UPDATEI changed the 8 spot so now u chop the tree above the mine where the dark grass patch is missin a space.. this creates a better gold flow with out getting peons congested … also created a BNE Ver wit out dirt paths in base the zip below contains both maps … I am finished im done messin wit this map no matter who btches bout what.. the imperfections makes it what it is ty enjoy
Ok this map has gone threw some great trnasformations from garden of gore to garden of eden to meadows of war (final name by swift)
I have had some great help an suggestions on this map from lots of people mostly from swift who helped me transform it into what it is now
swift an others have asked me to make a map that plays like gow… with all its imperfections an all
ok so not only does it have great similarities to gow how swift says it could be gows retarded cuzin
but it also has its own secrets to learn from backdoor gays to cool little hops
made some more minor edits changed 2 gold mines also...
(if you host map settings.. paladins will build time is 6% faster then ogre mages) just something im testing to make a little balance.. probably not a big difference
like gow 8 is spot fcked but could move to s9 (left middle spot) follow dirt path to it… an potentially could dual 9 or 8 with another mine above 8 (s8) an could be a powerhouse
6 as well still a few steps further from mine but has a lil bit more room from the old 6 it could as well goto s5 dual the back of 6 and cat 5
or even 2 hall build a hall above 8 for choppers an chop to 2 mines... so many new cool secrets these 2 spots 6/8 holds
now 5 is kind of like the new 11 with a little of the old 4 twist... it holds 65k its prone to being catted or gayed but can wall in easy and hop into s5 (back of 6) to surprise him with a gay of its own
4 is placed a little higher now an there is a expo where the old 4 use to be... 4 is prone to being gayed can wall in easy but is kind of like the new 12 with a mine to its backside to chop to
2 is kind of like the old 2 good space for building can rush well from here might be prone to a cannon tower from below but not a long run from the entrance
12 is like 12 still minus the back mine …. good spot to rush from tho same as 2
11 is a little more to the right now and is more like the new 4 prone to being raxed wide opening but can close an is good for rushing
9 is kind of like the old 9... 2 entrances can chop into s9 wit 1 chop from 2 spots … prone to being gayed inside left of mine or catted from below
now as testing goes on for this map we been finding a lot more secrets to it … maybe ull find something cool that u would like to report on the forums?
lmk what cool things u find in the comment section below!!! join my games when u see me hosting this new mow!! thanks have fun