Thank you for writing hostbot
I have modified hostbot2 and launched PBALL_HostBot, with 2 maps so far: 60men, and 45men
I fixed a bug, when checking "Fixed Order" the next step was to hit enter to start the game, however hitting enter just unchecked Fixed Order so the game never started.
I fixed it by reordering the game setup - so it did Fixed Order then did Map Resources then hit enter to start the game.
The next thing I did is finish writing the GameTeams section so there is 1v1 (2v6), 2v2 (3v4), 3v3 (4v4), 3v4 (4v4). Game Teams for some reason Blizzard did not give it a hotkey like all the others lol! But I worked around that by first "T" for Game Type, then TAB over to Teams then DOWN to open the menu and then UP 7x to reset the settings to the top
However, it should be kept in mind that the key strokes for GameTeams selection are only correct if a 4v4 map is used, for a 3v3 map there are different options (obviously 4v4 is not an option) so the key strokes are different.
To handle this I created GameTeams names such as 31v1 - meanining the selection of 1v1 on a 3v3 map type.
In pball it was a bit more complicated than GoW because the maps are Fixed Order.
Because of Fixed Order, a different map is required for each Game Team - take for example a 1v1 60men - player 2 needs to be lined up across from player 3, but in a 2v2, player 2 and 3 need to be on the same side.
So a seperate map was created for each (thanks xXxSmeagolxXx), and presets were made for "601v1" "602v2" etc
Everything is working and I plan to launch a few other custom map bots
I just have one problem - After pball_gamebot starts the game, the game begins but is very laggy, then after about 15seconds everyone drops
In the game were hostbot and I on the same network (sep ports forwarded) and 1 other player on a different network
This happened 2 times that I tested, so far no succesful games because of it
Any ideas?
No, no, no!!
I fixed a bug, when checking "Fixed Order" the next step was to hit enter to start the game, however hitting enter just unchecked Fixed Order so the game never started.
This makes no sense dude. Fixed Order is not at the same screen as ok for game start..... also enter sends text not starts game.... alt + O for okay...... its not time yet archer you still have 5 months of being banned
All these minor changes lol...
I was talking about game creation, not game start dumbass
When ENTER is sent right after checking Fixed Order, it is then unchecked instead of creating the game. I fixed it by reordering the game creation steps.
It was a simple bug, Lance would have fixed it but he probably never came across it because he hasnt had to use any maps that use Fixed Order yet
I also finished up what Lance had started on with GameTeams and added in my own game presets and map navigations. What have you done? Nothing
No bother explaining anyways to someone who claims to be a l33t programmer but actually doesnt know or do shit
Youre not a l33t hacker either as you claim to be, I'd call you a script kiddie, but you dont even know how to USE the scripts much less write them! lmao what a newb
Your pretty worthless dude... nuff said
Stop jacking this thread with nonsense about some archer guy
Just want to know why my bot lags out and everyone drops right after the game starts