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Messages - Mistral

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1 / vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« on: Today at 06:52:39 AM »
so you guys can now test new balance from blizzard

but we have received suggestions of istead just making new game mode for it
just follow blizzard and make it in game by default (in normal games)

so what you think about it?

so i basically added game mode with "modern" game balance (so we are not behind the rest of the world  :) )
for anyone who want to try but not have access to remaster (or just thinks remaster is trash)
you can play it by selecting Blizzard game mode in lobby

Balance Changes:
            Heal mana cost per HP healed: 6 → 5
            Heal research time: 200 → 100 steps
            Exorcism research time: 200 → 150 steps
        Death Knight:
            Death and Decay:
                Mana cost per set of ‘rots’ created: 25 → 30
            Raise the Dead:
                Skeleton HP: 40 → 60
                Range: 12 → 10
        Ogre Mage
                Duration: 1000 → 750
                Mana cost per unit enchanted: 50 → 60
                Double damage is now applied after armor reduction instead of before.
        Dragon / Gryphon
            Gold cost: 2500 → 2250
        Archer / Axethrower:
            Base piercing damage: 6 → 7
            Upgrade Axes/ Arrows 1:
                Damage increased: 1 → 2
                Gold cost: 300 → 200
                Lumber cost: 300 → 200
                Research time: 200 → 150 steps
            Upgrade Axes/ Arrows 2:
                Damage Increased: 1 → 2
                Gold cost: 900 → 600
                Lumber cost: 500 → 300
                Research time: 250 → 200 steps
            Longbow / Lightaxe Upgrades:
                Gold cost: 2000 → 1000
                Lumber cost: 0 → 300
                Research time: 250 → 200 steps
            Scouting Upgrades:
                Gold cost: 1500 → 500
                Lumber cost: 0 → 200
                Research time: 250 → 150 steps
            Ranger Marksmanship Upgrades:
                Gold cost: 2500 → 1000
                Research time: 250 → 200 steps
            Berserker Regeneration Upgrades:
                Gold cost: 3000 → 1000

wait lol wtf so still 1 range, ok
but ALSO
not dmg added? so why they writed is patch notes its add dmg lol?
or they forgot to add so that its actually shown in status in game?
so lol

i think maybe they just copy from other changes above
and for this upgrade actually was changed just costs
so dmg text was just forgot to remove after copy

i not have remaster guys
who can confirm longbow uprgade if range +1 or +2 ?

            Longbow / Lightaxe Upgrades:
                Base piercing damage: 6 → 7

so guys i think THIS is what HUGE change for archers
firstly if you not remember because you not used any archers in 30 years then i remind you
this upgrade is not for damage, blizzard still fucked up even in this patch notes  :)
this is RANGE upgrade
and that means they can become like Alleria with range 7
the main thing is that they will be able to break GUARD TOWERS
WITHOUT getting hit BACK
and considering way more bigger piercing dmg they prob can be used as base openers instead of catapults, unless there is cannon towers also

so what do you think?

6 / Re: ladder fixed
« on: November 30, 2024, 07:17:57 AM »
if you tried to load the entire table on a single page which would be stupid :D
well YES this is actually EXACTLY what happens here  :) :) :) :)
i not writed all ladder from 0
i used old Blid ladder system that is in here (
and after his ladder counted all games i also insert my code in between and check for my random maps and count for separated tables for (

so ye its basically the intire system is fucked up and cursed, but it works and worked all those years after Blid maked it.

to fix it, its needed to change the entire system and make all from 0, which is too hard for me now

7 / Re: ladder fixed
« on: November 27, 2024, 01:35:06 PM »
my ladder script and old are launched from same file and use same functions later
so i cannot fix mine without fixing old too  :)

8 / ladder fixed
« on: November 27, 2024, 01:00:33 PM »
so guys i just found out ladder wasnt working since november 15 so i fixed it and all 4992 games since 15 to 27 november got loaded and parsed as normal

i found out it was because we have played so many games since 2020 when database was last cleaned so that we got so many games its overflow and got out of memory
lol wtf  :omg:

so i maked new table for new reports

p.s. someone pls not forget to remind me to change database table again in 4 years

9 / Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« on: November 22, 2024, 07:40:26 AM »
i can say for 100% speeds are correct
speeds array are = 50 3C 35 2E 28 21 1A 14 0D
which is exactly same as in BNE
last 2 being 14 and 0D which is 20 (EF) and 13 (F) milliseconds of System.Sleep between each game tick
you can see it directly in memory

What CAN BE incorrect with speeds array is how they use them
because it seems like they use QueryPerformanceCounter instead of old c++ Sleep as it was in BNE

well you also cannot say its not correct, from programming point of view its working ok and doing what it need to do
its just NOT SAME as was in original (even if wait timings array is same)

Mods & Development / Re: Italy need your help
« on: November 19, 2024, 11:11:19 AM »
they are not in war2DAT
they are in install.exe (or install.mpq if you have gog version)
you can just rename install.EXE to MPQ and open it normally

Mods & Development / Re: How to open this WAR file from PSX?
« on: November 17, 2024, 06:27:01 PM »
no i dunno
this is non standart WAR archive its not same as on pc version
you can try WarDraft prog but prob will not work

Strategy & Replays / Re: Rebalancing warcraft 2: orc edition
« on: November 16, 2024, 02:12:01 PM »
its good for custom campanign not for multiplayer, if humans get too strong tower rush then balance will be fucked up on to human side now

also if you say storywise human on def then what about beyond dark portal campanign?
you can say they got into portal basically without nothing they need build all from 0

so if you play campanign its can be good to have orc weak buildings in tides of darkness and on beyond dark portal its should be other way (only humans campanign though, in orc campanign they are still in offensive mode mostly)

if you really want to be accurate storywise though, you can just change stats in each mission so they more plot consistent, for example in orc final mission enemy buildings can be even more stronger (humans basically protect their final hope - the capital, its walls cannot be too weak right?) and etc etc

Mods & Development / Re: Campaign mods
« on: November 10, 2024, 12:25:46 PM »
lol danny wtf why you guys cannot just make peace and everyone being happy wtf this is so cursed

Cartography & Custom Maps / Re: U8 Defence map
« on: November 08, 2024, 08:17:16 AM »
we was able to win with 3
map should work ok with many players becoz amount of enemies spawned depends on amount of players

Cartography & Custom Maps / U8 Defence map
« on: November 06, 2024, 05:56:26 PM »
new super cool map u8 defence v 3.1
host UMS with triggers game mode to play
after many tests and fixes we have proven - it is beatable, it is possible to win here

build towers on U, towers killing units give gold, beware if enemies can come thru towers and other end of U they will teleport to 8 too!
use gold from towers kills to make units in barrak, they will be sended to 8
at the center of 8 standing is u8 himself! PROTECT him at ALL COSTS !!!
enemies killed at 8 will also give you wood
make tankers to collect oil, which is needed for upgrades
careful though not make too many tankers, because food limit !

make destroyer to upgrade towers ATTACK SPEED !

paladins autoheal 1 hp for 1 mp

you can send resources to ally with something like  /send 100 gold blue

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