looks like maybe from the alpha version.
Maybe, but it's still resident in the process for BNE v2.02, although not used.
yeah u'd just want it for a rts engine..with added perks... built in bnet
,ipx etc.
Yeah, the stratagus guys did some cool stuff, but AFAIK it's still all incompatible with WC2, i.e. you cant play unless all players are using wagus?
speed i still havent found it.
but attacks can be changed and range.
Attacks and range are in the the PUD format, speed is not (attack speed or movement speed).
Also certianly there is no guaranteed attack speed for units. Melee units tend to just hit anything in range, but cats and drags etc. do not necessarily do this. Telling a cat to attack something in range doesn't guarantee it will do it asap. Also peons/peasants move slower when they are carrying.
This sort of thing tends to suggest that the timing of such things is built into the AI, there must still be a bunch of numbers
somewhere that at the very least describes a minimum time interval for units taking their next action, but it may or may not be a list for each unit type, as with most unit attributes.
The pathing code advance calculates the next 20 steps for all moving units, then adjusts if that path is blocked, but it does this independantly of the unit's speed, the timing is being dictated somewhere in the core of the engine.
It's facinating stuff, I wish I had more time to look at it right now.