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Messages - Nox

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46 / Re: am i banned?
« on: June 29, 2024, 08:19:42 AM »
Have you try to install another game?

47 / Re: how to play new ladder
« on: June 23, 2024, 07:01:57 PM »
ye i can make posts with maps pool on each new seasons
and people must be able to play many types of maps, ofc there will not be something like ums maps with changed stats or etc
but there must be always at least 1 water map
Warcraft 2 is also sea battles, even if many peoples forgetting about it often

You really think peoples dont play water maps because they forgot it exist?? People know it exist dont worry about that, if they dont play them its because no one like that, no one want to play water map, there no action, its borring and a game is generally 1 hour or more, most of peoples play 1 game and must go back in real life after. There like 4 players on the server who like that, the rest dont. Its already hard to convict peoples to play random maps, if you also want them to play map they dont like, then no one will play your ladder at all, i know you dont play this game alor sir, but maybe you should let the map pool selection to someone with more experience. Or i guess you will have build this ladder for nothing, you just cant throw random maps in that pool, i know it said random, but random dont necessairly mean random, it mean we dont know what map we gonna get once we create, but in general, maps must be choose carefully with smart decisions, putting water maps, free ressource map or critter maps with full muttons that block you to build is not what gonna help the ladder, believe me, good luck bro. 

please show respect to Ed, he did a lot for this game since like 2020. He really deserves so much respect. Even if you dont like this new ladder random system by him.

You're still free to keep playing Gardens of War and nothing else.

It's still better in the end of the day to have more variability, rather than nothing. And just keep hosting Gardens of War or Chop non-stop.

Im actually the first who have show respect to him by being the first and mostly the only one to comment his thread, i dont do this to be bad with him, i do this because i hope the ladder work, when you say he did this since 2020, dont forgot i did this since 2002, so my experience at this game is pretty much on top. Dont forgot something too, he dint create this ladder yesterday, he create this ladder 6 month ago, and for the last 6 months nobody dint cares at all about it, so maybe he need someone like me to tell him why it dont work. Dont be offended because someone actually cares of him and his ladder and want to help him.

48 / Re: how to play new ladder
« on: June 23, 2024, 06:53:52 PM »
The main reason why people dont play them, its mostly because its basicly a 1 hour game, and most peoples log for an hour or two, so when they log they hope to play 3-4-5-6 games, but if they play water maps, they will play 1 or 2 games. For my own part, i just think its borring, i have no fun at all playing this to be honnest, making a boat to transfert 6 units to another island, yeah, not for me.

49 / Re: how to play new ladder
« on: June 23, 2024, 06:32:54 PM »
ye i can make posts with maps pool on each new seasons
and people must be able to play many types of maps, ofc there will not be something like ums maps with changed stats or etc
but there must be always at least 1 water map
Warcraft 2 is also sea battles, even if many peoples forgetting about it often

You really think peoples dont play water maps because they forgot it exist?? People know it exist dont worry about that, if they dont play them its because no one like that, no one want to play water map, there no action, its borring and a game is generally 1 hour or more, most of peoples play 1 game and must go back in real life after. There like 4 players on the server who like that, the rest dont. Its already hard to convict peoples to play random maps, if you also want them to play map they dont like, then no one will play your ladder at all, i know you dont play this game alor sir, but maybe you should let the map pool selection to someone with more experience. Or i guess you will have build this ladder for nothing, you just cant throw random maps in that pool, i know it said random, but random dont necessairly mean random, it mean we dont know what map we gonna get once we create, but in general, maps must be choose carefully with smart decisions, putting water maps, free ressource map or critter maps with full muttons that block you to build is not what gonna help the ladder, believe me, good luck bro. 

50 / Re: how to play new ladder
« on: June 22, 2024, 08:31:12 PM »
Yeah i guess we can see maps by folders, the problem is no one really willing to go that deep to know whats are the maps, and if they want to see them they also need to open editor map, thats very complicated, you should just make an official presentation of them on forum or official website with image of the maps and short description of them.. Doing something a little bit more professionnal then just hoping peoples to searchs in their folders and editor map.

Not only its better for everyone but it will ecourage them to play it when they see a nice clean presentation of the season.

Also, im not sure about adding free ressources map on these pool, i kinda feel that selection of maps, but the arena one is not something that really belong there, same for water map, you should make sure the maps are something everyone play in general, free ressources is mostly something to play for fun and water map are probably play by a minority on the server, lot of peoples will not play a random ladder if some map are really dislike.

Thanks for the work too, really appreciated.

51 / Re: how to play new ladder
« on: June 22, 2024, 06:51:18 PM »
I love the concept but im not a fan of how it is done.

My probleme is pretty simple, there no informations about it at all.

How does it work??

You said its Random maps, but how much maps there in the pool??


What are the maps, it will be fun to have image of them and the name of them to know exactly what we gonna play.

Did you speak with community to know what kind of maps and rules they want or you only did speak with u8 so its another ladder to personally please him.

Thanks for answer.

Support Requests / Grey Screen
« on: June 07, 2024, 09:02:39 AM »
I got an issue with my game, not sure why, but my screen is grey, i mean i can see the game, but there a grey glow on my screen, its like super dark and it basicly unplayable, i can play but its really unconfortable and after couples games my eyes just cant stand it anymore.

Im not sure why it does this, its basicly the first time, i think its relate to my HDR mode, but even if i remove it, it keep doing it since then.

Any can help with that pls.

53 / Re: Cheats
« on: June 07, 2024, 08:32:51 AM »
yea ofc i know, i sended it to Ragner in 2019 lul
its prog SaveView from 1999 maked by DjinnKahn, i found it long ago in occult forum
anyone could have download this prog here long ago, probably most of old players have it anyways
its actually nothing much its just open *.mlt file of saved game and gets many info from here and shows it
ironically it was used to cheat when DjinnKahn actually created this prog to catch cheaters, there was very old cheats in 1998-1999 etc, they not works now but in old days it was possible to somehow hack resources and make more units or upgrades than you can afford, so he maked that prog to check if some player have more stuff he can acutally pay. Dunno why he also added picture of a map though.

And main point is that DjinnKahn probably not thinked that someone can use it to check any info on game while game itself still going, he thinked people use this prog after game ended.
Probably because this thing is just too noticiable and very easy to catch if you know what happening. If you see some unknown saved game in maps/save folder, you can know someone saved and may use this prog itself to know who was host. So if you see that someone saved game like 2 mins in and most important not said that he did it, well its very sus.
So if someone find some sus saved games in their folders now you can probably know why.

So yea if you ask how to defend from it? U cant, unless you forbid saving games entirely. Even if not using this prog, any hackerman can make his own other prog to read save file. BUT this stuff is VERY noticeable and have main condition for use: you MUST be host, only host can save game.
Also if players check their save folder regularly and find unknown files they immediately know smething is sus.

So basicly this is something i have said for at least 2016 while everyone was calling me crazy and retarded and tell me i have mental issues, its funny how it ruin my reputation for years while i was totally right.

I will not ask to everyone to appologies, clearly not, but i hope some peoples realise how bad they have make me feel for years while i knew i was totally right.

Thanks to finnally tell the truth after almost 10 years.

54 / Re: Cheats
« on: June 07, 2024, 06:55:08 AM »
Hi Ragner,
Thank you for your words.

Of course I was also very disappointed when I read your news.
We played a lot of 1v1. You often won the close games and yet I was never disappointed.
It was fun and I would never have thought of cheating.
We played as a team, won and lost.
We were always respectful to each other, even when we lost.
That always made me feel very comfortable at your side.

It shows greatness that you overcome yourself and talk about it here of your own free will.
Stick to it, stay honest, stop cheating.
I still remember you as a very decent young person, nothing will change that.
You are forgiven from my side.
I hope all is well with you in your private life.

I look forward to honest games in the future.

See you soon, all the best, knitter.

If you want honnest games, just start by saying your a liar and i beat your ass 7-5 and the only reason your still master is because i dint request it from admin because i wanted to be cool with you, and instead to be gratefull with me you were there acting like a punk calling me a bitch and saying to everyone i was the liar.

Ragner is a man, your a punk, now i wanted you to say the truth and i want my master tag back, cuz i beat you and you lie, after, we see if there honnest games for you.

And i dont want ( A master tag ) I want YOUR master tag, cuz its actually mine and you dont deserve it anymore, ungratfull liar!

55 / Re: Equinox must get his honor back
« on: May 29, 2024, 05:17:57 PM »
Love you too brother, ill com play soon on server, hope to see you there.

56 / Re: Cheats 2
« on: May 29, 2024, 03:21:56 PM »
I wish everyone understand Ragner is not the only one who have used differents methods to gain advantage over their competitors. So dont act like hes the devil himself, because there peoples worst than him who will never do what he did today, believe me.

I wish peoples forgive Ragner and dont start to ask him everyday if he cheats against them, he admit it, said sorry, and ask for forgiveness, now it's past, it seem like he decide to take another path today and being an honnest player, and thats the only thing we must remember about this, leave this guy alone, cuz what he did today need alot of courage and thats the first step to an healty environement with good friends in confidence.

57 / Re: Equinox must get his honor back
« on: May 29, 2024, 03:01:52 PM »
Ill forgive you Ragner, everyone can do mystake, but mostly no one have the courage you have today, in 20 years on this server, thats the first time i feel respected and not treat like i have mental issues, thank you my friend, your a good person, past dont make your future, your a man with alot of honor, from tonight, you will be able to sleep knowing that you got the respect of the greatest Warcraft II player of all time, maybe not the best, but clearly the greatest, i wish you the best in your life. :newthumbsup:

58 / Re: War2 RU Ladder......
« on: March 29, 2024, 07:35:24 PM »
After 6 years you guys decide to take that request seriously, wow, im honore.


Do you know the 22 january 2024

Its the day i beat startale and Lusted in a real legit 1v2.

60 / Re: playing with high res game (chayliss look)
« on: January 17, 2024, 04:03:30 PM »
idk what this is but HD gives like 20-30% more field of view from what i've seen.. it's a hack if we're being honest.

Its not an hack if its an official release by the admins and able to everyone to have it.

Its and update of the game, an option.

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