EXE version 1.33 File Format
03:7FF1-03:81F4 L Offsets for 129 fixup table entries
Value+381F5=place of fixup record
03:81F5-05:C2A3 L Fixup table,entry record like this
Index : Feature :
00 B Should be 07
01 B If 00 , then entry lenght=7
If 10 , then entry length=9
02 W 12 bit offset to location of code
in the page
*Real location =
= this_offset+5C2A4+(1000h*entry#),
04 B 1 = code segment
2 = data segment
05 W/L Depends on section length
Call value , the same value is on
place pointed by Real_location
computed like above
This value is frequently offset to
code section,so Value+5C2A4=asm code
07:7B34-07:7BA1 B A byte for first 106 units , unknown

07:7B9E-07:7C07 B Identity flag for each unit ,
if false War2 could crash
0C:DFD8-0C:E18F L Function Z , sets various variables
based on the number of units of this
type you have. Sets number of different
types of units , number of buildings ,
amount of produced food .
0C:E22D-0C:E286 B After death animation for first 58 units
0=nothing,1=human corp , 2=orcish corp , 3=sink
0C:E2D0-0C:E39F L 52 dwords victory conditions , record like this
Index : Meaning :
00 B Victory condition level
00=own 4 farms and 1 barracks
01=own 4 oil platforms and 1 shipyard
02=any oil refineries in game
03=kill attack peasants,build castle,
destroy enemy
04=never used
05=free mages and peasants,destroy
06=destroy transports,oil platforms and
07=never used
08=destroy dark portal
09=destroy castle,have runestone at end
0A=build shipyard and fortress by circle
of power
0B=destroy death knights and their
temple , Grom must survive
0C=get violet player units,destory green,
rescue white and have all heroes
0D=destroy all,Teron must survive
0E=capture dragons,capture dragon roost
0F=destroy all enemy ships,have
5 shipyards
10=kill daemon
11=destroy human buildings,rescue mage,
return him to circle of power
12=destroy all mage towers,destroy
violet player
13=destroy all humans,capture dark portal
14=rescue X units , Alleria , Danath ,
Turalyon must survive
15=destroy all,Danath must survive
16=destroy all strongholds and fortresses,
Turalyon must survive,rescue X units
17=destroy enemy,have castle
18=destroy enemy shipyards , have 3 owns
19=destroy orange,bring Turalyon and
Danath to circle
1A=Kill Deathwing,Khadgar , Alleria ,
Kurdran must survive
1B=destroy black fortress,raze altar
1C=play until retreat,heroes must survive
1D=destroy enemy,heroes must survive
1E=destroy dark prtal,only Khadgar can
do this,must survive
01 B 1=kill all
2=rescue by contitions below
02 W Always set to 0000

0C:E3A0-0C:E46F L 52 dwords rescue numbers
Index : Meaning :
00 B Number of units to rescue
01 B 00=rescue any units
10=rescue hero-flag units
02 W Region flag

0C:E470-0C:E53F L Unit and buildings allowed
flags , for 1 player for 52 levels
b00: Footman/Grunt
b01: Peasant/Peon
b02: Ballista/Catapult
b03: Knight/Ogre
b04: Archer/Axe Thrower
b05: Mage/Death Knight
b06: Tanker
b07: Destroyer
b08: Transport
b09: Battleship/Juggernaught
b0A: Submarine/Giant Turtle
b0B: Flying Machine/Gobblin Zeppelin
b0C: Gryphon/Dragon
b0D: Unused
b0E: Dwarves/Sappers
b0F: Aviary/Roost
b10: Farm
b11: Barracks
b12: Lumber Mill
b13: Stables/Mound
b14: Mage Tower/Temple
b15: Foundry
b16: Refinery
b17: Inventor/Alchemists
b18: Church/Altar of Storms
b19: Tower
b1A: Town Hall/Great Hall
b1B: Keep/Stronghold
b1C: Castle/Fortress
b1D: Blacksmith
b1E: Shipyard
b1F: Wall in multiplayer
0C:E540-0C:E60F L Upgrade allowed flags , 52 levels
b00 Arrow 1
b01 Arrow 2
b02 Sword 1
b03 Sword 2
b04 Shield 1
b05 Shield 2
b06 Ship Cannon 1
b07 Ship Cannon 2
b08 Ship Armor 1
b09 Ship Armor 2
b0A Unused
b0B Unused
b0C Ballista 1
b0D Ballista 2
b0E Unused
b0F Unused
b10 Elven Rangers
b11 Longbow
b12 Scouting
b13 Ranger Markmanship
b14 Paladins
b15 Unused
: Unused
b1F Unused
0C:E610-0C:E6DF L Spells allowed flags,52 levels
b00: Holy Vision
b01: Healing
b02: Unused
b03: Exorcism
b04: Flame Shield
b05: Fireball
b06: Slow
b07: Invisibility
b08: Polymorph
b09: Blizzard
b0A: Eye of Killrog
b0B: Bloodlust
b0C: Unused
b0D: Raise Dead
b0E: Death Coil
b0F: Whirlwind
b10: Haste
b11: Unholy Armor
b12: Runes
b13: Death and Decay
b14: Unused
: Unused
b1F: Unused
0C:E728-0C:E9D9 W Human Sound Table 345 sounds with
references to entry number in which
is sound stored , respect archive offsets
Highest 3 bits are flags


b05 Repeat , first unit which uses the
same sound don't have it,others must
or the game will crash on exit
0C:E9DA-0C:E9DB W Just for dword align

0C:E9DC-0C:EC8D W Orc Sound Table , 345 references,see above
0C:EF4C-0C:EFBF W First 58 units number of attack
sound in sound table for its race
0C:EFC0-0C:F0A7 L First 58 unit acknowledge function number
Plays random acknowledge sound
0C:F0A8-0C:F11B W First 58 units number of ready
sound in sound table for its race
0C:F11C-0C:F203 L First 58 units selected function number
Plays appropriate random selected or annoyed
0C:F204-0C:F23D W Sound played when missile hits target
*Missile types order
00 Lightning
01 Griffon Hammer
02 Dragon Breath and Fireball
03 Fireball by Flame Shield
04 Flame Shield
05 Blizzard
06 Death and Deacy
07 Big Cannon
08 Exorcism
09 Heal Effect
0A Touch of Death
0B Rune
0C Whirlwind
0D Catapult Rock
0E Ballista Bolt
0F Arrow
10 Axe
11 Submarine Missile
12 Turtle Missile
13 Small Fire
14 Big Fire
15 Ballista and Catapult impact
16 Normal Spell
17 Explosion
18 Small Cannon
19 Cannon Explosion
1A Cannon Tower Explosion
1B Daemon Fire
1C Green Cross
1D None
0D:061C-0D:070F L Action function A calls , action legal target

0D:0710-0D:0803 L Action function B calls , action to take

*All spells have the same
0D:0804-0D:08F7 L Action function C calls , for spells action to
take when casting , for other actions set to 0
0D:08F8-0D:0934 B A byte for each action , various numbers from 0 to 6
0D:0935-0D:0971 B A byte for each action , from 0 to 2
0D:0972-0D:09EB W Word for each action , action flags

0D:09EC-0D:0A28 B Action range , for action order see Action mana
0D:2304-0D:237D W Action mana cost , used for spells
*Action offsets
00 Unkonown
01 Unknown
02 Stop
03 Move
04 Unknown
05 Patrol
08 Attack
0D Stand Ground
11 Attack Ground
12 Unknown
13 Demolish
17 Harvest
18 Return with Goods
1B Repair
1C Unknown
1D Unload Passengers
26 Holy Vision
27 Healing
28 Unknown
29 Exorcism
2A Flame Shield
2B Fireball
2C Slow
2D Invisibility
2E Polymorph
2F Blizzard
30 Eye of Kilrogg
31 Bloodlust
32 Raise Dead
33 Death Coil
34 Whirlwind
35 Haste
36 Unholy Armor
37 Runes
38 Death and Decay
3C Unknown
0D:2380-0D:3CEF R12 Unit commands , command offsets point here
Index : Meaning :
00 W Position of icon , 0=left upper
9 = right down , from left to right
02 W Picture index , icon number
04 L Req Fn , requirements function
for icon to appear
08 L Act Fn , what action to perform call
0C B Requirement fuction variable
(for example 0,1,2 for upgrade levels)
0D B Action function variable
(for example unit nr. for barracks)
0E W Showed string index
10 W Unknown , some flags
0D:3CF0-0D:3FBF R06 Extended unit data (110 units,10 specials)
Index : Meaning :
00 W Number of commands
02 L Call to command data section
of first command
*Change command following this proc:
Fup_tbl_entr=(file_pos-5C2A4) div 1000h
Srch_offs=(file_pos-5C2A4) mod 1000h
Get offset of section Fup_tbl_entr in
fixup table and begin search for Srch_offs
If You find it , change in Fixup Table
record (see Fixup table ) command value
on offset 5 of fixup record
*Units order
00 Footman
01 Grunt
02 Peasant
03 Peon
04 Ballista
05 Catapult
06 Knight
07 Ogre
08 Archer
09 Axethrower
0A Mage
0B Death Knight
0C Paladin
0D Ogre Mage
0E Dwarves
0F Goblin Sappers
10 Attack Peasant
11 Attack Peon
12 Ranger
13 Berserker
14 Alleria
15 Teron Gorefiend
16 Kurdan and Sky'ree
17 Dentarg
18 Khadgar
19 Grom Hellscream
1A Tanker H
1B Tanker O
1C Transport H
1D Transport O
1E Elven Destroyer
1F Troll Destroyer
20 Battleship
21 Juggernaught
22 Nothing
23 Deathwing
24 Nothing
25 Nothing
26 Gnomish Submarine
27 Giant Turtle
28 Gnomish Flying Machine
29 Goblin Zeppelin
2A Gryphon Rider
2B Dragon
2C Turalyon
2D Eye of Kilrogg
2E Danath
2F Korgath Bladefist
30 Nothing
31 Cho'gall
32 Lothar
33 Gul'dan
34 Uther Lightbringer
35 Zuljin
36 Nothing
37 Skeleton
38 Daemon
39 Critter
3A Farm
3B Pig Farm
3C Barracks H
3D Barracks O
3E Church
3F Altar of Storms
40 Scout Tower H
41 Scout Tower O
42 Stables
43 Ogre Mound
44 Gnomish Inventor
45 Goblin Alchemist
46 Gryphon Aviary
47 Dragon Roost
48 Shipyard H
49 Shipyard O
4A Town Hall
4B Great Hall
4C Elven lumber mill
4D Troll Lumber Mill
4E Foundry H
4F Foundry O
50 Mage Tower
51 Temple of the Damned
52 Blacksmith H
53 Blacksmith O
54 Refinery H
55 Refinery O
56 Oil Platform H
57 Oil Platform O
58 Keep
59 Stronghold
5A Castle
5B Fortress
5C Gold Mine
5D Oil Patch
5E Start Location H
5F Start Location O
60 Guard Tower H
61 Guard Tower O
62 Cannon Tower H
63 Cannon Tower O
64 Circle of Power
65 Dark Portal
66 Runestone
67 Wall H - not yet build
68 Wall O - not yet build
69 Dead Body
6A 1x1 Destroyed Place
6B 2x2 Destroyed Place
6C 3x3 Destroyed Place
6D 4x4 Destroyed Place
6E Blank
6F Human Basic Build
70 Human Advanced Build
71 Orc Basic Build
72 Orc Advanced Build
73 Cancel
74 Cancel #2

75 Cancel Group
76 Command Group of Humans
77 Command Group of Orcs
0D:3FC0-0D:45C3 R0E Unit data (110 units) , record like this
*For units order see above
Index : Meaning :
00 W Unit Icon number
02 W Unknown , but
0 = Dead body,start loc,destr site
1 = Live units,farms,mine,circle,
runestone but no magiks
2 = Mage,D.Knight,Paladin,Ogre Mage
3 = Other buildings??
04 W Unit name string number
06 L Function A,right click

0A L Function B,stats which are
shown on the bar(food usage..)