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Topics - Harrywangs

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1 / EQ Squelched?
« on: November 12, 2024, 07:51:51 PM »
So, I'm not sure why, but EQ can't see anything I type, yet I can see what he types. I don't have him permasquelched, u8 showed me where to look to check. Did I probably squelch/ignore him in the past, probably... Any ideas?

2 / Randomly Lag
« on: September 07, 2024, 12:10:34 PM »
Not sure why but I've been lagging lately. I did the whole reset router and whatnot basics. When I remove my VPN, it seems to be fine. VPN is set at the same location it's always been. I changed it to different ones as well and it still lags. I THINK sometimes it doesn't lag sometimes with the VPN but most often does lately. Any ideas as to why?

3 / Backup Server
« on: December 22, 2023, 07:03:55 PM »
Reminder that when it goes down, use the backup servers. (IE- right now)

4 / Brb/Afk/Obs?
« on: October 17, 2023, 08:22:07 PM »
I'm not saying we should necessarily do this but what does everyone think of possibly adding "obs" to game channel or whatever it's called. We have brb and afk that pops up to the right of the person's name, which is pretty effective. But if someone wants to obs, it's often overlooked, needs to be repeated or the game is started. Again, not saying it should be implemented but I'm just curious what everyone else thinks.

Also, one that says "noob" wouldn't be terrible either. :)

5 / Forum Moderator
« on: September 26, 2023, 02:23:04 PM »
There really needs to be a more active moderator for this forum. Tora, I know you do it sometimes but not daily or necessarily weekly. I also know you are the only admin that does anything tbh. (appreciated)

Honestly, and EQ, yes, I'm going to throw some shade right now but I'm being direct, out of respect. I'm also taking some blame. The forums tend to get a bit rowdy when you get worked up. The last, 6 months or something, when you were not active, the forums were fairly quiet and not all mucked up. I'm not saying it's all you because it is not, but you bring a decent amount of it.

I would urge people, including myself, to start a new topic if you are going to go off topic and mess up someone else's post. I understand my responding does not help either. I am guilty of that. Naturally, small comments here and there will happen, and that's fine but when it gets crazy, it needs to be stopped and/or deleted.

Sometimes there are valid things to say and topics that need to be brought up, yes, but that needs to be moved to its own thread. @~ToRa~

6 / Alt Tab Delay
« on: August 25, 2023, 03:26:42 PM »
Got a newer monitor (have 2 total up, they are 2 dif ones) and, while alt tab always has its delays, due to differences in resolutions, the new monitor (set at the same 1920x1080) has a much longer delay. It's even making me lag. Don't really see any useful drivers for the monitor.

Been messing around with it a bit and I have no idea. Also, the newer monitor can do 2560x1440, which is the recommended. I'm guessing it has something to do with that. Wondering if anyone could help me out.


« on: August 05, 2023, 02:15:51 AM »
This tournament is starting after the 1st/2nd round for those of us (like me) who cannot beat teams like swift/st/u8/viruz/etc.

I will be super busy so if you can, let me know if you are in for the tourney.

Prize is $100 for first. Same rules apply as other tourney.

8 / 2v2 Tournament 8.5 --OFFICIAL RULES--
« on: August 05, 2023, 02:05:16 AM »
Welcome everyone to the 2s tournament- starting at 12PM EST- hosted by Tora and Harrywangs. Here are some rules and guidelines for today.

1) If you are eliminated early, there is "2nd tournament", starting immediately after your elimination (you must play 1st tourney to play 2nd), for those who qualify (R1 and maybe some R2 teams); which includes a $100 prize for the winners.

2) DM me your teams. I will not be in chat due to spam.

3) Initial match ups will be posted on forum here. Once your matchup is posted, you may play. Shortly after that, and everything is established, I will create the actual brackets and post the link on here and my profile.

4) Report each win/loss to me after each game.

5) Any team that smurfs- yes you player- (1 or both players- R1 and on) and qualifies for the prize money will only receive half of the prize and will need to be revealed as well. Please play under your known name. If you don't, you will forfeit due to lack of obedience, and the next team will receive the prize.

6) Laggers will be given a reasonable amount of time to correct it. If that cannot be accomplished, the team with the lagger/s will be disqualified. Contact Harrywangs or Tora when it initially happens.

7) If your team is not ready for the next game within a reasonable amount of time and with consideration to where everyone else is in the tournament, you may be disqualified.

8) Obs priority will be as such (games may be restarted if this becomes an issue)
   A) Tournament Hosts- Harrywangs/Tora
   B) Streamers- Who are known to have viewers (minimum 30 second delay)
   C) Players who played in the tournament- Those who went the furthest will have priority
   D) Players who did not play in the tournament- Sorry, your friends get last priority

9)  Any and all necessary final decisions will be made by Harrywangs or Tora


1st- $500
2nd- $250
3rd- $150

2nd Tournament (eliminated teams that qualify) 1st place- $100

Round 1- BO3
Round 2– TBD (Depends on number of participants)
Round 3- TBD (Depends on number of participants)
Round 4- TBD (Depends on number of participants)

9 / 2v2GOW TOURNAMENT AUGUST 5th- 11CST - $500 1st place
« on: July 12, 2023, 08:26:37 PM »
Hey everyone, it's been a while since the last tourney. (Duddaaaa!!!) So, Tora and I will be hosting a big 2s tournament.

Date/Time: Saturday, August 5th at 11:00AM CST/12:00 EST/6PM CET (feel free to dbl check me lol)

Type: Single Elimination with a loser bracket with a prize. (might use duda's preliminary round robin type idea too)- TBD- Depends on the turnout


1st- $500
2nd- $250
3rd- $150
Loser bracket 1st place- $100

Rounds will depend on the number of players participating. Ideally, I would like to start off with BO3, and then move it to maybe BO5 for Semis and then B05 or B07 for finals. Yes, that will make it longer, but I do feel like people tend to say, "oh that's it?" towards the late rounds and by that time, everyone is watching.

I'm setting this date so far in the future so that people can plan, and we can have a better turnout. I think the last tournament I did, even Braviet came back but how long did it take until he heard about it? It also gives time for people to "unrust".

Knitter- Maybe you can get Jesk back on. You guys won the 2s tournament a few years ago.

Shotgun- See if you can contact KHB. KHB could possibly contact Ash too.

EQ- You can come back and play and/or do your twitch commentary everyone loved.

Swift- (idk if he even goes on here) maybe you can get Joe back or Steve.

U8- All of Poland

Please tell any and all players you have contact with, currently playing or not. Word of mouth is really valuable, and I will do my spam stuff in the channel of course. I don't know/have the FB page but if someone can comment on there or any other social media, it would be greatly appreciated. The goal is to have as many players/top tier players as possible, so everyone isn't just assuming who is in the finals and waiting for that.

Any feedback or questions are encouraged.

10 / Server Down?
« on: February 03, 2023, 06:16:02 PM »
Server down or is it just on my end?

11 / How to acquire more players
« on: December 31, 2022, 01:22:49 PM »
We kind of touched on this in the other thread but I wanted to start a fresh one. In order to execute something like this, it needs to be handled like starting a new business. We often say, we need to advertise, which is absolutely correct but, as stated before, once you get someone to want to download the game, we have hurdles that would be best if they could be addressed by us before that. We need, in a sense, a business plan.

I understand some of this will be more difficult or possibly not doable (basically the 2nd one) but maybe we can do some sort of workaround or something.

1) Leaders- who will be in charge of making sure things get done/ideas/implementation/sourcing feedback/committees/deadlines

2) Downloading Game- Deal with RU/Virus/Safety/Limit individual files/Structure and process of actual download (player)

3) Internal Functionality- Website update or revamp/banner/Some sort of notification option of games hosted/Server Status Page advertisement or link/Clean up "spam" or all of the text when you initially log in/Faster refresh when you click "join"/Ease of access to resources/Admins?/new innovations (maybe automatically hosted games for new people or for GOWEF/Chop vs computers? Idk, random thought) (Or maybe hosted games with closed slots that are there just to communicate)

These are just quick random things off the top of my head. More would be needed as well as input from others.

4) How to retain new players:

      A- More games available
      B- What is our "competition" doing right that we are not? (USA)
      C- Have a timeframe where people host games for new people weekly? (better players do like 3v1s or something so it's not so boring?)
      D- What are we already doing good and how can we capitalize on it
      E- SPOCS to assist new players

5) How to retain veteran players?

      A- Tournaments- the bigger the better. More advertisement via the channels we have available/new ones. Longer time to advertise. Make it a
      "festival" as Burnt used to do. I love me some smurf tournaments. (No tendencies from players you know!!)
      B- Certain times for good players to play
      C- A single platform for players to communicate outside of actual warcraft to talk about when people want to play
      D- Make them fun outside of the actual gameplay. The smurf thing lets people make creative names based off of a certain subject. (IE- the
      Halloween one I did) Sounds stupid, but kind of fun too. Hallowangs would agree.
      E- No 6/8 tournament. Any player who starts 6 or 8 visions everyone to prove it then new game is started until nobody has it.
      F- Fix ladder for team games (2s)

6) Tournaments

      A- Have tournaments be during consistent times of the year. So, like, you could do all holiday ones so players know that, during xmas break, there
      will be a tourney every year. This way they can anticipate it.
      B- Length- are they too short or too long?
      C- Qualifiers?
      D- Top 10 ladder player tourney?
      E- Funding (can tora fund everything?!?!) How do we get more funding so he doesn't have to. So many people on here brag they easily make
      F- Ask players what would excite them
      G- Streaming- Make sure people know who is streaming and how to get there. It seems you have to hear by word of mouth via channel and even
      then, by time people do or don't, they are in other games or left.
      Tiered Tournaments- This has been done before but you can exclude higher skilled players, so others have a fighting chance.
      Weighted Tournaments- 1 loss hurts more for some than others. Might be stupid or unable to be executed but I'm just typing stuff.

7) Features- Things like server status page, obs feature, in game info like apm, things in channel, game bots (only via whispers so you don't annoy everyone). Things that don't necessarily have to do with the gameplay but other options that make the game more interesting and user friendly.

8.) Advertisement

      A) U8 and other war2 player's twitch
      B) Other non-war2 twitch users- many play old games and such, request war2 and have them give a shout out.
      C) Youtube- start our own video or look at other videos already posted and comment in the section to let people know we exist. I've seen many
      where people go, it's dead now, nobody is on or I wish I could still play.
      D) Reddit and other forums
      E) Comments on other games- similar games like sc2, war3 and other RTS sites/forums/youtube comments could be good places to advertise too.

9) GOWEF Map Fix? (The bare minimum only)

      A) 6- Add 1 tree
      B) 8- take away 1 tree
      C) 4- take away 1 tree
      I'm going to guess this won't be overly popular with the higher skilled players for reasons I already argued about the resolution. Although
      everyone would be playing the same map. I created this map a while ago actually. It'll change the game, but I tell you what, I hear top players bitch
      about spots more than anyone else. Then if/when they lose, they blame spots. "I had 6/8 3x in a row" I'm not trying to split the community either
      though. Everyone hates these spots. I've questioned this since day 1.

This is simply a brainstorm but as you can see, simply getting more people to DL it isn't really the right way to go about it. Fixing this issue is a lot more involved than most people think. If you want to do something right, you have to do it right. It will involve some money, time, and mostly manpower.

12 / Typical Holiday User Numbers
« on: December 28, 2022, 04:10:12 PM »
During the holidays, there is always an uptick in how many users are on. Usually, we get a solid 60-80 from what I recall. We've had about 25-50ish regularly lately. Winter usually bumps up a bit.

Long story short, we are well short of the typical number of users playing during our peak time. Not a good sign of things to come. It seems to be accelerating at a higher place lately.

Notable players missing:

Myself- took 11 months off
Swift- took a year off apparently
ST- back after how long?
Lone- just around recently otherwise not active as far as I know besides a few smurfs here and there
Braviet- most active user along with u8 who disappeared one day but did randomly show up at a higher prize tourney, lol
spb- still plays but is on noticeably less
00Steve- seen a few times compared to daily

Joe- (it's been a while now but still missed/left even though he comes and goes here and there)
Knitterhemd (I see only here and there sometimes)
Teaboy- seen him logged a few times in the last 2-3 months and not playing
Andrez- probably on an aka idk
Player- (ya right)
PB- only on recently
ESN- MIA 2 years?
Equinox- saw him the other day for the first time in 2-3 months (yes, I read the forum)
KHB- was playing a bit before I left
Any of the iS
Ragnar- I've seen him a couple times- more active lately but, since he took admin, I've seen him rarely. :(
Talrand- plays seldom
Donger (smurfing?)
Hotty (always on during the holiday season- 1st time not since he quit
Brz seem to be on less. Rasak for sure.

I'm sure there are many more I can't think of off the top of my head. I'm sure some are smurfing too that I don't know.

Unfortunately, these are just the bigger known names of the community. I'm sure we've lost a LOT of lesser-known names/players as well who don't get the recognition.

13 / Obs Vision Proposal
« on: December 19, 2022, 05:42:23 PM »
I'll start this out with the proposal, for Player/Wg, then give some explanation. :)

Proposal- Players who obs themselves should only be able to have vision/obs features of their allies. Not their opponents.

This has kind of perplexed me a bit since day 1. In a game where, let's be honest, integrity isn't one of this communities' best qualities, we let each other see the enemies vision/resources/etc, possibly well before the game is over. I mean, it's kind of just asking people to cheat. Not only that but it really limits your ability to "verbally" help your team (example below). Don't forget we also have tournaments for money.

You can argue streams and other players watching can do the same thing but those can all be reasonably taken away. Players who obs mid-game cannot. Also, just about everyone does this but when you watch at the end, you help your teammate/s out with what you see that they don't see in real time. Now, once you obs yourself, at least on my end, if I say anything, I consciously say things to pards that have nothing to do with what I can see from enemies. (IE- your dk at 3 is ready/peons at 4 stuck/wtf are you doing) I can't say scout this mine or the rest of the map.

14 / AI changed?
« on: December 03, 2022, 06:04:54 PM »
Why are ogres performing random movements that they never did before? I've seen it multiple times and have heard it from many, including good/top players.

Most recently, I was 12, my ally at 9 was being attacked. I moved from 12 to outside of 9 to lust, probably still 20-ish spaces away from the enemy ogres, and the ogres started going in like they were being attacked or as if they were in the normal vicinity of which the standard AI would make the ogres react.

15 / Obs Removing Obs
« on: December 03, 2022, 04:20:57 PM »
What genius, in the last year, decided it was a good idea for obs to be able to remove other obs? How in the world did that get implemented?

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