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Messages - Szwagier

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 117
1 / Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« on: December 07, 2024, 07:27:09 AM »
So guys you now work as blizzard? release unfinished tool, which is broken?

-3 times launcher frozen random
- cant pick your own folder ???
- game crash before you see map in your new campaign(hard version)
- my hd patch(966x544) showed game in 1/3 monitor rest was black screen
- launcher made by himself folder WAR2COMBAT when I didnt allow him to download game without MY PERMISSION

2 / Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« on: December 06, 2024, 12:10:02 PM »
you hack, I didnt end of story :kissing_heart:

3 / Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« on: December 06, 2024, 10:50:01 AM »
ah yes eq who cheated in past fight against cheaters will defend cheater 

can be more funny?

Yes it can

4 / Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« on: December 06, 2024, 09:49:14 AM »
You are afraid you will cheat again?

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« on: December 06, 2024, 09:32:01 AM »
Idiots will be idiots

And cheaters like equniox and ragner will try catch other cheaters cause its impossible someone else is clear

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« on: December 06, 2024, 08:59:58 AM »
You dont have any ss/replays/warvideo of your stupid ideas that I control your peon

tell us how it could work?! people would not see I can control them? or im using second pc while playing? dear god

you lost on lan cause you miss one button? no you didnt, you were destroyed without winning single map and we played at least 3

you are doing best place?

you are fucking loser, you hacked old game to have advantage using stream snip or making ss for "WIN"

fucking hypocrite

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« on: December 06, 2024, 08:27:07 AM »
you are idiot, and i refused to play with you due your behavior in team games

If I can pick games with you or without you, I will pick first option

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« on: December 06, 2024, 08:17:14 AM »
После такого конфликта с u8 он просто не будет играть со мной, он меня боится.
Did you also play with cheats at the Lviv U8 meeting? I think you got pretty fucked there.

Guess I do, noone saw it

He doesnt have anything, im clear

FUN FACT ranger cheated vs equinox if you forgot guys

I like it how cheaters, equinox ragner talk that I cheat and they dont have any single ss/replay/warvideo etc

Im waiting when you will make new server you will play vs "fake u8t3io3p" and you will make replay where I cheat, go on

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« on: December 06, 2024, 07:54:52 AM »
Unfortunately. What a pity. U8, I know your secret.

Are you under drugs?

tell me, tell everyone

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« on: December 06, 2024, 07:12:01 AM »
I am not admin, never was and I dont want to fight people like equinox, waste of time, I enjoy playing game

you cant have diffrent game cause game will crash
IF I edit my songs, will be game diffrent for you? NO
IF I edit AI, how it works, will be game for you diffrent? YES and what will game do? I will split game, to people who have same AI, and people who got diffrent,
that mean is cheat? No cause my AI want make barrack, your AI want make lumber mill

w2 got random dmg, sc got it perfect there is info 6 dmg will be 6 dmg - armor
just luck

custom games, orc will be again op, 5 more mana for dnd is not a change, but 2 less range in any custom game special in chop is lot of, orc can easy rape human player, but human cant do it cause range

range +1

archers/trolls still will be unplayable

lust is not op anymore

so human back to game

I dont understand why they change range mage but they didnt change dk

if someone leave, there is still his color in allies menu and can ally/vis him

didnt fix random spot bug that is most issue

there are still many people that prefer play in official game, than unofficial version

If I can pick offical with all stuff what community made vs unoffcial with all stuff what community made, I will pick official

cracked version mean no multiplayer, only campaign but with cracked version you can change files and blizzard will not replace them

You are saving vods when you beat me, thats even more funny special when you cant saving vod when its 1v1 where map is empty, where are no diffrent opponents, only in team games

even after 2 years you didnt change, probably in 20 years you will still be same person, toxic person, keep going bro, im sure lot of people like you

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