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Topics - Schmuder

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Mods & Development / Changing Colors
« on: September 02, 2024, 09:43:07 PM »
Good day everyone,

Im new in this forum and hope I post this in the right section. I stumbled upon some Warcraft 2 MP Streams and it ignited a flame to bust out Warcraft II and play the campaign again
This questions might sound a little dumb, but is it possible to change the color from the normal blue (alliance) to something else? I tried to extract the campaign files with MPQEditor, opened the first campaign from the humans and just tried to switch it from blue to yellow. When I put the file back in and started it, it crashed :D
I dont know if its maybe hardcoded.
Just dont want to always look at blue(alliance) or red (orc) :D
Helps, Tips, Suggestions, everything is appreciated!
Thanks for keeping one of my favorite childhood games alive in so many facettes!
Hope you all got a nice day

Kind regards,


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