this actually proves that warcraft 2 game balance was never truly appreciated and seen in action, since campaigns didn't even work properly.
Overall, orc campaign maps work better than Humans so you can see better off how Humans fight better.
In most of Human campaign missions, either tides of darkness or dark portal, you cant even see fully upgraded Ogres and overall Orc clans so it would make sense to be percieved as "beatable", yet in Orc missions you can fight against a bit more upgraded Human factions, yet Orcs still have more than enough fire power even against upgraded Humans.
Bloodlust is the way to go in every single orc mission ever since its given to you its too cost efficient and good to neglect , orc campaign either it be tides or beyond are just ogre mage spam with few DKs thrown in for death and decay you don't need any other unit.
Humans are a bit more interesting in that you would have rangers mages and paladins demo squads and gryphons way better experience than orc cuz u actually use ur arsenal fully.
Problem is warcraft 2 gameplay is poor in this day and age its aged badly like pretty bad im willing to forgive the garbage pathfinding , the crappy UI , the lack of waypoints , the inability to see enemy HP at all time and more if the balance was solid but nope its just visual differences with no statistical substance whatsoever