way to act. It will never help us to achieve success.

Feel free to delete your videos if you think you should do that.
Though that will not make anybody happy: neighter you, not any other people.
And that will not help anybody to reach the goal.

I'd even say these videos belongs to community, not to you olny, as that were lots games of other players who probably don't want their games to be deleted, but that is between you and them.

Also, we have to make new youtube channel (probably belongs to me) to collect all the videocontent together, to promote war2 on the new BIG channel.
I can promise, i never delete content belongs to not me but other people.
I think our task as war2ru admins is to keep the history and make it available for next generations.

There's not really much discussion that needs to take place. When those snowflakes originally made war2.usa they attacked our server for weeks and you didn't even ban them from the forum, they're still here, and you don't ban them. The fact is none of the admin of this forum have any leadership at all, let alone burnt. If you want proof, look at the pile of dribbling shit it's turned into. Hardly anyone even comes here anymore because every thread contains a retard talking about some war2 unrelated drama